Dates: 1783-2023
The Harry S. Truman Collection contains materials relating to the life and times of President Harry S. Truman that were given to Mr. Truman or to the Truman Library by various persons or organizations. The collection includes correspondence, printed materials, financial records, legal documents, handwritten notes, scrapbooks, and other materials.
Size: 10 linear feet (approximately 20,000 pages).
Access: Open.
Copyright: No donation of copyright was received with these papers. Documents written by U.S. Government officials in the course of their duties are in the public domain. The copyright in other documents in the collection presumably belongs to the creators of the documents or their legal heirs.
Processed by: Randy Sowell (2022-2024).
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
1884 (May 8) |
Born, Lamar, Missouri |
1887 |
Moved with family to farm near Grandview, Missouri |
1890 |
Moved with family to Independence, Missouri |
1901 |
Graduated from Independence High School |
1901-1906 |
Lived in Independence and Kansas City, Missouri; held various jobs, including clerk at two Kansas City banks |
1905-1911 |
Served in Missouri National Guard |
1906-1917 |
Worked on family farm near Grandview, Missouri |
1917-1919 |
Served in 129th Field Artillery; commanded Battery D during World War I; promoted to rank of Captain |
1919 (June 28) |
Married Bess Wallace at Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri |
1919-1922 |
Partner with Eddie Jacobson in Kansas City haberdashery |
1923-1925 |
Eastern District Judge, Jackson County (Missouri) Court |
1924 (February 17) |
Daughter, Mary Margaret born |
1927-1935 |
Presiding Judge of the Jackson County (Missouri) Court |
1935-1945 |
United States Senator from Missouri |
1945 (January 20-April 12) |
Vice President of the United States |
1945 (April 12)-1953 (January 20) |
President of the United States |
1953 (January) |
Left presidency and retired to Independence, Missouri |
1957 (July 6) |
Helped dedicate the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri |
1972 (December 26) |
Died, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri |
A more detailed timeline of Harry S. Truman's life and Presidency is available on the Truman Trivia Page.
The Harry S. Truman Collection contains materials relating to the life and times of President Harry S. Truman that were given to Mr. Truman or to the Truman Library by various persons or organizations. Most of the materials in the collection were originally opened for research as part of the Miscellaneous Historical Documents Collection (MHDC) or the General Historical Documents Collection (GHDC). These two collections were arranged numerically in the order in which the donations were received by the Truman Library. Each folder title in this finding aid includes the original MHDC or GHDC number (if applicable). Also included is the name of the donor, if the identity of the donor is known, and if the donor was not the person under whose name the materials are filed.
The Harry S. Truman Collection is composed of two series, a Subject File and a Scrapbook File. The Subject File is arranged alphabetically by folder title and includes correspondence, printed materials, financial records, legal documents, handwritten notes, and other materials concerning Mr. Truman and the events of his Presidency. Related topics that are documented in the series include the Truman family (especially the President’s grandfather, Solomon Young, his father, John Anderson Truman, and his sister, Mary Jane Truman), and the Harry S. Truman Library.
Letters from Mr. Truman (handwritten or typewritten with his signature) make up a large part of the Subject File. These include original documents as well as photocopies. Also included are letters to Truman, and correspondence concerning his life and Presidency, as well as messages to the Truman Library from people who encountered Truman at various times in his life and wanted to share their memories of him. The printed materials in the Subject File include press clippings and programs for public events, as well as rare or unusual publications. Financial records and legal documents in the series mostly pertain to Truman’s family or his business activities. Handwritten notes by Truman on a variety of topics can also be found in the series.
The second series in the collection, the Scrapbook File, consists mostly of photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles relating to Truman’s political career and post-Presidential activities. These articles were collected in scrapbooks that were given to Mr. Truman or to the Truman Library and that have not been retained. Also included are original scrapbooks, some of which were given to Mr. Truman during his Presidency. The Scrapbook File is arranged in chronological order.
Autographs of famous persons and other historic documents that were given to Mr. Truman can be found in both the Subject File and the Scrapbook File.
Several other collections at the Truman Library also contain materials from the MHDC and GHDC. These include the Bess Truman Collection, the Atomic Bomb Collection, the World War I Collection, the World War II Collection, and the Korean War Collection.
