
  1. Harry S. Truman
  2. Library Collections
  3. President Harry S. Truman's White House Staff

President Harry S. Truman's White House Staff

1945 - 1953


(by Staff Member Last Name)

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]


Name Office
Abrams, Rose S. (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Kerr in Mr. Locke's Office
Adams Jr., Lawrence A., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1946
Alderman, Florence Correspondence Staff
Alexander, Fred C. Mr. Pratt's Staff (detailed from the National Security Resources Board)
Allen, George E.
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at George E. Allen Public Library (Bonneville, Mississippi)
  • See also: Personal Papers at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Personal Representative of the President (for the liquidation of War Agencies): 08/30/45 - 01/46
Anderson, Howard S. Assistant Supervising Agent, U.S. Secret Service
Anderson, Margaret Mr. Spingarn's Office
Anderson, Ruth General Vaughan's Office
Anderson, Vernice Mr. Locke's Office
Andrews, Ida Social Office
Andrews, Russell P. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Archibald, Fred J., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1950
Arrington, Howard B. Plumber
Arthur, Betty (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Arthur, Henry B.
  • See: Personal Papers at Harvard Business School Archives, Baker Library
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Asay, Mary (Mrs.)  
Avery, Isaac M. White House carpenter
Ayers, Eben A. Assistant Press Secretary, Special Assistant in the White House Office

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Name Office
Bachelder, Mable (Mrs.)  
Bachelder, Toinette Marya Judge Rosenman's Office; Mr. Clifford's Office; Mr. Murphy's Office
Baker, Warren P., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Marines: 1951
Baller, Mrs. Maurice H. Files
Banner, Marian (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Barnes, James M.
  • See: Personal Papers at Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/12/45 - 07/10/45
Barnett, A.H. Messenger
Barrows, Roberta
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Secretary to Mr. Connelly
Barry, Frank M. U.S. Secret Service
Bassie, V. Lewis
  • See: Personal Papers at University of Illinois Archives
Mr. Harriman's Staff
Bartenstein, Helen (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Batchelor, Eileen Correspondence Staff
Batte, James H., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946-1948
Beache, Josephine (Mrs.) Files
Beard, Emma L. (Mrs.) Secretary to Maurice C. Latta; Secretary to William J. Hopkins
Beard, Lorraine (Mrs.) Files
Behn, Gerald A. U.S. Secret Service
Belair, Felix Jr. Mr. Gray's Local Office
Belcher, Marjorie S. Dr. Steelman's Office
Bell, David E.
  • Staff Member and Office Files: David E. Bell Files
  • Personal Papers
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Records of the Office of Management and Budget [OMB], Records of the Director's Office at NARA (Record Group 51.8.1)
  • See also: Records of the Agency for International Development [AID] at NARA (Record Group 286)
  • See also: U.S. Agency for International Development Records, 1961-63, at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Special Assistant (Mr. Murphy's Staff): 1947-48; Administrative Assistant to the President: 12/51 - 01/53
Bennett, Florence Records
Berger, Samuel
  • See: Personal Papers at Georgetown University, Special Collections Division
Mr. Harriman's Staff (detailed from the State Department)
Bergheim, Myrtle Secretary to Mr. Ross
Berryman, Margaret (Mrs.) Mr. Elsey's Office
Bissonette, Bettie (Mrs.) Telephone Operator
Blakistone, Anne Mr. Connelly's Office
Blackistone, J. Frank U.S. Secret Service
Blankenship, Mrs. Mail Room
Blaska, Kenneth Correspondence Staff
Boardley, John Chief of Supply Room and Chief Messenger: 04/12/45 - 07/11/50
Boggs, Lillburn U.S. Secret Service
Bonds, Dr. Alfred B., Jr. Dr. Steelman's Office
Bonis, Austin, Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946
Bonsteel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Raymond K.) Assistant Chief of Files: 1945-49; Chief of Files: 1949-53
Boring, Floyd M. U.S. Secret Service
Bosch, Lester L. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the War Production Board)
Bowers, Betty Files
Bradshaw, Edward Correspondence Staff
Braun, Theodore Mr. Gray's Local Office
Bray, William J. Dr. Steelman's Office (Special Assistant: 04/47 - 04/49)
Breithut, Henrietta (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Breor, Arthur R. U.S. Secret Service
Brew, Ellen (Mrs.) Mr. Dawson's Office
Brister, Annie R. Mail Room
Brister, Georgia F. Social Correspondence
Brite, Mrs. E.  
Browdy, Sergeant Abraham Admiral Leahy's Office
Brown, Richard E., Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1951
Brown, Violet (Mrs.) Secretary to General Maylon
Brown, Vice Admiral Wilson
  • See: Personal Papers at The United States Naval Academy Library, Special Collections & Archives Division
  • See also: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Naval Aide: 04/12/45 - 05/03/45
Burchinal Anne  
Burke, J.T. U.S. Secret Service