Chief, Research Division, Bureau of Dairy Industry, Department of Agriculture, 1945-1946; Assistant to the Administrator, Research and Marketing Administration, 1947-1949; Assistant Research Administrator, Agricultural Research Administration, 1950-1953
[Administrative Information | Folder Title List]
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Folder Title List ]
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Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Dennis Bilger (1976).
Box 1
- Dairy Advisory Committee
- Administrative correspondence and memoranda
- Dairy research - statements for final reports
- Legislation - Hope - Flannagan Bill
- Legislation - general
- Organization
- Projects submitted (folders 1-2)
Box 2
- Projects submitted (folder 3)
- Projects - summaries (2 folders)
- Proposed programs (folders 1-2)
Box 3
- Proposed Programs (Folders 3-6)
- Recommendations for Commodity and Functional Advisory Committee
Box 4
- Regional Project materials
- Report (Hope-Flannagan)
- Working Papers of Marketing and Research Program Review
- Administrative correspondence, memoranda and notes (folders 1-2)
Box 5
- Administrative correspondence, memoranda and notes (folders 3-6)
- Agricultural Home Freezer Club - by-laws
- Agricultural Marketing Act - materials re
- Agricultural Marketing Committee - report 1952-1953
- Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland
- Agricultural Research Policy Committee
- American Dairy Association - report to the Secretary of Agriculture, September 14, 1953
Box 6
- American Marketing Association - program - Washington, D. C., September 25, 1951
- Benson, Ezra Taft - Secretary of Agriculture - speech material
- Bureau of Agricultural Economics
- Bureau of the Budget clearance difficulties
- Cardon, P.V. - Administrator, Agricultural Research Administration "Commodity Markets and the Public Interests" - symposium, Chicago, Illinois - September 9-10, 1953
- Conference of Dairy Industry representatives - April 2-3, 1953
- Conference on Research - American Farm Bureau Federation - Washington, D.C. - September 9-10, 1952
- Connecticut - Rhode Island Farm Credit School report - June 18, 1953
- Cost and Profit Outlook, Vol. VI, No. 8, August 1953
- Extension marketing Committee - report April 6-8, 1953
- Hope, Congressman Clifford R., of Kansas
- Indicators of importance of fields of research
- National Milk Producers Federation
- Organization of the Department of Agriculture
- Pace Committee - statements prepared for
- Planning Committee, meeting of Foundation Seed Project - Chicago, Illinois, January 16-17, 1951
- Position Chart - FY 1954
- Projects conducted under Agricultural Marketing Administration - obligations for FY 1953, 1953, 1954 (estimated)
- Reorganization material (August - December 1953)
- Research Marketing Administration -research contracts
- St. Regis Paper Company
- Special problems in Research Marketing Administration
- Speech Material
Box 7
- Walsh, Robert M. article, "Functions Performed and Services Rendered"
- Western Extension Marketing Conference - Report of the Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, September 29 - October 3, 1952
- Working draft of Marketing Research Program - September 10, 1950
- World congress for Milk Utilization - November 1953
- Administrative correspondence, memoranda and notes (3 folders)
- Agricultural Marketing Committee of the Agricultural Marketing Service
- Basic and Applied Research 1959
- Committee of Review Agricultural Marketing Workshops - report committee June 29, 1955
- Contrast Farming -vertical integration
- Correspondence - general
Box 8
- Current marketing changes in industry (1959)
- Grain sampling (1959-1960)
- International Dairy Congress
- Joint Agricultural Research Administration (ARS) - Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Committee - report re application or protective dusts and sprays stored grain
- Long-time objectives for agricultural research (1955)
- Marketing research of criticisms of (1954)
- National Association of Marketing officials - Lexington, Kentucky, October 7-10, 1957
- National Marketing Service Workshop - Memphis, Tennessee, November 5-7, 1957
- Organizational Charts
Box 9
- Social Science Research Council (1959)
- Utilization economics notes and controversies
- Western Business Review, articles for
- Yearbook of Agriculture (1954)
- Administrative correspondence
Box 10
- Administrative correspondence
- African Farm Marketing Project reports - September 1966 to January 1967
- Agriculture/2000 Task Force - agricultural marketing and distribution
- Agricultural Board - National Research Council
- Agricultural Development Council - marketing seminar - University of Connecticut, October 2-4, 1972
- Agricultural Development Council (correspondence with M. Weisblat)
- American Agricultural Economics Association meeting - Southern Illinois University, August 15-18, 1971
- American Agricultural Economics Association Committee on Profession Problems of International Research
- Agricultural Policy Conference - Latin Americans - August 5, 1971
- Agricultural Research Council - 1963
- Agricultural Research Council - 1964
- Agricultural Research Institute Information Committee
Box 11
- American Dairy Association - Sixth National Symposium on Dairy Market Development - Boston, Massachusetts, February 14-15, 1966
