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65-01_23 - 1949-02-04

Transcript Date

February 4, 1949


At Cabinet meeting this morning the President told us that he approved of the recommendation of the National Security Council yesterday regarding a suspension of shipments to China. He has asked the Vice President and me to meet in his office tomorrow, Saturday morning, at eleven o'clock, with Senators Connally and Vandenberg and Representatives Bloom and Eaton to tell them of the action which the President contemplates and to get their judgment.

For this meeting I should like to have for study tonight (1) a copy of the China Aid Act, extracts from the debate in which the intention of the Congress, as described by Mr. Butterworth, is made clear; (2) statement of the amount by dollars and general description remaining to be shipped, schedule of shipments; (3) if it is proper under the security regulations for me to do so I should like to have data on the number of armies and men lost by the Nationalists, the number of these that were equipped with American materiel and the general schedule of the materiel lost*; (4) if it is also proper under security regulations I should like to read or at least digest some of the communications from the Ambassador, General Barr and Mr. Royall on which our recommendation to the President was based.


*and indication of cost