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Remarks to the Delegates to the National 4-H Club Camp

June 16, 1949

THANK YOU very much for this pin. It is a beautiful thing, and I know one thing certain, that it won't remain in my possession long when my daughter sees it.

It was my privilege many, many years ago--when most of you were babes in arms, and long before that--to be helpful in organizing the 4-H Club in my part of the world. I am from Jackson County, Mo., named for Andrew Jackson, who set out that magnolia tree over there in 1838.

I am vitally interested in what you are doing in your programs for the betterment of farm conditions in the United States. We have had some very able Secretaries of Agriculture who have been vitally interested in what you are doing. We have one now who is as able as any we have ever had, and he is vitally interested in the programs for which you are working.

I am more than happy to have you here. I hope you noticed that we fixed the weather up for you, so that you could stand here in time for the photographers to be here. I am charged, sometimes, with being in control of the weather, but I am not. I am just lucky.

I am glad to see you, and hope you will come back again next year. I hope also that you will have a very successful meeting this year while you are here.

Thank you very much.

NOTE: The President spoke at noon in the Rose Garden at the White House. The delegation presented a 4-H Club pin to the President.

Content last reviewed: Apr 15, 2019