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Letter to Joseph C. Grew and General Lucius D. Clay of the National Committee for a Free Europe

May 1, 1950

D ear___________:

Your telegram of April twenty-sixth, advising me that the National Committee for a Free Europe is launching a nationwide crusade for freedom, meets with my heartiest approval. I hope that all Americans will join with you in dedicating themselves to this critical struggle for men's minds. I am deeply gratified by your prompt response to my appeal of April twentieth, in which I emphasized the important role of private groups and organizations in this great endeavor.
Very sincerely yours,

NOTE: This is the text of identical letters sent to the Honorable Joseph C. Grew and General Lucius D. Clay, National Committee for a Free Europe, 301 Empire State Building, New York, N.Y.

Following is the text of the telegram to the President from Mr. Grew and General Clay, released by the White House along with the President's reply:

The President
The White House

In your speech of April 20 you urged private initiative in expressing the voice of freedom. The National Committee for a Free Europe was organized for this purpose, and particularly to help those who love freedom and, as a result, have been exiled to continue to fight for the restoration of freedom in their countries. We believe that the American people are ready for a crusade for freedom which will not only support the voices of those from behind the Iron Curtain who have lost freedom and home but will augment their voices with an overwhelming expression from free people in this country and everywhere of their faith and confidence that there will yet be a free world. We recognize the additional responsibility which has been thrust upon us by your challenging words, and we want to assure you that we are proceeding immediately with every resource at our disposal to organize in this country a crusade for freedom which will be a genuine expression of the will of the American people and which, through Radio Free Europe and other facilities, will be carried throughout the world. We have every confidence that the American people will join enthusiastically in this crusade to preserve their heritage, and thus respond fully and promptly to your expression of faith.