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hst-nb_naid6656230-01 - 1882-07-10

Transcript Date

___ our darling Nan;

How shall I begin this letter? I guess I had better make an apology for not writing sooner, but there I am doing equally as well as you. It has been so everlasting hot-I just couldn't write, every day I would say well I am going to write, to you today! And as it is somewhat cooler today and I am as very tired studying I thought I could not employ my time better than to answer your sweet old letter. Heard this been the hottest weather you ever felt? I came near melting during those hot days, and wouldn't made a very large grease spot, would I? but when I studied the matter over and thought no one would die with a broken heart or would have a very hard time cleaning up the grease, concluded I wouldn't melt, I think pretty soon at least I thought __ one night, for the wind blew a perfect hurricane; it destroyed considerable property in Kansas City, it was worse there than here. Mat, Pa and I went down to the City two weeks ago today and stayed until Tuesday eve, coming home we got a good soaking but had a bushel of fun, but oh! We were the most tired out I almost wished I would never see K. City again. By the by I heard Billy was staying there now so first come up and I'll take you down to see him. I am glad someone is having a good time for I am quite certain I am not, unless you would call eating apples sleeping and studying enjoying ones self, if you do then I have a fine time; I am sick of looking at books, novels and all; and it is more than a month before I try for a certificate as I will have to put in all of that time; first imagine me teaching the little brats next Fall if I get a chance won't I make them dance? I received a letter from Lutie last week, she has found her a new fellow and says she is dead gone but I know it is a whopper. I haven't heard from Mary yet. I know you will have the boss time at Higbee, but don't you fall in love with any the boys there for you know you are to be my cousin; by the way I am going down to see your John soon and I'll tell him what a darling you are and get that picture for you. I could have gotten it sooner but have not seen him since I came home. I saw my John last evening, he called and we had a jolly chat; he is coming to take me to Church next Sunday night, come up and I'll let you go in my place. You know you and Lutie promised to come and if you don't I'll never believe you again. [Illegible] one John quite enough for you so you had better bid farewell to your Oregon fellows.

I know the scene between you and Mrs. R. was very affecting I know you believed every word the dear old lady said. Poor old soul I know it was hard work for her to squeeze those tears out. I bet she saw you coming and rubbed some pepper or onions in her eyes; I know she did il-hate to bid you farewell half as bad you hated to part with her. Nan I'd give the universe to visit you but it will be utterly impossible this Summer, but you and Lute most be sure and come to see me; remember I'll not have no for an answer. Mat said give you her love and tell you she tried to die yesterday but did not succeed. She went up home and had a spell of the cramp colic and did not get home until this morning. Nan, I send you one of my pictures to keep the rabbits out of the cabbage patch and I know I will not fail to do it, - and my dear, I shall expect yours immediately. Give Miss Lida lots of love and kisses too but then I know she would not let such as thing as you kiss her. I haven't had any baths in the slop tub since I came home. Nan, I'd give anything to see you, Lute and Mary and have some fun. Well as I have not thing to write I nonsense and you are tired of that I'll close by begging that you will excuse this writing and this abominable letter and I want you to write immediately and I promise when the weather turns cooler to do better and write more news. I send you bushels, pecks, quarts, [illegible] of love to you and that [illegible] kisses too, although you don't like them, but then it makes no difference as there is no one to give them to you

I am yours devotedly,


Please excuse that blot - goodby
