Dates: 1945-1953
Commissioner, Displaced Persons Commission, 1948-1952; Executive Director, President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952-1953
See also Harry N. Rosenfield oral history.
Size: 16 linear feet.
Access: Open
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: C.W. Ohrvall (1978).
Box 1
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1949
- n.d.; department structure
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1946, reports from P. Kasius
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948 (2 folders)
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948 (migration)
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948, Third Session, Commission on Human Rights (folder 1)
Box 2
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948, Third Session, Commission on Human Rights (folder 2, 3)
- United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1948, International Refugee Organization (3 folders)
- Conference Manual, 1951
- Third National Conference, 1952 -- printed material
- Third National Conference, 1952 -- roster of attendees
- Publications -- "The Race Question in Modern Science"
Box 3
- 1948
- 1949 (2 folders)
- 1950 (2 folders)
- 1951 (2 folders)
Box 4
- 1952
- 1948, September
- 1948, October
- 1948, November
- 1948, December
- 1949, January
- 1949, February
- 1949, March
Box 5
- 1949, April
- 1949, May
- 1949, June
- 1949, July
- 1949, August
- 1949, September
- 1949, October
- 1949, November
- 1949, December
- 1950, January
- 1950, February
- 1950, March
- 1950, April
Box 6
- 1950, May
- 1950, June
- 1950, July
- 1950, August
- 1950, September
- 1950, October
- 1950, November
- 1950, December
- 1951, January
- 1951, February
- 1951, March
- 1951, April
- 1951, May
- 1951, June
- 1951, July
- 1951, August
- 1951, September
- 1951, October
- 1951, November
- 1951, December
- 1952, January-March
- 1952, April-June
DISPLACED PERSONS COMMISSION: Memoranda, Bulletins and Orders
Box 7
- Instruction Memoranda, Topical Index
- Instruction Memoranda, 1-100
- Instruction Memoranda, 100-199
- Instruction Memoranda, 200-251
- Administrative Memoranda, Europe (2 folders)
Box 8
- Administrative Memoranda, Washington, D.C.
- Office Information Memoranda, Washington, D.C.
- Interoffice Memoranda and others, 1948-1952
- Instruction Bulletins
- Field Memoranda
- European operations (2 folders)
Box 9
- Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid
- American Council on Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, Inc.
- Annotated copy of Displaced Persons Commission Regulations
- Anti-discrimination problem
- Appropriations, 1949
- Appropriations, 1950
- Appropriations, 1951
- Appropriations, 1952 (folder 1)
Box 10
- Appropriations, 1952 (folder 2)
- Argumentation
- Army, Department of the
- "B"
- Barkley, Alben W., Address before the USNA, January 15, 1950
- Beshein, Meyer D.
- Belgium cases
- Besterman, Walter
- Blank forms
- Budget Material, 1949
- Budget Material, 1951
Box 11
- Budget meetings, FY52
- Cantor, George, H.R. 7376 & H.J.R. 411
- Cantor, George, legislation, general
- Cantor, George, legislation reports, drafts
- Cantor, George, loan regulations
- Cantor, George, miscellany
- Cantor, George, miscellaneous meetings & telephone calls
- Cantor, George, opinions
- Cantor, George, regulations
Box 12
- Celler, Congressman Emanuel
- Commission Reports (printed)
- Congressional actions, 1948
- Congressional actions, 1949
- Congressional actions, 1950
- Congressional actions, 1951
- Congressional actions, 1952
Box 13
- Congressional Record, 1948-1949 (2 folders)
- Congressional Record, 1950 (2 folders)
- Chicago Conference, 1949
- Chicago Conference, 1950
- Civil lawsuit, 1951
Box 14
- Cutter, John W.
- "D"
- Dervan, Richard
- European Cooperation Administration
- Evans, Melvin H.
- Ewing, James
- Executive Order 10003, October 4, 1948
- "Fact Book," February 1949 - August 1949
- "Fact Book," 1951 (2 folders)
- Fasteau, Irving J.
- Federal Security Agency
- Fine, Ben
- Foreign Editors Conference, 1951
- "G"
- Gellhorn, Walter
Box 15
- Glazek, Edward M.
- Grabuard, Seymour
- Greek displaces persons
- "H"
- Haber, William
- Halley, Rudolph
- High Commissioner for Germany
- High Commissioner for Refugees
- Hightower, J. Bernard
- Human rights
- Immigration Appeal Cases, Board of
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Institute for the Resettlement of Displaces Persons and Surplus Population
- Internal Security Act of 1950
- International Labor Organization (folder 1)
Box 16
- International Labor Organization (folder 2)
- International Refugee Organization (3 folders)
- Irwin, Leslie
- Israel
- Jackowitz, J.
- Jewish Community Relations Agencies
- Jewish statistics
- Judiciary Committee
Box 17
- "K"
- Kalmuks
- Keuhne, Vera M.
- Kieval, Howard
- Klein, Joseph J.