Container Nos. |
Series |
1-20 |
SUBJECT FILE, 1842-2023 Correspondence, printed materials, financial records, legal documents, and other items. Arranged alphabetically by folder title. |
21-25 | SCRAPBOOK FILE, 1783-1968 Printed materials, scrapbooks, and other items Arranged chronologically by folder title. |
Box 1
- Abstracts of Wills from English Archives Relating to the Truman Family [Donated by Dorothy Palmer Malloy, MHDC 527]
- Acheson, Dean: Draft of Message to Konrad Adenauer, February 25-26, 1952 [MHDC 192]
- Acheson, Dean: Speech, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 7, 1952 [MHDC 183]
- Acheson, Dean: “Two Robust Old Codgers,” An Unpublished Collection of His Personal Correspondence with Harry S. Truman [Edited and donated by Richard Sherman Sloan, MHDC 797]
- Adams, Roger J.: Correspondence with Harry S. Truman and Others Relating to his “Atoms Plan” for World Peace, 1940-1947
- Adjutant General, U.S. Army: Correspondence with Senator Harry S. Truman, 1940-1942 [MHDC 413]
- AFL-CIO: Murray-Green Award to Harry S. Truman, 1959 [Donated by the AFL-CIO Library, MHDC 276]
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Letter from Harry S. Truman to Administrator H. R. Tolley, August 30, 1938 [Donated by Gene Winn, MHDC 508]
- Agricultural Policy: Truman Administration Documents, 1945-1952 [MHDC 70]
- Aiken, Harold: Letter from Senator Harry S. Truman, March 20, 1942 [Donated by Mrs. Harold Aiken, MHDC 801]
- Alcosdo, Bobbie Wakefield: Anecdote Concerning Harry S. Truman [MHDC 485]
- Allen, Dave, Jr.: Correspondence with Harry S. Truman and Edna Easter, 1967 [Donated by Finis Easter, MHDC 893]
- Allen, F. R.: Unpublished Biography of Harry S. Truman [Donated by Frances R. Kerstetter, MHDC 13]
- American Airlines: Condolence Message to President Harry S. Truman on the Death of His Mother, July 26, 1947 [GHDC 293]
- American Legal Association: Certificate of Membership, R. Watson, October 15, 1851 [GHDC 62]
- American Legion: Presentation of Bust of Harry S. Truman to the State of Missouri, May 9, 1948 [MHDC 5]
- American Legion: Program for the First Annual Harry S. Truman Pilgrimage, Tirey J. Ford Post No. 21, Independence, Missouri, May 2, 1974 [MHDC 809]
- American Legion: William J. Fitzsimons Post No. 8, Charter Membership Roll [Donated by Joseph A. Pugh, MHDC 337]
- American Medical Association: Correspondence Regarding National Health Insurance [MHDC 28]
- American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA): Materials Relating to Harry S. Truman and Highway Planning in Missouri, c. 1932-1946 [Donated by Frank Esposito, MHDC 824]
- Amundsen, Roald: Letter Complimenting Products of Illinois Watch Company, with Related Items [GHDC 158]
- AMVETS: Presentation Honoring Harry S. Truman
- AMVETS Memorial Carillon: Dedication Ceremony at the Harry S. Truman Library, December 21, 1984 [Donated by Lee Chapman, MHDC 540]
- An Illustrated Description of Independence, Missouri, c. 1902 [Donated by the Jackson County Historical Society, MHDC 63]
- Andretta, Salvador: Documents Concerning His Service in the Justice Department, c. 1945-1963 [Donated by Mrs. Salvador Andretta, MHDC 373]
- Anonymous Recollection of an Encounter with Harry S. Truman, May 8, 1960 [Donated by Carol Mutz, MHDC 968]
- Apt, Colonel Frederick G.: Correspondence with Harry S. Truman, 1945 [Donated by Frederick G. Apt, Jr., MHDC 836]
- Ararat Temple, Kansas City: Dinner Program Autographed by Harry S. Truman, November 1, 1948 [Donated by Cathy Anderson, MHDC 1001]
- Ararat Temple, N