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  2. Cover Page for C.C.S. 679/6, 679/7, 679/8, and 679/9 - Employment of Captured Enemy Ocean-going Passenger Shipping and British Troopship Employment in the U.S. Trans-Atlantic Programs in the First Half of 1946

Cover Page for C.C.S. 679/6, 679/7, 679/8, and 679/9 - Employment of Captured Enemy Ocean-going Passenger Shipping and British Troopship Employment in the U.S. Trans-Atlantic Programs in the First Half of 1946

Cover Page for C.C.S. 679/6, 679/7, 679/8, and 679/9 - Employment of Captured Enemy Ocean-going Passenger Shipping and British Troopship Employment in the U.S. Trans-Atlantic Programs in the First Half of 1946