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65-01_56 - 1949-02-21

Transcript Date

MEMORANDUM Conversation with the President

February 21, 1949

Item 1.

I gave the President the message of appreciation from the ex-President of Venezuela.


MEMORANDUM Conversation with the President

February 21, 1949

Item 2.

I reported to the President Ambassador Smith's conversation with me in which he hoped that the President would find it possible to accept his resignation although he wished to assure the President of his willingness to carry out any orders which the President might have. The President fully agreed that considerations of the Ambassador's health require the acceptance of the resignation. He will do this whenever it is desired. The President, however, hopes that we can have a prompt recommendation of a successor as he would like if possible to make both announcements at the same time.


MEMORANDUM Conversation with the President

February 21, 1949

Item 3.

I discussed several matters in connection with the Hoover Commission and a matter which Mr. Webb asked me to take up on some conversations which he was having, and will communicate directly to Mr. Webb the substance of this talk.