Size: 10 linear feet.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Harry Clark, Jr. (1967).
Box 1
- General organization
- Minutes and meetings
- Scope of recommendations
- Administrative arrangement
- Applicants
- Financial arrangements
- General
- Travel
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr. Executive Secretary, Economic and Financial Analysis
- Davis, Kenneth, Executive Secretary, Consumer Goods
- Fox, Karl A., Executive Secretary, Food Resources
- Hinrichs, Ford A., Executive Secretary, Manpower
- Liebert, Herran W., Assistant Executive Secretary, Drafting
- Livingston, Morris, Executive Secretary, Capital and Durable Goods
- Millikan, Max F., Assistant Executive Secretary, Transportation
- Moto, Richard, Executive Secretary, Mineral Resources
- Van Hyming, Sam
- Batcheller, Hiland
- Buchanan, Robert E.
- Burgess, W. Randolph
- Carey, James B.
Box 2
- Collyer, John L.
- Conway, Cranville
- Coolbaugh, Molville F.
- Davis, Chester C.
- Deupree, R. R.
- Hoffman, Raul G.
- Hoover, Calvin B.
- Koenig, Robert
- LaFollette, Robert M., Jr.
- Mason, Edward S.
- Meany, George
- Moulton, Harold G.
- Myers, William I.
- Sproul, Robert G.
- Young, Owen D.
- Travel orders
- Vouchers ready for submission
- Batcheller, Hiland
- Buchanan, Robert, E.
- Burgess, W. Randolph
- Carey, James B.
- Collyer, John L.
- Conway, Cranville
- Coolbaugh, Melville F.
- Davis, Chester C.
- Deupree, R. R.
- Flexnor, William
- Hoffman, Paul G.
- Hoover, Calvin B.
- Koenig, Robert
- LaFollette, Robert M., Jr.
- Mason, Edward S.
- McCullough, James A.
- Meany, George
- Moulton, Harold G.
- Myers, William I.
- Neubrech, W. LeRoy
- Remington, William W.
- Sproul, Robert G.
- Young, Owen D.
- Advisory Steering Committee (folder 1)
Box 3
- Advisory Steering Committee (folder 2-4)
Box 4
- Advisory Steering Committee (folder 5-7)
Box 5
- Advisory Steering Committee (folder 8)
- Congressional Action Committee
- European Recovery Plan
- Foreign Relations Committee
- Krug Committee
- Capital and Durable Goods
Box 6
- Consumer Goods
- Drafting
- Economic and Financial Analysis (2 folders)
- Food Resources
- Manpower
Box 7
- Mineral Resources
- Program Development and Administration
- Transportation
- Balance of Payments
- Balance of Payments Country Data
Box 8
- Balance of Payments - Austria
- Balance of Payments - Belgium
- Balance of Payments - Belgium - Luxembourg
- Balance of Payments - Denmark
- Balance of Payments - France
- Balance of Payments - Greece
- Balance of Payments - Iceland
- Balance of Payments - Ireland
- Balance of Payments - Italy
- Balance of Payments - Netherlands
- Balance of Payments - Norway
- Balance of Payments - Portugal
- Balance of Payments - Sweden
- Balance of Payments - Switzerland
- Balance of Payments - Turkey
- Balance of Payments - United Kingdom
- Balance of Payments - Western Germany
- Brookings Institute luncheons
- Council of Economic Advisers
Box 9
- Clippings
- Document records
- European production
- European Recovery Program - commodity reports
- European Recovery Program - material prepared for Mr. Lovett
- European Recovery Program - miscellaneous analysis of
- European Recovery Program - testimony
- European Recovery Program - testimony comparisons
- European Recovery Program - testimony of R. M. Bissell
- European Recovery Program - testimony of R. M. LaFollette
- European Recovery Program - testimony of R. M. LaFollette (drafts)
Box 10
- Food - agriculture data
- Foreign trade statistics
- General areas
- General correspondence
- Grain, miscellaneous supporting data of Interim Report on Harriman, W. Averell
- Harriman Committee - balance of payments worksheets
- Harriman Committee - commodity estimates
- Industry clearance
- Press releases
- Procedures
- Projections
- Proposals and suggestions
Box 11
- Public opinion
- Rough drafts (Bissell and Remington)
- Scrap
- Speeches
- State Department
- State Department analysis of C.E.E.C. Reports
- State Department memos with respect to C.E.E.C. Meetings
- Statistical File - Foreign Trade (folder 1)
Box 12
- Statistical File - Foreign Trade (folder 2)
- Statistical File - Foreign Trade - exports
- Statistical File - Foreign Trade - imports
- Statistical File - Foreign Trade - general
- Steel
- Stockpiling
- Supplies - duplicating
- Supplies - requisitions for
- Tariff correspondence
- Trade - European Countries
- Trade - United States
Box 13
- Directory
- General Correspondence
- General File
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- France (folder 1)
Box 14
- France (folder 2)
- Germany
- Germany - French zone
- Greece
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
Box 15
