Dates: 1945-1953
Size: 800 linear feet, 2 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: President Truman donated his copyright interest in any of his writings in this collection to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents which do not fall in these two categories is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents.
Updated by: David Clark (2001).
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Folder Title List ]
The Official File (OF) is one of the four principal series within the White House Central Files, the other three being the President's Personal File, the General File, and the Confidential File. The Official File contains materials interpreted by the White House Central Files unit as being primarily official or semi-official in nature. These materials were sent to the White House Central Files unit by the various White House offices when they were considered to be no longer necessary for the day to day conduct of business. The companion President's Personal File (PPF), in contrast, contains materials interpreted as being political, social, or ceremonial in character.
Since documents received by the White House often contained a mixture of personal and official information, the distinction between the Official File and the President's Personal File is very imprecise. A third series within the White House Central Files, the General File, acts as an index, primarily by name, to both the Official File and the President's Personal File.
President Truman's Official File contains 3,480 numbered files pertaining to Government departments and agencies, the operations of the Executive Office of the President, individual countries, broad subject areas, and organizations and individuals having business with the Government. A file number may represent one folder or multiple boxes. The files are elaborately cross-referenced both among other files in the Official File, and among the files of the President's Personal File and the General File. A single original document may be represented by five or six cross-references distributed under file headings devoted to agencies, individuals, countries, and subjects. The cross-references typically give a document's correspondents, date and purpose, as well as other appropriate information. A researcher may follow these cross-reference trails through the three linked file series in search of related documents.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Folder Title List ]
Group 1: Files 1-999
Group 2: Files 1000-1999
Group 3: Files 2000-2999
Group 4: Files 3000-3480
Group 5: OF Miscellaneous
Box 1
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1945
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1946 [1 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1946 [2 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1947 [1 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1947 [2 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1948 [1 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1948 [2 of 2]
Box 2
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1949 [1 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, 1949 [2 of 2]
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, January-March, 1950
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, April-July, 1950
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, August-December, 1950
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, January-March, 1951
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, April-June, 1951
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, July-September, 1951
Box 3
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, October-December, 1951
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, January, 1952
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, February, 1952
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, March, 1952
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, April-June, 1952
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, July, 1952-1953
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous 1945-February, 1946
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous March-May, 1946
Box 4
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous June-December, 1946
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous 1947
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous 1948-1949
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous 1950
- OF 1 Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous 1951-1953
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements "A-F"
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements "G-Z"
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Brannan, Charles F.
Box 5
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements, Under Secretary
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements, Assistant Secretary
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements, Assistant Secretary - Miscellaneous
- OF 1-A Department of Agriculture, Endorsements, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-B Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service [1 of 2]
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service [2 of 2]
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service, Tongass National Forest Folder Re: H.J. Res - 205 Approved August 18, 1947
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service, Shasta National Forest Folder Re: H.R.3175 Approved March 19, 1948
- OF 1-C Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service, Superior National Forest Miscellaneous
- OF 1-D Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry
- OF 1-E Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Dairy Industry
- OF 1-F Department of Agriculture, Farm Security Administration
- OF 1-F Department of Agriculture, Endorsements
- OF 1-G Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering
- OF 1-G Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, National Arboretum
- OF 1-H Department of Agriculture, Extension Service
Box 6
- OF 1-J Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations
- OF 1-K Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Agency
- OF 1-L Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration [1 of 2]
- OF 1-L Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration [2 of 2]
- OF 1-L Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-L Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, Endorsements
- OF 1-L Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, Endorsements "A-Z"
- OF 1-M Department of Agriculture, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
- OF 1-N Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Research Center
- OF 1-O Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics
- OF 1-P Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
- OF 1-Q Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry
- OF 1-R Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service
- OF 1-R Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Commodity Credit Corporation, 1945-1947
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Commodity Credit Corporation 1948
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Commodity Credit Corporation, 1949
Box 7
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Commodity Credit Corporation, 1950-1951
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Commodity Credit Corporation, 1952-1953
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-S Department of Agriculture, Advisory Board, Endorsements
- OF 1-T Department of Agriculture, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
- OF 1-T Department of Agriculture, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-U Department of Agriculture, Office of Marketing Services
- OF 1-V Department of Agriculture, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations
- OF 1-W Department of Agriculture, War Food Administration
- OF 1-W Department of Agriculture, War Food Administration, Endorsements
- OF 1-X Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics
- OF 1-Y Department of Agriculture, Production and Marketing Administration
- OF 1-Y Department of Agriculture, Production and Marketing Administration, Fats and Oils Branch
- OF 1-Y Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-Z Department of Agriculture, Office of Foreign Food Programs
- OF 1-AA Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Corporation
- OF 1-AA Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Corporation, Miscellaneous
- OF 1-AA Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Corporation, Endorsements
Box 8
- OF 1-BB Department of Agriculture, Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
- OF 1-CC Department of Agriculture, Solicitor General
- OF 1-DD Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Graduate School
- OF 1-EE Department of Agriculture, Sugar Rationing Administration
- OF 1-FF Department of Agriculture, Commodity Exchange Authority
- OF 1-GG Department of Agriculture, Remount Service
- OF 1-HH Department of Agriculture, Office of Information
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1945
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1946
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1947 [1 of 2]
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1947 [2 of 2]
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, January-June 1948
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, July-December 1948
Box 9
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, January-May 1949
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, June-September 1949
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, October-December 1949
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1950 [1 of 2]
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, 1950 [2 of 2]
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, January-August 1951
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, September-December 1951
Box 10
- OF 2 Civil Service Commission, January-October 19