Dates: 1910 - 1971
Assistant Chief, 1942-1944, Associate Chief, 1944-1945 and Adviser, Trade Agreement Division, Department of State
[Administrative Information | Folder Title List]
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Folder Title List ]
See also Honore M. Catudal Oral History.
Size: 13 linear feet.
Access: Open
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Erwin J. Mueller (1973).
Box 1
- March 23 - June 6, 1934, H.R. 8687
- February 4-25, 1937, H.J. Res. 96
- February 19-23, 1940, H.J. Res. 407
- May 26 - June 14, 1948, H.R. 6556
Box 2
- February 8-9, 1949 and September 7-15, 1949, H.R. 1211
- February 7 - May 29, 1951, H.R. 1612
Box 3
- June 15 - July 2, 1953, H.R. 5495
- May 17 - June 29, 1954, H.R. 9474
- February 17 - May 4, 1955, H.R. 1
Box 4
- May 28 - August 11, 1958, H.R. 12591
- June 27 - September 19, 1962, H.R. 11970
- March 8-14, H.R. 8430
- January 21-26, 1937, H.J. Res. 96
Box 5
- January 11 - February 3, 1940, H.J. Res. 407 (Vols. 1-4)
- April 12-23, 1943, H.J. Res. 111
Box 6
- April 18 - May 14, 1945, H.R. 3240 (Vols. 1-2)
- March 26 - May 9, 1947, Hearings
- May 3-8, 1948, Hearings
- January 17 - February 1, 1949, H.R. 1211
Box 7
- January 22-26, 1951, H.R. 1612
- April 27 - May 19, 1953, H.R. 4294
- January 17 - February 7, 1955, H.R. 1 (2 Vols.)
- March 1-16, 1956, H.R. 5550 Organization for Trade Cooperation
- April 18, 1956, H.R. 5550 Organization for Trade Cooperation (Report)
Box 8
- September 17 - October 2, 1956, Hearings - administration and operation of Customs and Tariff Laws and the Trade Agreements Program (3 Vols.)
- March 8, 1957, Report to the Committee on Ways and Means on U.S. Customs, Tariff and Trade Agreement Laws
- July 29-31, 1957, H.R. 6006, 6007, 5120 - Amendments to the Anti-Dumping Act of 1921
- October 7, 1957, Compendium - Papers on United States Foreign Trade Policy
Box 9
- February 17 - March 25, 1958, H.R. 1036 - Extending Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (Vols. 1-2)
- March 12 - April 11, 1962, H.R. 9900 - Extending Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (Vols 1-6)
- June 12, 1962, H.R. 11970 - Trade Expansion Act (Report)
- September 14, 1962, H.R. 11970 - Trade Expansion Act (Report)
- October 2, 1962, H.R. 11970 - Trade Expansion Act (Conference Report)
Box 10
- April 26 - May 1, 1934, H.R. 8687 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- February 10-15, 1937, H.J. Res. 96 - Reciprocal Trade Extension
- February 26 - March 6, 1940, H.J. Res. 407 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- May 30 - June 5, 1945, H.R. 3240 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- March 20 - April 3, 1947, Hearings - International Trade Organization
- June 1-5, 1948, H.R. 6566 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements Extension
- February 17 - March 8, 1949, H.R. 1211 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements (2 Vols.)
Box 11
- February 22 - April 6, 1951, H.R. 1612 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- June 1953, H.R. 4294-5495 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- March 2-23, 1955, H.R. 1 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements
- March 26, 27, 1958, H.R. 6006 - Anti-Dumping Act of 1921
- June 20 - July 3, 1958, H.R. 12591 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements Extension (2 Vols.)
Box 12
- December 4-14, 1961, Hearings - Foreign Economic Policy
- July 23 - August 16, 1962, H.R. 11970 - Trade Expansion Act (Vols. 1-4)
- "Administrations of the Trade Agreements Act" - article by Harry C. Hawkins
- "AFL-CIO Looks at Foreign Trade"
- The American Political Science Review - June 1937
- The Annuls of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, January 1929
- "The Attack on Trade Barriers - A Progress Report on the Operation of the GATT" - 1948-1949
- "Borrowing Power of Commodity Credit Corporation" - Conference Report to accompany H.R. 6567
Box 13
- "Canadian Reciprocity, Washington," GPO - 1911
- "Changes in Trade Restrictions Between Canada and the United States, Southworth and Buchanon" - 1960
- "A Charter For World Trade" by Clair Wilcox - 1949
- Classification Digest for Tariffs - 1952
- Colonial Tariff Policies, Washington, GPO - 1922
- Columbia Law Review - May 1939
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (Minority Report), January 1954
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy - Report to the President and the Congress
- Committee For Reciprocity Information - U.S. Tariff Commission, December 28, 1949
- Conference (UN) Havana, Cuba - telephone directory - November 1947
- "Constitutional Amendments Relative to Treaties and Executive Agreements" - Senate Report - June 15, 1953
- "Cours de Legislation et de Reglementation Douonieres," by P. Boulet
- "A Critique of the Randall Commission Report" by Klaus Knorr and Gardner Patterson - 1954
- "Customs Unions - A Tool For Peace" - Foundation for Foreign Affairs - 1949
Box 14
- Department of State Bulletin, 1958-1961
- Department of State press releases - February 13-14, 1961
- Duke University Commonwealth - Studies Center - Sixth Anual Report, 1960-1961
- "Effects of the Cuban Reciprocity Treaty," Washington, GPO - 1929
- "The Enforcement of Multipartite Administrative Treaties in the United States" by Henry Reiff - October 1940
- "Exceptions to the Most-Favoured Nation Treatment" by Richard Riedl, London, P. S. King and Son - 1931
- Exporting to the United States, Bureau of Customs - August 1958
