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Public Papers

The Public Papers of Harry S. Truman contain most of President Truman's public messages, statements, speeches, and news conference remarks. Documents such as Proclamations, Executive Orders, and similar documents that are published in the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations, as required by law, are usually not included. The documents within the Public Papers are arranged in chronological order. President Truman delivered the remarks or addresses from Washington, D. C., unless otherwise indicated. The White House in Washington issued statements, messages, and letters unless noted otherwise. (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1966)

The Public Papers contain items such as the Statement by the President Announcing the Use of the A-Bomb at Hiroshima (August 6, 1945), the Special Message to the Congress on Greece and Turkey: The Truman Doctrine (March 12, 1947), the White House Statement Announcing Recognition of the Government of Israel (January 31, 1949), the Statement and Order by the President on Relieving General MacArthur of His Commands (April 11, 1951), and The President's Farewell Address to the American People (January 15, 1953).

June 9, 1949 THE PRESIDENT. I haven't any special announcements to make, but I will try to answer questions. [1.] Q. Mr. President, have you been in direct communication with Secretary Acheson since he went to Paris? 1 THE PRESIDENT. Every…
May 9, 1950 Senator O'Mahoney, Dr. Humphrey, distinguished guests, and ladies and gentlemen: I appreciate very much that introduction, and I endorse every word the doctor said about Senator O'Mahoney. I think that way myself, and I know what I am…
August 30, 1945 Dear Mr. Price: In accordance with our previous discussions, I am asking you to go to Germany as my personal representative to survey the general subject of relations between the American forces of occupation and the German…
June 19, 1947 My dear Mr.___________: There is enclosed a copy of a report from the Secretary of State indicating a course of action which the Secretaries of State, War, Navy and Interior have agreed should be followed with respect to the…
June 7, 1948 [1.] POCATELLO, IDAHO (7:50 a.m.) Well, I can't tell you how highly pleased I am to see this turnout at this time of day. You know, I am an early riser myself, but a lot of people aren't. I have been up since a quarter to six,…
June 10, 1949 [1.] AT THE ROBINSON AUDITORIUM (JUNE 10, 3:48 P.M.) Mr. President, distinguished guests, and members of the 35th Division: I am most happy to be here. I am only here in my capacity as a member of the 35th Division…
May 5, 1952 To the Congress of the United States: Last summer, following the great floods in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, I recommended that the Congress establish a national system of flood disaster insurance. As I said then, the lack of…
June 9, 1951 [Released June 9, 1951. Dated June 8, 1951] My dear Mr. Lawton: The present emergency has caused great demands on the manpower resources of our country, with shortages of manpower in certain special areas already being felt. It…
May 16, 1946 THE PRESIDENT. [1.] The members of the Philippine War Damage Commission are: Frank A. Waring of California, John S. Young of New York, and Francisco A. Delgrado [Delgado] of the Philippine Islands. [2.] And I think I had better read you…
January 18, 1947 My dear___________: In the State of the Union Message of January 6, 1947, I stated that I would communicate with the Congress in the near future with reference to the establishment of a single department of national defense…
January 12, 1950 Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, and fellow Democrats: It is a very great pleasure for me to be here again on this occasion. I was here last year and discussed with you certain experiences of mine as a Member…
January 12, 1946 THE SECRETARY OF LABOR, Mr. Schwellenbach; Mr. John W. Snyder of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion; and Dr. John R. Steelman, Special Assistant to the President, have been in conference most of the afternoon with Mr.…
January 13, 1951 THE PRESIDENT. [1.] I want to call your attention particularly to this memo sheet, which sets out as nearly as possible what the budget totals are, and how they are allocated; and there is a statement on the second sheet which explains…
April 27, 1945 THE ANGLO-AMERICAN armies under the command of General Eisenhower have met the Soviet forces where they intended to meet-in the heart of Nazi Germany. The enemy has been cut in two. This is not the hour of final victory in Europe, but the…
January 17, 1949 To the Congress of the United States: In my recent messages to the Congress I have presented the program which I believe this Government should follow in the months ahead. The magnitude and importance of that program, both…
January 14, 1952 To the Congress of the United States: On January 14, 1950, pursuant to the provisions of the Rubber Act of 1948, I transmitted to the Congress my recommendations concerning the synthetic rubber industry in the United States…
January 26, 1948 My dear : I should like to express again the hope that the Congress will soon enact legislation approving the agreement of March 19, 1941, between the United States and Canada for the development of the Great Lakes-…
August 31, 1945 I HAVE today signed an Executive Order abolishing the Office of War Information. This agency and its able personnel, under the leadership of Elmer Davis, have made an outstanding contribution to victory. Our military commanders have…
June 20, 1947 To the House of Representatives: I return herewith, without my approval, H.R. 3020, the "Labor Management Relations Act, 1947." I am fully aware of the gravity which attaches to the exercise by the president of his…
June 8, 1948 [1.] ARCO, IDAHO (Rear platform, 9:50 a.m.) Governor, Mayor Marvel, the chairman of the Democratic Committee: I am indeed happy to have had the opportunity to stop here this morning. It is a surprise to me, I didn't…
May 6, 1952 Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen of the Housing Conference: It is a pleasure indeed for me to be able to come over here for a few minutes. You know, I have been right busy here lately, and it is hard for me to get anywhere. I…
June 11, 1949 Governor McMath, Mr. Mayor of Little Rock, and comrades of the 35th Division, ladies and gentlemen: We are here to dedicate this beautiful park to the dead of two world wars, whose memory we should always hold dear. The brave…
May 10, 1950 I HAVE today signed S. 247, an act creating the National Science Foundation. The Foundation will be an independent agency, in the executive branch of the Government, headed by a National Science Board and a Director. It will be the function…
June 11, 1951 Dear Carl: I am writing to express my deep concern over certain drastic limitations on the use of our Nation's power resources which appear in H.R. 3790, the Interior Department appropriation bill for the fiscal year beginning…
May 17, 1946 I HAVE TODAY by Executive Order directed J. Monroe Johnson, Director of the Office of Defense Transportation, to take over the country's railroads and operate them in the name of the United States Government. A strike has been called for 4…