Motion Picture MP2013-14
Administrative Information
Home movies showing Robert Landry in Paris, around airplanes, and aboard airplane. Date unknown.
SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.
SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.
This item does not circulate but reproductions may be purchased.
To request a copy of this item, please contact
Please note that this video belongs to a different video collection than the items available to be borrowed by teachers, from our Education Department.
Shot List
0:00 Begins with plane in flight from POV of other plane, then cuts to military person walking.
1:22 Paris streets
1:48 Possibly Robert Landry taking pictures of city.
2:06 People performing check on plane.
2:30 Robert Landry at airplane.
2:50 Planes filmed taking off and landing.
3:30 More street shots.
3:43 Shooting film from inside plane.
4:06 Close up of Robert Landry flying plane, then lots of shots of open sea until end.