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  2. HST-FBP_2-4_01 - 1912-06-11

HST-FBP_2-4_01 - 1912-06-11

Transcript Date

Grandview Monday P.M.

Dear Bess:

I am at last answering your letter. It was my intention to answer it when it first came but I could think of nothing of interest to say to you and kept putting it off until suddenly it was Saturday and it was no use to write because I'd beat the letter.

Do you know I waited fully ten minutes on the corner for that dad bloomed car? Think of wasting ten good minutes on a corner on Sunday night. I did my level best to miss the train - walked all the way from 9th and Walnut to the depot and still had four minutes. It was my idea if I could have legally missed the thing to see if you'd go to Fairmount with me today. Did you go? It really was a good thing I got home though. We plowed corn this afternoon and I was muchly in demand. I raked the yard this morning that is a large part of it. Our yard is about the size of yours and when I go to clear the grass off it I usually start before breakfast and quit after supper. There was a little old meadowlark sat up on the telephone wire and every time I'd stop to observe the scenery he'd say "Pretty boy go night back to work." I finally made him change his base operations and snag the hired man. There are some birds who haven't any consideration for a person's feelings. There's one that says "Oh my what a poor hay pitcher" when we make hay. It gets very exasperating when its kept up all day long. Black birds say "Jack, Jack, Jack, the Champion." Crows swear terribly if you know what key they're talking in, and happen to be in a cussing mood yourself. It takes a pretty fluent cusser to understand all they say. I couldn't you know (?).

I suppose you'll go into see Miss Jessie off for the far west. Tell her to have a good time. I'd like to see her off myself but guess I can't, blame the corn. It has to be plowed you know whether school keeps or not. We are also anticipating (spelled right?) a hay crop this week too. Would have had it up by this if it hadn't been for the rain. We ought to have dry weather this week though, you know the moon changed in the evening. When it changes before dinner it's a sign of rain. Didn't work last year though. As Mack says all signs fail when its dry so it's best to carry your own bottle.

(I wish I were the Methodist Archbishop. I'd have that [illegible] person's scalp if it busted up the church.) A Grandviewite is going to have me up to meet my fate Saturday night also I have an invitation to a dance that night. I don't know which to do. I can't dance and I've already met the other it's six to one and six to tother.

I already know the girl this person wants me to meet probably better than she does. The lady comes from the Big burg on the South - Belton. There are few down there I don't know. I'll probably stay home and cuss my luck cause I can't go to the Auto races. If it rains you know it would spoil the race if it doesn't I couldn't go. So there you are. I wish we had a machine if it was only a Ford. I am almost tempted sometimes to get papa to agree to sell the black horses and buy a dinky Ford. They'd do it.

If by any chance under creation I can go, would you? Don't you hesitate to go with someone else if they asks you because I' m sure I'll have to work. Did George ever get his box at Jaccard's? I just want to know because I don't want them to be ahead that much.

This is an awful excuse for a letter but won't you answer it soon? You know I only wish to get your letters please think this is worth one.



If I were snobbish I'd date my letters Blue Ridge Farm because this is it.