- American Dairy Science Association - Centennial Celebration University of Maryland, 1961-1962
- American Dairy Science Association meeting - University of Kentucky - June 21 -23, 1965
- American Statistical Association Temporary Committee on Extending an Invitation to the International Statistical Institute, 1969 -1971
- Article by Harry C. Trelogan and Norman Townshend Zellner, "On Benefits pf Agricultural Marketing Research", (reprinted from Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 47, No. 1, February 1965)
- Article by Harry C. Trelogan, "Fellow of the American Farm Economics Association," 1967
- Association for Computing Machinery - speech by Harry C. Trelogan, "A View from the Bridge - Steering Computers in Administrative and Scientific Waters," May 18, 1972
- Bibliography of Research re Agricultural Marketing in the Western States - 1950-1953
- "Board of Education" (Cosmos Club, 1962-1965)
- Brookings Institution 1972
- Budgetary materials from past hearings 1950-1958
- Bureau of the Budget - clearance procedures
- Census Advisory Committee
- Census Advisory Committee - Jeffersonville, Indiana, March 28, 1974
Box 12
- Citrus Fruits and Vegetables Marketing Clinic, Lakeland, Florida, June 27, 1963
- Committee on Agricultural Science (2 folders)
- Committee materials - Miscellaneous
- Committee on Scientific and Technical Information (COASTI) briefings on USDA Scientific and Technical Information activities
- Commodity Club of Chicago - Conference at Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, January 1971
- Commodity Club of San Francisco - November 16, 1967
- Communications Improvements Group
- Conflict of interest
- Consumer research
- Cooperative State Agricultural Experiment Station Committee
- Corn Quality Conference - Champaign, Illinois, December 1-2, 1970
- Cornell Conference, Ithaca, New York, November 11-12, 1967, Harry C. Trelogan speech, "Cybernetics and Agriculture"
Box 13
- Current marketing changes in industry
- Current Research Information System (CRIS) - ad hoc committee
- Dry weather - effect on crop production
- Earth Resources Technology Survey Committee (ERTS) (2 folders)
- Economic Research Advisory Committee, 1963
- Economic Research Service Conference - Warrenton, Virginia, June 10-13, 1962 and Washington, D.C., August 16-19, 1966
- Evaluation of Government statistics
- Expenditure Survey Training School, El Paso, Texas - January 17-21, 1972
- Federal - Provincial Conference on Agricultural Statistics, Ottawa, Canada, February 22-23, 1966
Box 14
- Financial Service - 1958-1973 (2 folders)
- Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and Asia and Far East Committee on Agricultural Statistics - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 15-20, 1974
- Food and Agricultural Organization - Agency for International Development (State Department) - Miscellaneous
- Foundation for American Agriculture, 1958-1974
- General Session re Pork and Beef Data and analysis - February 22-23, 1973
- Graduate School (USDA) - General Administrative Board, 1965-1971 (2 folders)
Box 15
- Hawaii and Vietnam problems, 1968
- Information program
- Interagency Committee on Statistical Programs and Policy (2 folders)
- International Agricultural Development Committee
- International Association of Agricultural Economics (2 folders)
Box 16
- International Association of Agricultural Economics meeting - Paris, France, 1964
- International Association of Agricultural Economics meeting - Sydney, Australia, 1967
- International Association of Agricultural Economics meeting - Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 1973
- International Association of Agricultural Economics - Brazil Conference 1973 - "requests for funds"
- International Association of Agricultural Economics - meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fund - Chicago, Illinois, December 1975
- International Conference of Agricultural Economists - Minsk, USSR, September 1970
- International Conference of Agricultural Economists, United States Council of
Box 17
- International Statistical Institute (ISI) - Sydney, Australia, 1967
- Invitations - 1962 - March 25-30 - Denver Conference of Statistical Reporting Service
- Invitations - 1963 - November - Kansas City, Kansas - National Marketing Service Workshop
- Invitations - 1964 - April 16-19 - St. Paul, Minnesota
- Invitations - 1965 - March - Columbus, Ohio - Ohio Food Merchandising Conference
- Invitations - 1970 - February 11-13 - St. Paul, Minnesota - Central Livestock Association
- Invitations - 1971 - July 27 - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Society of American Florists
- Invitations - 1972 - December - Nashville, Tennessee
- Invitations - 1973 - October - Washington, D.C. - American Corn Millers Federations
- Invitations - 1973 - Management Training Seminar
- Invitations - 1973 - October 23 - Kansas City, Kansas - (honoring Joseph E. Pallsen)
- Invitations - 1973 - November - University of Missouri - Columbia
- Invitations - 1973 - December - Washington, D.C. - National Research Council
- Invitations - 1974 - January - University of Minnesota
- Invitations - 1974 - May - Chicago, Illinois
- Invitations - 1974 - June - Washington, D.C. - Census Training Program
- Invitations - 1974 - June - Washington, D.C. - American Meat Industries
- Invitations - 1974 - August - New Orleans, Louisiana - Interna