Folder: April 23, 1945

Series: BILL FILES, 1945-1953
Collection: Harry S. Truman Papers Staff Member and Office Files: White House Records Office Files
Memorandum from Frederick J. Bailey to M. C. Latta, S. 530, Act Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to Grant an Easement, in Dallas, Texas, with Attachments, April 21, 1945
Memorandum from Frederick J. Bailey to M. C. Latta, S. 531, Transfer of Title for Certain Land in Los Angeles, California, with Attachments, April 21, 1945
Memorandum from M. C. Latta to Harold D. Smith, April 23, 1945
Memorandum from Frederick J. Bailey to M. C. Latta, H.R. 288, For the Relief of the Lawrence Motor Company, Incorporated, with Attachments, April 23, 1945