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  4. James E. Petrillo and Harry S. Truman Playing Musical Instruments

James E. Petrillo and Harry S. Truman Playing Musical Instruments

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
HST Keywords
Piano - Truman (playing); Truman - Gifts - Receiving - Piano; Truman Library - Museum Objects - Piano; Wisconsin - Milwaukee

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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James C. Petrillo, President of the American Federation of Musicians, shows off a few dance steps (right) while former President Harry S. Truman, standing before the piano, cheers him on. They teamed up for three wild choruses of Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here. The duet gave Mr. Truman a chance to test the concert grand piano presented to him by the Federation for the Truman Memorial Library in Independence, Missouri. Later that day, Mr. Truman addressed the 57th annual convention of the Federation, which was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (See also photos 70-512, 58-160, and 69-0553.) Original is an oversize 14" x 16" photo mounted on heavy card stock, filed in oversize file. From: Office of President Truman at the Harry S. Truman Library.
June 17, 1954