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hst-nb_naid6656278-01 - 1890-11-05

Transcript Date

Westport, Mo.

Nov. 5-1890

My darling Girlie:--

As I didn't feel well enough to attend prayer meeting tonight will employ the time in writing letter, as I don't expect to have another chance soon. Protracted meeting commenced at our church at Westport tonight. Mr. & Mrs. Hudson have gone, they sent their love to you & Mr. H said for me to tell you that you treated him shamefully and he didn't like it, went off and never told him goodby, didn't even know you were gone until he asked me where you were. Yes, Miss Clara has gone, left Monday night and I am glad, she didn't capture Mr. Irvine that night, there was a whole house full here and he wasn't in the room very long, he stopped at the school house that morning and apologized for not meeting us that Sunday morning, he came over to see Miss Clara Sunday and she wasn't here so he had to come in and talk to me all evening and too I got to go to church with him that night. I tell you I'd set my cap if I thought it would do any good, but all the family have taken particular pains to inform me that he is engaged and expects to be married in the spring, they inform me of it about every two or three days, for fear I'll forget it. I was sick yesterday, but not in bed and he was here on business, came in a few minutes & was very sympathetic. I believe he is a flirt, I never would have thought so on first acquaintance and I had a bushel of fun. Sunday night, he was rather soft and I knew he didn't mean one word of it, so I was too, but let him know afterward that I didn't mean it, I think I'll give his girl some poison. I am acquainted with her, she is quite pretty. I want to tell you about Mrs. Conroy, she came down the other day quizzing about him & cam [sic] right out, & said she thought I had better not marry Mr. Irvine. Informed her ladyship, I didn't expect to get a chance and furthermore I didn't want one. I do wish people would attend to their own business. Well enough of this, but I had to tell some one. I had never heard one word from Lute or Ella since you left. I am going home Saturday, Miss Clara had a beau from the City last Sat. night invited me up, but I plead a bad cold & didn't go. There was a house full all last week. I went to Prayer meeting Wednesday night & to the Entertainment Thursday night, had a fine time, some of the girls had on dresses, one hundred and fifty years old, they looked too funny and there was a whole room full of old curiosities and the singing and instrumental music was splendid. Friday after school Bertie Graves and I went out driving and Saturday I wouldn't go to the City with Mrs. Hudson because I wanted to get some work done. Miss Clara had company from the City to spend the day and invited me up after dinner & I had to go. Monday night Mr. Jack Talbot one of Mr. H's nephews came out brought his best girl and spent the evening.

I had four more new scholars and if I have any more I'll have you come up and assist. Miss Woodson said she expected you to visit her. Tell me all you know of her any way. I have given you a faithful account of everything that's happened since you were here, it seems to me, it has been two years, I missed you so much. I will tend like it was you anyway. Excuse blots I was thinking of "Oh bother the flowers that bloom it Spring" "Kate is getting giddy." I hope you found something to mash in the dried pumpkin, expect you & him will be like "Koko & Kate."

I wish we could be at the Theatre tonight and have a good laugh. I am still blue because you left, and want to see you worse than ever. I must close. Write real soon & a long letter & tell me all about your visit etc., I too am sorry we didn't have our pictures taken. Love to all & very much to you.

Lovingly Yours,


N.B. Mrs. T asked me my age today. I told her 25.

I don't know how all these blots got here. Please excuse them for I can't think of writing it over.