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Screen Gems Collection

Outtakes from Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman

Compiled by Brent Pennel, Pauline Testerman, and Amy L. Williams (2003); Pauline Testerman (2007, 2009).

The Screen Gems Collection consists of outtakes created during the production of the film series, Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman. Included is material created by both Talent Associates, Ltd. and Screen Gems, Inc. Material ranges from informal interviews with Truman, members of his family, and associates, to more formal, scripted readings by Truman. There are a few instances of historical footage from unknown sources that was gathered for use in the production. The subject matter includes Truman's personal life as well as his decisions as president. Sound recordings comprise about 90% of the collection. Formats include 35mm and 16mm black and white film, reel-to-reel tape, and 35mm and 16mm soundtracks.

The outtakes are listed below by accession number, which is the number researchers need when requesting to view or obtain a copy of an outtake. All of the films in the Truman Library's collection are available for viewing at the Library and for copying. The films are not loaned. For additional information about the Screen Gems Collection, please contact the archives staff by telephone at 816-268-8228, by e-mail at, or by writing to the Library at 500 West U.S. Highway 24, Independence, Missouri 64050.

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Screen Gems Collection

/30 seconds

Harry S. Truman speaks of calling a meeting of the cabinet after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's death. He mentions a cabinet member who returned from Yalta a weary man (probably Harry Hopkins). This segment was probably used for episode 1. Sound only.

35mm/3 minutes 52 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses his county court race for judge and early elections. Sound only.

35mm/50 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses the Nuremberg Trials. Mr. Truman speaks of the difficulty of getting the British to agree to have trials. Sound only.

35mm/42 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses why he didn’t want the same thing to happen to Hitler that happened to Napoleon. Mr. Truman says, “Hitler was the greatest murderer in the history of the world.” Sound only.

35mm/34 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses his visit with Prime Minister Anthony Eden about the Nuremberg Trials. Sound only.

35mm/2 minutes 45 seconds

Harry S. Truman recalls working as a young man for a bank for $35.00 a week. Farmers deposited money when times were good and withdrew money when times were bad. He learned the prosperity of the farmer was important for the country as a whole. Sound only.

35mm/3 minutes 16 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses his visit to Phoenix, Arizona. He gave a lecture on the presidency. Over 10,000 people were at the airport. He was pushed into a post and broke his ribs. Mr. Truman discusses with Merle Miller the possibility of doing a television program on the six great decisions of history. Sound only.

35mm/5 minutes 44 seconds

Harry S. Truman discusses the Truman and Young farms in Missouri, Mr. Truman’s visits with his grandparents, and Mr. Truman’s sister Mary Jane’s commentary on the Truman Corners Shopping C