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  2. 66-5_08 - 1950-02-03

66-5_08 - 1950-02-03

Transcript Date

February 3, 1950

U Mr. Webb:

In accordance with your suggestion, I showed the attached memorandum to Secretary Brannan and pointed out the impossibility of proceeding in accordance with the last sentence. The Secretary, after reading the memorandum, doubted whether anyone in his Department had agreed to the substance or would agree to it without the last sentence, which meant in effect that Agriculture would go along if the Committee would go along.

Secretary Brannan expressed considerable irritation with the Canadians on this matter and also because of importations of potatoes at a time when we were having such an acutely difficult potato surplus.

I told the Secretary that I was prepared to discuss the matter on the merits of that moment, but felt that he and I should meet with the responsible officers of our two Departments and reach a definitive conclusion - either an agreement between us or an agreement to present the problem to the President.

The next move is up to us to arrange such a meeting.

