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hst-mjc_naid2839546-02 - 1949-10-21

Transcript Date



The Assistant to the President

October 21, 1949


Re: Cabinet Meeting, October 21, 1949

1. Mr. Boyle - Mr. Boyle and. his assistant were introduced as per arrangements with you. (According to Mr. Boyle). Mr. Boyle talked briefly about the Jefferson Day Dinner for February 16, 1950. He asks that each Cabinet Officer appoint a top-ranking representative of his department to work with Mr. Boyle so that he, in turn, can act as liaison between the Government and the National Committee.

Next, he discussed the New York dinner for December 2. Stated it will be $100. a plate affair; that the Vice President and the Speaker have both agreed to be present; Tom Morgan of Sperry is Chairman and Roy Turner is in charge of the Governors and their staff members. Mr. Boyle stated he hoped every Cabinet Office could be present and that they do not sell individual tickets, but sell by table only - ten at each table.

After Mr. Boyle departed the President stated that he is working hard and doing a fine job. That he thought it would be good if Mr. Boyle could say a few words to the Cabinet. All seemed pleased.


1. Secretary Acheson mentioned that "We got through at the United Nations without an explosion. Romulo is really doing a job; Vishinski trying to employ the usual tactics attempted to make speeches both before and after the Yugoslav vote; Romulo gaveled him down; he did not stop talking so Romulo ordered the speaker system cut off. This was done and Mr. Vishinski sat down on each occasion."

2. Secretary Snyder commented at some length on President’s speech last evening. The President expressed the thought that he might never be invited again but Secretary Snyder said he certainly would be invited again; that this group likes a fighter and that they certainly found the President to be one. He stated he heard numerous favorable comments after the meeting and was sure that Secretary Johnson and Mr. McCabe would tell the President the same, etc.

3. Secretary Gray stated Secretary Johnson was on the Hill testifying. That he had nothing to say but was sent over to bring back anything the President might have for Secretary Johnson.

4. Perlman - no comment.

5. Krug - no comment.

6. Postmaster General stated the Civil Service Commission has been in touch with him about the possible raises under the new law which will allow a certain number of raises in each Civil Service category throughout the Government. The Postmaster General stated he was fearful the Civil Service Commission is going to cause a lot of trouble. Secretary Snyder and others agreed and they all expressed the hope that not the Civil Service Commission, but the respective heads of the agencies and the President would make the decision. The President suggested that JRS talk with Mr. Dawson about this and see about a Presidential Executive Order to Heads of Departments which would make the matter clear. The President indicated that he specifically wants the Departments and not the Civil Service to decide who gets the raises. The President asked the Attorney General to get up an opinion on the matter. He stated that he handled the White House raises with no difficulty at all and asked JRS if that wasn’t a fact. JRS replied that the first he knew of it was when he read it in the papers but that what he read was certainly satisfactory.

7. Tobin talked about unemployment, quoting statistics to show that except for strikes the situation is very good - more people at work and longer hours than a month or two ago.

8. Sonny Whitney mentioned he has a memorandum for the President on the tax situation.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.