Foreign Service officer, 1933-1953; Chief, Division of International Broadcasting, Voice of America, 1947-1949; Political Liaison Officer to the German Government, Bonn, 1950-1951; Consul General, Munich, 1952-1953
[Administrative Information | Folder Title List]
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Folder Title List ]
Size: 14 linear feet.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Dennis E. Bilger (1980).
Box 1
- A
- Adenauer, Konrad, articles re
- Africa, trip to - 1961
- Afghanistan, correspondence re 1942-44
- Almy family correspondence
- The Arsonist, correspondence re 1954
- B
- Berlin, American Consulate General - 1939 (not identified)
- Blassingame, Lorton
- Bohlen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. (largely personal)
- Brandt & Brandt - literary agents
- Brandt, Willy (German language correspondence)
Box 2
- Ca - Cl
- Castles, correspondence re
- Co - Cy
- Cochrane, Diane
- Contracts, literary
- D
- Dunn, James C.
- E
- Education, story on military
- F
- Foreign Service
Box 3
- G
- Georgescu, V.C. (Rumanian displaced person)
- German disarmament after World War I - report by Charles W. Thayer - 1944
- Germany, 1937-39
- Gruenther, General Alfred M.
- H
- Harper & Brothers Publishers
- Harriman, W. Averell 1942-68
- Henderson, Loy 1939-58
- Hunting, correspondence re
- Invitations - guest list - 1961
- J-K
- Kennan, George F. 1935-59
- Kennedy, Robert F. 1961-65
- Korea - documents re 1946
- L
- Lebanon crisis 1958 - correspondence re
- Legion of Merit - award to Charles W. Thayer
Box 4
- Mc
- M
- Mallorica, articles re
- Murrow, Edward R., 1953-55
- N
- O
- Office of Strategic Services (OSS) - Austria 1945-46
- R
- S
- Schweitzer, Dr. Albert
- State Department, correspondence re Thayer's resignation - 1953
- Socialism in Germany - correspondence re
- T
Box 5
- Thayer, Cynthia D. (personal correspondence with his wife)
- Thayer family correspondence - contains biographical material on Charles W. Thayer
- Thayer, Mrs. George C. "Muzzy" - correspondence with his mother
- Thayer, Mrs. Gertrude, estate of - 1964
- Thayer, James D. (personal material re his son)
- Thompson, Llewllyn, E., 1950-67
- Tito - Reader's Digest articles re
- Truman, Harry S. - correspondence re Bears in the Caviar and Hands Across the Caviar - 1952
- U-V
- Voice of America - correspondence re 1946-54
- W
- Wilder, Thornton 1953-54
- Wiley, John C. 1940-62
- Yugoslavia - correspondence and articles re
- Unidentified correspondence
Box 6
- West Point - June 29, 1928 - July 1, 1929 (2 folders)
- West Point - Feburary 17, 1931 - July 8, 1932
- Moscow - September 20, 1933 - February 17, 1934
- Moscow - February 18-28, 1934
- Moscow - July 31-August 7, 1935 (trip back to the United States)
- Moscow - 1934, September 20, 1937 and Berlin - September 22, 1937
- Moscow and Kazan (personal and private) June 22, 1941 - September 5, 1941
- Moscow, Kazan, and Kuibyshev - September 5 - October 9, 1941
- Kuibyshev, USSR and Teheran, Iran - December 10, 1941 - May 6, 1942
Box 7
- Kabul, Afghanistan - May 7 - June 22, 1942
- Kabul, Afghanistan - June 23-August 24, 1942
- Yugoslavia - September - October 1944
- Munich, Germany - June 3 - November 17, 1952
- Munich, Germany - November 18, 1952 - July 15, 1953
- Munich and Mallorea - March 28, 1953 - May 24, 1954 (2 folders)
- 1955
- November 1955 - January 1956
Box 8
- November 1, 1955 - January 7, 1956 (2 folders)
- United States trip - October 20 - November 30, 1957
- Beirut, Lebanon - July 1959
- February 23-29, 1961 (2 folders)
- Nashville trip - January 1962 - January 1963
- Germany - 1967
Box 9
- Miscellaneous notes and diaries, 1931-58 (2 folders)
- Newspapers - The Russian Daily News - 1917 (English edition)
- Newspaper clippings - miscellaneous
- Posters - World War II (German language)
Box 10
- Afghanistan - articles re
- Afghanistan - correspondence re 1943
- Afghanistan - general (2 folders)
- Afghanistan - autographed photographs - 1943
- Bavaria, tales from
- Bears in the Caviar by Charles W. Thayer
- Berlin, articles re - 1962
- Bombing, articles re - "Who's Fault was the Break-Back Bombing?"
- Brandt, Willy - article re 1958
Box 11
- Egypt - "Expedition to St. Catherine's Monastery on the Sinai Peninsula"
- European trip - December, 1948 - January 1949 - report to George V. Allen - State Department
- Germany - article re "German Army - Old or New?"
