This collection focuses on the major renovation of the White House during President Truman's second term, as well as addition of the Truman balcony in 1947. It contains documents and photographs covering the years 1945 through 1952.
The Renovation of the White House, 1945-1952
Letter from Harry S. Truman to Bess W. Truman, June 12, 1945 (NAID: 154961654)
Part of:
- Collection: Harry S. Truman Papers Pertaining to Family, Business and Personal Affairs, 1280 - 1975 (NAID: 1195)
- Series: Family Correspondence Files, 1910 - 1964 (NAID: 200616)
- File Unit: Correspondence from Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace Truman, 1921-1959: June 12, 1945 (NAID: 963025)
Article from the Journal of the American Institute of Architects, February 1946 (NAID: 170104335)
Part of:
- Collection: President's Secretary's Files (Truman Administration), 1945 - 1960 (NAID: 1205)
- Series: White House Files, 1945 - 1953 (NAID: 602208)
- File Unit: Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion - Correspondence Re (NAID: 976343)
Letter from President Harry S. Truman to Congressman Sam Rayburn, May 29, 1946 (NAID: 170103883)
Part of:
- Collection: President's Secretary's Files (Truman Administration), 1945 - 1960 (NAID: 1205)
- Series: White House Files, 1945 - 1953 (NAID: 602208)
- File Unit: Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion - Correspondence Re (NAID: 976343)
Transcript of Radio Address by Lorenzo Winslow, January 20, 1946 (NAID: 170103862)
Part of:
- Collection: President's Secretary's Files (Truman Administration), 1945 - 1960 (NAID: 1205)
- Series: White House Files, 1945 - 1953 (NAID: 602208)
- File Unit: Commission on Renovation of the Ex