Size: 22 linear feet, 4 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Willie L. Harriford Jr. (1962); David Clark (2016).
Box 1
- C.I.O. Council before 1940
- Constitutional revision file
- Dairy industry - miscellaneous
- Defense Council, general
- Defense Council, Health and Welfare Committee
- Defense Savings Committee
- Deputy Commissioners
- Examinations
- Executive Office
- Factory inspectors
Box 2
- Gibson - Chairman of Committee to rewrite Workmen's Compensation Act
- Gibson - personal (3 folders)
Box 3
- Gibson - personal (3 folders)
- Industrial Hygiene, 1941
- Michigan Labor and Industry
- Occupations injurious to minors
Box 4
- Personnel applications
- Political appointments
- Political resolutions
- State-wide safety conference
- Union file - 1941 (2 folders)
- United Dairy Workers
- Workers Service Project
- Workmen's compensation
- Works Progress Administration
Box 5
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Cafeteria Workers
- Coal file
- Conciliation Service (2 folders)
Box 6
- Conciliation Service
- Employment statistics
- General correspondence
- Health for Victory
- Hearings - Committee on Education and Labor
- Department of the Interior
Box 7
- Japanese trip
- Labor Day
- Labor laws and conditions
- Labor Management Conference
- Labor - new peace proposal
- Letter from White House accepting resignation
Box 8
- Personal correspondence (2 folders)
- Personnel
- Physically handicapped (2 folders)
- Research and statistics relating to employment and unemployment, U.S. Department of Labor
- Reorganization of the Department of Labor
Box 9
- Safety engineering war training classes
- Safety and Health Bill S.1271
- Industrial Safety School
- National Safety School
- National Safety Conference
- Speeches and background material
- Taft-Hartley (2 folders)
- Travel vouchers (2 folders)
- Vote of Senators on various bills
- Workers Education Service
Box 10
- Chronological file, 1947
- Chronological file, 1948
- Chronological file, 1949
- Chronological file, 1950
Box 11
- A
- B
- C
- D
Box 12
- E
- Economic Development Committee
- F
- G
- Gibson, Mr.
Box 13
- Gibson, Mr., personal (2 folders)
- I
- J-K
- Japanese Labor Program
- L
Box 14
- Letters of commendation
- Little Cabinet meetings
- M
- Michigan Administration matters
- Michigan C.I.O. matters
- Michigan Democratic Club
- Michigan matters (confidential)
Box 15
- Michigan Unemployment Compensation Committee
- N
- O
- P-Q
- Political
- Political convention
Box 16
- R
- S
- T
- U-V
- W
Box 17
- Agriculture, 1945-1946
- Allis - Chalmers, 1945-1948 (3 folders)
- Applications for conciliation positions, 1945-1949 (2 folders)
- Conciliation Service, 1946
Box 18
- Conciliation Service, 1949
- Correspondence re Conciliation Service, 1947
- Arbitration, compulsory, 1949
- Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1946-1950
- B 2 H Bill (Federal Industrial Relations Act S. 1171)
- Bell Aircraft strike, 1949
- Bendix Aviation, 1949
- Brewery Workers, 1948
- Campbell Soup Company, 1946
- Campbell, Wyant and Cannon Foundry Company, 1946
- Case (I.J.) Company, 1946-1948
Box 19
- Case (I.J.)Company, 1946-1948
- C.I.O., 1945-1950 (2 folders)
- Excise Tax - labors stand, 1950
- Executive orders 1945-1948
- General Motors file, 1945
Box 20
- Government Services, Inc., 1947-1948 (2 folders)
- Houdaille - Hershey Corporation, 1947
- International Harvester, 1946
- International Harvester fact finding report, 1946
Box 21
- Labor letters and reports, 1945-1948
- Labor relations and material, 1947
- Maritime strike, Great Lakes, 1946
- Meat seizure order, 1946
- Michigan Study Commission, 1947
- Michigan state legislation, 1948
- Minimum wage material, 1949
- Montgomery Ward and Company, 1945
- Motor Products Corporation, 1950
- A. Newmyer Associates, 1947
- Non-Ferrous metals fact finding panel, 1946
- Oil panel, fact finding panel and report, 1946
Box 22
- Parke Davis file, 1950
- Puget Sound Navigation Company, 1948
- Taft-Hartley Law material
- Telephone strike, 1947
- Trailmobile company, 1950
- Wages and Hours, 1946-1948
- Women's Bureau Conference, 1948
Box 23
- Hampden Safety Council, 1-27-47
- "The Growth of Workers Education." Cleveland, Ohio, 1-25-47
- Convention of the St. Louis Joint Board, Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union, C.I.O., 3-25-47
- Greater New York Safety Council, 3-26-47
- Fifth Annual Industrial Safety Forum, St. Paul, Minn., 4-17-47
- Labor and Nation article, 1947
- United Wall Paper Company, 8-7-47
- Oil Workers International Union, Kansas City, Mo., 8-14-47
- International Association of Public Employment Service, 9-8-47
- Industrial Supervisor's Conference, University of New Hampshire, 9-13-47
- Town Meeting of the Air, New York City, 10-21-47
