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hst-mjc_naid2839528-02 - 1948-03-12

Transcript Date


10:00 AM


It is important that Trade Treaty in Congress be supported for passage without amendment. It is vital to our foreign policy. Get behind it with everything we have.


Hopes everyone will think alike on this matter. We have to get some kind of agreement for air bases in Greenland without offending Denmark. If we flaunt them it will be a case of the bark worse than the bite.

It is important to look into question of foreign enlistments in the Army.

Russia in the north of Korea has 100,000 men - they are experienced soldiers. We should train Koreans in our own constabulary. The equipment is on hand and should be utilized. The same applies to European theater. It will require new draft of a bill - Lodge is agreeable to introducing this bill.


In Palestine there must be agreement not only on partition but the Arabs have to agree to economic agreement to sustain Palestine - utilities, etc., are dependent on this. This factor is being overlooked. Partition without economic agreement is unworkable.


Offered proposed order on Loyalty investigation material which sets out only Presidential OK will permit Cabinet officer to make such material available to Congress or the public.


Approved. Discussed the luncheon at White House with Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee. All Cabinet members are invited. The purpose of this meeting is to steam up the Committee to get behind the administration's program. To offset current propaganda the President will make a forthright statement on what our foreign & domestic programs - - - - . The President is to take the bull by the horns and reemphasize his leadership. It is not the President's desire to inject foreign policy in the political campaign. Our aim is peace and nothing else.


Fears passion that has been aroused in U. S. as a result of European situation. If President does carry out his idea it is important to avoid hasty action. We must be specific in our aims. We cannot take a position which will possibly later have to be reverse. This would be tragic. We must know our aims and be certain we are right.


Is there anything we can do to aid Italian election.


Yes. Will provide ideas on that to Cabinet later.

10:35 AM