- Kury, Anita R., Research and Statistics
- "L"
- LaGuardia Memorial Association
- Legal Inventory
- Legislation, FY 1949
- Legislation, FY 1950
- Legislation, FY 1951
- Legislation, FY 1952 (folder 1)
Box 18
- Legislation, FY 1952 (folder 2)
- Legislation, FY 1952, copies of testimony, H.R. 7376
- Louisiana resettlement problem
- McCarran (briefing for House Judicial Subcommittee, Frankfort, Germany, Sept. 8, 1949)
- McTigue, James J.
- Minutes
- Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 19
- Mutual Security Act of 1951
- National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc. (2 folders)
- Omnibus Immigration Bill (4 folders)
Box 20
- Orientation of Displaced Persons for the U.S., report of a study on
- Personnel, correspondence from European staff
- Personnel, European headquarters
- Personnel, Washington, D.C. headquarters
- P.I.C.M.M.E.
- Policy letters
- Analysis of Numeric Provisions of Present Program and of Proposed Legislation
- Program Kit, 1949
- Progress Report, 1949
- Progress Report, 1950
- Progress Report, 1951
- Progress Report, 1952
- Public Charge
- "R"
Box 21
- Rosenfield notes (2 folders)
- "S"
- Inimical Security List
- Security Screening Program
- Senate Hearing Transcripts: Vol. 24 (Feb 3, 1950); Vol. 29 (Feb. 16, 1950); Vol. 32 (Feb. 24, 1951)
Box 22
- Senate Hearing Transcripts: Vol. 34 (March 7, 1950); Vol. 37 (March 13, 1950); Vol. 38 (March 15, 1950); Vol. 39 (March 16, 1950)
- Smith, Harry
- Speech material
- Speeches, 1949
- Speeches, 1949
- Speeches, 1950
Box 23
- Speeches, 1951
- Speeches, 1952
- Surplus - overpopulation, newsclippings
- Surplus - overpopulation, correspondence
- Surplus - overpopulation, miscellaneous
- Sutter, Edgar A.
- Telephone handwritten notes, Rosenfield, 1948-1949
- Telephone handwritten notes, Rosenfield, 1950
Box 24
- Telephone handwritten notes, Rosenfield, 1951-1952 (2 folders)
- Travel, Europe, 1949-1950
- Travel, Europe, 1951
- Travel Vouchers, 1948
- Travel Vouchers, 1949
Box 25
- Travel Vouchers, 1950
- Travel Vouchers, Europe, 1950
- Travel Vouchers, 1951
- Travel Vouchers, 1952
- Travel Vouchers, UNESCO, 3rd National Conference, 1952, Delegates Kit
- Travel Vouchers, UNESCO, 3rd National Conference, 1952, PRess Releases
Box 26
- "U-V"
- Vaughan, Frank B., Jr.
- Visa Division
- Voluntary Agencies
- White, Walter
- 1948, August
- 1948, September
- 1948, October
- 1948, November
- 1948, December
Box 27
- 1949, January
- 1949, February
- 1949, March
- 1949, April
- 1949, May
- 1949, June
- 1949, July
- 1949, August
- 1949, September
- 1949, October
- 1949, November
- 1949, December
Box 28
- 1950, (3 folders)
- 1951
- 1952
Box 29
- miscellaneous
- Publications
Box 30
- Administrative
- Administrative process and judicial review
- Agriculture
- American Committee on Special Migration
- Analysis of S.3455
- Background of Immigration and Naturalization Act
- Budget
- Commission meetings
- Commission members transmittal memos
- Delegation of authority
- Douglas, Paul H.
- Executive Order 10392, September 4, 1952
- Finucane, Thomas G.
- Fisher, Adrian S.
- Gordon, Mr.
- Gullixson, Rev. Thaddeus F.
- Harrison, Earl G.
- Hearings, Atlanta
- Hearings, Boston
- Hearings, Chicago
- Hearings, Cleveland
- Hearings, Detroit
- Hearings, General
- Hearings, Los Angeles
Box 31
- Hearings, New York
- Hearings, Saint Louis
- Hearings, Saint Paul
- Hearings, Washington, D.C.
- Instructions (office)
- Items for consideration of Commission
- Justice, Department of
- Labor market
- Library of Congress
- Mann, Fred
- National origins
- O'Grady, John
- Omnibus Immigration Bill
- Perlman, Phillip B.
- Penton, Anita K.
- Pickett, Dr. Clarence
Box 32
- Population studies
- Press releases, 1952-1953
- Quotas
- Report
- State, Department of
- Telephone notes
- Travel itineries
- Travel vouchers
- Wasserman, Jack
- Newspaper clippings, Hearings, Atlanta
- Newspaper clippings, Hearings, Boston
- Newspaper clippings, Hearings, Chicago
- Newspaper clippings, Hearings, Cleveland
- Newspaper clippings, Hearings, Detroit
- Newspa