- Germany - article re "Seven Lean Years"
- Germany - article re "Germany's Aspirations in the East"
- Germany - article re "Some of my Best Friends are Germans"
- Germany - article re 1951
- Germany - article re 1954
- Germany - article re 1957
- Germany - article re 1967
- Germany - article re miscellaneous
- Germany - article re humorous stories re Office of War Information (OWI)
- Germany - instrument of surrender
- Germany - National Socialism (NSDP - Nazis)
- Germany - proposed novel re
- Germany - Brandt, Willy - curriculum vitae of
- Deutsche Partei of Bavaria
Box 12
- Guerrilla warfare, article re
- "Help" article dictated by Charles W. Thayer at the Wills Eye Hospital
- Hunting in the Balkans
- Hunting - lease in Ruhpolding
- Hunting - Russian hunting trips 1959-66
- Hunting - Sports Illustrated - articles 1954
- Iran "The Khas Road" by John Russell, Teheran - April 1959
- Japan, Allied Council for - 1946
- Jokes - Anti-Communist humor
- Korea - 1946
- Lebanon, articles re 1958
- Marshall Plan (Marshall's speech at Harvard University June 5, 1947)
- Mongolia - article re "A Rotten Apple and a Dinosaur's Egg" - 1963
- Mongolia - biography of Sun Tzu
- Newspaper clippings - general
- Newspaper clippings - re publications
Box 13
- Olympic Games - story on - 1960
- Post cards - miscellaneous
- Public Papers of the Presidents - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Message to Congress on UNRRA - November 15, 1943
- Public Papers of the Presidents - Harry S. Truman - Statement of the President on Demobilization - January 8, 1946
- Rhine River trip - 1957
- Russia - articles on 1933-37
- Russia - articles on 1937-41 (drafts)
- Russia - articles on "Anecdotes on Russia"
- Russia - published by Charles W. Thayer
- Russia - serious articles on
Box 14
- Russia - articles on Stalin - related article
- Russia - miscellaneous articles re
- Russia - general information re 1939-41
- Russia - play "Voice Out of Russia"
- Russia - Russian oriented stories
- Russia - Russian fiction stories - general
- Russia - Russian fiction stories - unsold
- Russia - Russian fiction stories - "Ivan" series
- Russia - Russian fiction stories - "Katrinka" series
- Russia - short non-fiction stories re
- Russia - miscellaneous materials re 1933-37
Box 15
- State Department - Consul General - USSR - general
- State Department - Radio broadcast by Secretary Hull re India October 13, 1943
- Thayer, Charles W. - miscellaneous articles and lecture notes
- Thayer, Charles W. - personal - certificates and honors
- Time-Life Publications - humorous stories by Charles W. Thayer
- Treasury Department - "An International Stabilization Fund for the United and Associated Nationas" - July 10, 1943
- Trout fishing in Bavaria
- United States Military Academy - general information
- United States Navy and Marine Corps - biographical sketches
- United States Navy - Civilian Air Cruise, Pensacola, Florida 1968
- United States in a New World - IV "Relations with Europe" 1943
- United States Senate - Committee on Foreign Relations - 1958
Box 16
- Voice of America - Russian Branch-reports 1947-62
- Voice of America - newspaper and magazine editorial comments
- Voice of America - Radio Free Europe - Munich
- Yugoslavia - articles and notes re
- Miscellaneous notes and materials
Box 17
- December 1954-1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- Outlines - 1955-57
Box 18
- Africa - article "Juba Safari" by Charles W. Thayer
- Bombing - article re "Who's Fault was the Back-Break Bombing?"
- Debutantes "Magic and Religion in the Potamac [sic] River Valley" (draft article)
- Egypt - article "When I was in Egypt" - visit to St. Catherine's Monastery
- Foreign Area Studies - Research Guide - August 1966
- Foreign Service - 1939-59
- Foreign Service - Guide book to the
- Foreign Service - "Diplomat" by Charles W. Thayer, Chapters 1-4
- Foreign Service - "Diplomat" by Charles W. Thayer, Chapters 5-7
- Foreign Service - "Diplomat" by Charles W. Thayer, drafts
- Foreign Service - Reviews of "Diplomat"
Box 19
- Foreign Service - article - "Do We Need Diplomats?"
- Foreign Service - "Officer and Gentlemen" by Charles W. Thayer (Novel about McCarthyism and the Foreign Service)
- Foreign Service - "Officer and Gentlemen" - drafts
- Foreign Service - "Officer and Gentlemen" - 2nd draft
- Foreign Service - "Officer and Gentlemen" - original manuscript 1963
- Foreign Service - report on - prepared in the Office of the Director General, Foreign Service, December 1959
Box 20
- Germany - Martin Agronsky interview with West German Chancellor Kiesinger
- Germany - educational and cultural exchange
- Germany - article "The Future of Educational Television in Germany"
- Germany - Look Magazine article (page proofs)
- Germany - "News from Germany" 1955-56
- Germany - article, "Some of My Best Friends are German"
- Germany - article, "Time of My Life"
- Germany - Unquiet Germans by Charles W. Thayer
- Germany - "Westerberg" - a novel by Charles W. Thayer
- Germany - report on the Amerika Haus - 1972
- Germany - notes re Lowell M. Clucas
- Germany - introduction to "Stalingrad" by Theodore Pliever
- Germany - Weekly Biography - Ambassador Hans Heinrich von Herwarth
- Germany - "How to Redeem a Fatherland" by Richard A. Yahroes 1955
- Germany - German language article - "20 Jahre Ohne Frieden" by Hans Hertel
- Germany - German language artilce - "Zur Frage des West-OST-Handels" by Dr. Vallrath Freiherr von Maltzan
- Germany - German language article "Un die Zukunft des deutschen Fernsehens" by Dr. Clemens Munster
- Germany - German language - National Democratic Party of Germany (NDP)
- Germany - article, "Ruhpolding, Bevolkerungszahlen Von" by L. Schumaker
- Germany - German language - Social Democrati