- "The Extent of the Treaty-Making Power" by Ernest R. Feidler and Ralph H. Dwon - November 1939
- "Factors Limiting U.S. Investment Abroad" (Part III) Business Views on the U.S. Goverment's Role - U.S. Department of Commerce - June 1954
- "First Annual Report on the Operation of the Trade Agreements Program, U.S. House of Representatives Document No. 93 - February 11, 1957
- Foreign Commerce Weekly - U.S. Department of Commerce, 1958-1962
- "Foreign Economic Policy for the 1960's" - Joint Congressional Committee Report - January 17, 1962
- "A Form Book For Standard Treaty Clauses" by Henry Reiff - 1946
Box 15
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, booklets and articles re the (37)
Box 16
- The Geneva Charter for an International Trade Organization - A Commentary - Department of State - October 26, 1947
Box 17
- Havana Charter For an International Trade Organization, Department of State - March 24, 1948
- How a Trade Agreement is Made- Department of State - February 1958
- "The Immunity Waiver for State Controlled Business Enterprises in United States Commercial Treaties" by Vernon G. Setser - 1961
- Index of Discussion in the House of Representatives- H.J. Res. 96 (Tariff) - U.S. Tariff Commission - February 4-9, 1937
- Index to the Havana Charter - International Trade Organization - March 1949
- Index of Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, H.J. Res. 96 (Tariff) January-February 1937
- "Intergovernmental Agreements Approach to the Problem of Agricultural Surpluses" by Edward G. Cale and Oscar Zaglets, Iowa Law Review, January 1949
- Internal Revenue Laws - H.R. 2762
- International Conciliation - the United States and the International Trade Organization - March 1949
- International Court of Justice (Case concerning right of nationals of the United States in Morocco) 1951-1952
- International Trade 1954 - the contracting parties to the GATT in Geneva - July 1955
- "The International Trade Organization Charter" by George Bronz - Harvard Law Review Association - 1949
- ITO Charter - a summmary analysis - Department of State - January 1950
- "Judicial Self-Limitation in Administrative Law: Examples in Tariff Administration" by Ralph H. Dwan and Everett E. Smith, Minnesota Law Review - 1941
- "The Judicial Review Problem in the International Trade Organization" by Seymour J. Rubin, Harvard Law Review- 1949
Box 18
- The Latin American Free Trade Association - United States Tariff Commission, T.C. Publication 60 - July 1962
- League of Nations - Recommendations of the Economic Committee Relating to Tariff Policy and the Most Favored Nation Clause, Geneva - February 16, 1933
- "Legal-Economic Problems of International Trade" - Reprint of Columbia Law Review - March 1961
- "The Liberal Japanese Peace Treaty" by Stanley D. Metzger, Reprinted from Cornell Law Quarterly - Spring 1952
- Liberating World Trade - Second Report on the Operation of GATT (published by the International Trade Organization Interior Commission - June 1950)
- "Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy, 1949-1950," The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
- Membership and Participation by the United States in the International Trade Organization - Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs (H.J. Res. 236), House of Representatives - April 19 - May 12, 1950
- Most Favored Nation Cases - handbook concerning miscellaneous articles on international trade
- M. Le President (Harry S. Truman) by William Hillman
Box 19
- National Security Provisions of United States Trade Agreements Legislation" by Chadwick Johnson, Department of State (includes summaries of National Security Cases), June 12, 1961
- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, published by the OEEC, December 1960
- "Organizing the Government for Participation in World Affiars" by Walter H. Lanes and Francis J. Wilcox - American Political Science Review - October 1944
- Partners in World Trade - The Goal of the GATT - Department of State, GPO - June 1955
- "Philippine Trade Acts of 1945-1946" - Hearings and Reports in the U.S. Congress (Vols. 1-4)
- "The Powers of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States" - House Document No. 443, Washington, GPO - 1956
- Presidential Terms of Office - S.J. Res. 11 (proposing an amendment to the Constitution to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution - May 4, 1959
- "The Proclaiming of Treaties in the United States" by Henry Reiff - American Journal of International Law - January 1936
- Proposals for Expansion of World Trade and Employment - Department of State - November 1945
- "The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program - the Policy of the United States and its Effectiveness" by James C. Pearson, Washington, D.C. - 1942
- Reciprocal Trade - A Current Biography - U.S. Tariff Commission - 1937 (with 1940 supplement edition)
Box 20
- Reciprocity and Commercial Treaties - U.S. Tariff Commission, Washington, D.C. - 1919
- Reciprocity- List of References on - Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. - 1910
- "A Remodelled Economic Organization" - A Report, Paris - April, 1960
- "The Reorganization of the Department of State" by Walter H. Lanes and Francis O. Wilcox, The American Political Science Review- April 1944
- A Selected Bibliography on European Integration, European Community Information Service, Washington, D.C. - March 1961
- Staff Papers Presented to the Commission on Foreign Econ