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hst-nb_naid6656264-01 - 1888-04-18

Transcript Date

Independence, Mo.

4/18 - 1888

My dear Nan:--

I will not be as long answering your letter as you were in replying to mine, but will forgive you as you wrote me the first letter with your pen which Santa brought you. I assure you I felt highly complimented I was so very much surprised when I read your letter and heard Mary was married and to Joe Williams, the very idea. I think she treated Lute & my-self shamefully, I would have thought she would have kept her word at least. I haven't heard from her for a year and don't suppose she will ever write again. I agree with you that girls are never the same after they are married. I heard not long ago that I was soon to loose my Nan, it almost made me sick to hear that you were going to be married, so come fess up for I got it pretty straight. Now Nan, don't treat me like Mary did, but let me know in time and I will send you a set of tin spoons, maybe, if I get money enough. I am too poor to buy a stick of candy now as I have been idle all winter, couldn't get any work and have been so discouraged, thought several times I had a position, but got left every time. I just go up to school once in a while to keep in practice. Just guess who I saw last week? Sallie Bass Tomlin, she was here at her Aunts by marriage, and I was there are the sewing circle; she hasn't changed one bit, and you know how well we always loved each other, so we didn't converse any, she lives in Winfield Kan. It didn't seem possible that it had been almost six years since I had met her, but I wouldn't have cared if it had been six more.

Nan, I know you are not one half as anxious to see me as I am you if you were you would come and see me. I would enjoy visiting you so much, but it is impossible for me to come this spring, but I would give any thing to see you. I think and know you could come and see me if you only would. I hope you will all have a good time when you go to Columbia. Give my love to Miss Laura. What has become of Eva and Elvira Johnson? I must close. Write soon and I will write a better letter next time. Give my love to Miss Lida. All send love & much from me. Yours in haste, Mattie