- Society for the Advancement of Management, Boston, Mass., 12-4-47
- N.A.A.C.P., Washington, D.C. Chapter, 1-18-48
- Social Action Institute, 1-21-48
Box 24
- Jewish Labor Committee, 2-2-48
- Middlebury, Vermont, 4-24-48
- Conference of Industrial Editors, 6-10-48
- The Constitutional Convention of the United Gas, Coke and Chemical Workers of America, 7-22-48
- Labor Day Address, 9-16-48
- Convention of International Union of United Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drinks Workers of America, 9-13-48
- Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, Communion Breakfast, N.Y. City, 10-18-48
- 11th Annual Convention of Wisconsin States Industrial Union Council C.I.O., 12-18-48
- Ali Ghan Shrine Country Club, Cumberland, Md., 1-26-49
- Louisiana State Industrial Union Council, 2-19-49
- 99th Birthday of Thomas G. Masaryk, 3-7-49
- St. Thomas Moore Guild, 3-8-49
- Employment Security for the Handicapped, a National Problem, Institute for the Employment of the Handicapped, 4-9-49
- Michigan State Industrial Union Council, C.I.O., 5-24-49
- Maryland Safety Conference, 6-8-49
- Ohio University Commencement, 8-13-49
- Vital issues in steel dispute must be settled to avert disastrous strikes in other industry, 8-30-49
- The Joint Labor Rally, Miami, 9-5-49
- Testimonial Dinner for W.P. Kennedy, 10-6-49
- Industrial Launderers' Association, 10-21-49
- Oklahoma State Industrial Union Council, C.I.O., 1-21-50
- Annual Convention Utility Workers Union of America, 4-28-50
- American Federation of Physically Handicapped, 4-30-50
- "A Labor Program against Intolerance"
- Miscellaneous
Box 25
- President's 1950 tour
- Campaign - speech material
- Speech material
- Articles for Publication
- Requests to speak refused
Box 26
- Americans for Democratic Action, 6-6-50
- Ali Ghan Country Club, Allegheny County State Central Committee, 1-26-49
- A.B.C. program "On Trial", 1-27-49 (2 folders)
- American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, 4-29-50
- American Union of Telephone Workers, 3-22-48
- Association of Catholic Trade Unionist, 10-17-48
- Anniversary, 35th Department of Labor, 3-4-48
- Brewery, Flour, Cereal and Soft Drinks Workers of America, International Union of United, 9-20-48
- Bronx Rotary Club, 12-14-48
- C.I.O. Community Services Institute Panel, 6-6-50
- C.I.O. Convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 5-9-50
- C.I.O. Labor Day Speech, 9-4-50
- C.I.O. Convention, 11-18-48
- C.I.O. Labor Day Celebration, 9-1-47
- C.I.O. Education Conference, United Automobile Workers, 1-25-47
- Chicago Industrial Union Council, 3-8-47
Box 27
- Chicago meeting, 3-17-49
- Czechoslovak National Council, 3-7-49
- European trip (1949)
- Fordham Industrial Relations Council, 5-7-49
- Foreman's Club, 8-6-47
- Florida Labor Day Speech, 9-5-49
- F.D.R. - C.I.O. Summer Institute, 7-23-48, and 8-25-47
- Glass, Ceramic and Silica Sand Workers of America, 7-19-50
- Hampden County Safety Council, 1-21-47
- Handicapped, employment of physically, 4-9-49
- Harrisburg, C.I.O. Education Conference 2-24-50
Box 28
- Hawaii trip, 4/19-25/1948
- I.A.G.L.O., 10-3-46
- I.A.R.E. Services - Hurst Hall, American University, 4-26-46 and 9-8-47
- Industrial Hygiene Foundation, 11-16-49
- Industrial Launderers' Association, 10-21-49
- Industrial Chiropractors Association Convention, 8-26-50
- International Foundry Wage and Hour Council, 9-21-47
- International Woodworkers of America Conference, 9-10-46
Box 29
- Jewish Labor Committee, 2-1-48
- Jewish Labor Committee, 12-5-48
- Joint C.I.O. and A.F. of L. Labor Day Speech, 9-6-48
- Kennedy, W.P. testimonial Dinner, 10-5-49
- Lansing Rotary Club, 3-12-47
- Lansing Safety Council, 10-22-46
- League of Women Voters, 6-7-47
- Louisiana Industrial Union Council, 2-19-49
- Maine State Industrial Union Council - June 1949 (cancelled because of auto accident)
- Maryland Safety, Health Conference, 6-8-49
- Merchant Marine Institute, 10-14-48
- Miami Labor Day, 1949
- Michigan State College, 11-11-47
- Michigan State College, 5-24-49
Box 30
- N.A.A.C.P., Washington, D.C. 1-18-48
- National Conference on Community School Camping 9-26-49 (declined)
- National Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 8-10-50
- Naval Reserve Speech, 1-9-50
- New Hampshire Industrial Supervisors Conference, 9-13-47
- New Jersey Safety Council, 2-1-46
- New York and Dallas trip, Jan.-Feb. 1950
- New York Herald Tribune Forum, 10-21-47
- New York Safety Council
Box 31
- Ohio C.I.O. Council, 9-12-47
- Ohio Safety Congress, 4-17-46
- Ohio University Speech, 8-13-49
- Oil Workers Convention, 8-14-47
- Oklahoma speech, 1-21-50
- Penn Yan, N.Y., 8-30-49
- Pennsylvania Education Conference, 2-24-50
- Philadelphia Sa