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Portugal
- Sweden
- Switzerland
Box 16
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Electricity
- Finance (Volume II)
- Food and agriculture
- Fuel and power (folder 1)
Box 17
- Fuel and Power (folder 2)
- General Report (Volume I)
- General Report (Volume II)
- Hard coke
- Inland transport
Box 18
- Iron and steel
- Manpower Committee, report of
- Maritime transport, report on
- Oil
- Timber (folder 1)
Box 19
- Timber (folder 2)
- Technical reports, extra copies of (2 folders)
Box 20
- Washington Conversations - General
- USD-2 Interim Report of Inland Transport Conversations
- USD-3 Interim Report of Iron and Steel Conversations
- USD-4 Interim Report of Electricity Conversations
- USD-5 Interim Report on Fertilizer Conversations
- USD-6 Interim Report on Manpower Conversations
- USD-7 Interim Report on Food Conversations
- USD-8 Interim Report on Balance of Payments Conversations
- USD-9 Interim Report on Agricultural Machinery Conversations
- USD-10 Interim Report on Mining Machinery Conversations
- USD-12 Interim Report on Timber Conversations
- USD-13 Interim Report on Maritime Transportation
- USD-14 Interim Report on Petroleum Conversations
- USD-15 Interim Report on Coal Conversations
- USD-16 Meeting of Representatives of U.S. Advisory Steering Committee and C.E.E.C. delegation 10-16-47
- USD-17 Interim Report on Mining Machinery Committee
- USD-18 Report of Agriculture Machinery Committee
- USD-19 Report of Fertilizer Committee
- USD-20 Memo on Balance of Payments Elements of Report on maritime Transport
- USD-21 Report of Timber Committee
- USD-22 Petroleum and the Balance of Payments of the C.E.E.C. Countries
- USD-23 Balance of Payments on Inland-Transport items
- USD-24 Report of Petroleum Equipment Subgroup
Box 21
- USD-25 Balance of Payments for Agricultural Products, 1948-51
- USD-26 Analysis of Balance of Payments
- USD-27 Tentative Breakdown of Imports of Programmed Commodities
- USD-30 Preliminary Tabulation Showing Proposed Export of Iron and Steel
- USD-31 First Drafts of Balance of Payments
- USD-32 Meeting of Advisory Steering Committee and C.E.E.C. Delegation
- USD-33 Report of U.S. Fertilizer Group
- USD-34 Report of Agricultural Machinery Committee
- USD-35 Report of Mining Machinery Group
- USD-36 Report by Food Committee
- USD-37 Report of Inland Transport Committee
- USD-38 Report of Electric Power Committee
- USD-39 Report of Timber Committee
- USD-40 Report of Iron and Steel Working Committee
- USD-42 Report of U.S. Coal Operating Committee
- USD-43 Meeting of Advisory Steering Committee and C.E.E.C. Delegation, Oct. 22, 1947
- USD-44 Report of Questionnaire Subcommittee
- USD-46 Report of U.S. Group Coal Committee
- USD-47 Final Report of Agricultural Machinery Conversations
- USD-48 Report of Timber Commodity Committee
- USD-49 Report of U.S. Group on Fertilizers
- USD-50 Final Report of Coal Mining Machinery Committee
Box 22
- USD-51 Final Report of Electric Power Committee
- USD-52 Final Report of the Petroleum Committee
- USD-53 Preliminary Review of C.E.E.C. Steel Report by U.S. Working Committee on Iron and Steel
- USD-54 Final Report of Manpower Committee
- USD-55 Final Report on Maritime Transport
- USD-56 Final Report of Inland Transport Committee
- USD-57 Report of Food and Agriculture Committee
- USD-58 Price Estimates - Domestic Production Trade and Total SUpply for Food and Agricultural Commodities
- USD-59 Letter from C.E.E.C. Representative to U.S. Treasury Department Representative
- USD-61 Domestic Production, Trade and Total Supply for Food and Agricultural Commodities, fiscal year 1949-50
- USD-61 Domestic Production, Trade and Total Supply for Food and Agricultural Commodities, fiscal year 1950-51
- USD-61 Domestic Production, Trade and Total Supply for Food and Agricultural Commodities, fiscal year 1951-52
Box 23
- General
- Appreciation of services rendered
- Distribution procedure
- Written requests (folder 1)
- Written requests (folder 2-3)
- European Recovery and American Aid (parts 1 and 2 of Committee Report)
Box 24
- European Recovery and American Aid (part 3 of Committee Report)
- Report of the President's Committee on Foreign Aid (2 folders)
- Rough drafts for Meeting of Oct. 2, 1947
- Rough drafts of Subcommittee Reports
- Rough drafts - Outline
- Rough drafts - Balance of Payments
- Rough drafts - Export Programs
- Rough drafts - Food
- Rough drafts - Impact
- Rough drafts - Mining
- Rough drafts - Petroleum
- Rough drafts - Present Dollar Resources
- Rough drafts - State Department
- Rough drafts - Transportation
- Copy Drafts - Miscellaneous Matters
- Copy Drafts - Preliminary Matters
- Copy Draf