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Spyros Markezinis Oral History Interview

… i am willing to supply any further information required. during 1946 -- barely one year after the termination of world war ii -- it became clear in western europe that if the war had been won the same could not be said of peace. both the … short-term credits to meet current foreign exchange obligations, which have been settled entirely. question: how did the korean war affect u.s. aid programs in greece? markezinis: apart from the significant fact that the korean war reduced, as expected, the amounts of aid granted to the european countries, greece was not particularly affected …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, April 16, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder was a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with … active trying to stir up trouble in every fashion possible between the american troops and the japanese people and the korean people. okinawa, of course, was quite an area of conflict. the akahata was the newspaper that was the leading … they needed more troops if they didn't think that they were threatened? snyder: because they had to build up the south korean rok troops there, train them and equip them so that they could meet the threat if it ever came. but that was their …

Oral History

Philleo Nash Oral History Interview, August 17, 1966

… interview, august 17, 1966 oral history interview with philleo nash special assistant for domestic operations, office of war information, 1942-45, and special consultant to the secretary of war, 1943. special assistant to president for minority problems, 1946-52, and an administrative assistant to the president, … existing policy of division segregation and was the beginning of the major changes which were completed by the end of the korean war, and was really quite a significant event, and one which has not been written about very completely or fully in my …

Oral History

Gunther Harkort Oral History Interview

… which united states aid was introduced? harkort: when in 1947 secretary of state marshall announced the marshall plan, the war in europe had been over for two years. the potsdam conference had divided the german "reich" into four zones. contrary to … without including an economic recovery in germany. question: at the beginning of the war in korea? harkort: when the korean war broke out, the american relief measures were in full swing. we did not assume that the demands   [14] of the war … the iron curtain, if for instance czechoslovakia, poland, hungary had participated. it is true, however, that with the korean war defense against communism shifted decidedly to the foreground; instead of recovery, it was now mutual security.   …

Oral History

Clayton Fritchey Oral History Interviews

… into government was through mr. truman appointing general marshall secretary of defense at a bad moment during the korean war. he asked me to take a leave of absence from the new orleans item and to become his assistant secretary of public … communist world. there was a limited objective of restoring the status quo ante. the moment that we cut off the north korean troops and had a very sizeable victory in our hands, there were those who wanted to go on and capture all of north …

Oral History

Frank Holeman Oral History Interview

… while you were out there? holeman: well, not then, no. we were in a little town of san jose, neuva eicja on luzon when the war ended. we went from there, and on about september 14 we landed in sendai, northern japan. it's on the island of honshu, … there's got to be some corroboration somewhere. johnson: okay. in 1950, of course, you're covering the white house and the korean war breaks out. holeman: yes, that's right. johnson: they flew back on a sunday afternoon from independence. holeman: … their parties. they dress for dinner." so believe it or not, i am the only sonofabitch you know that took a tuxedo to the korean war. johnson: you had your tuxedo in korea when you were there retreating? holeman: yes, in my suitcase, yes. johnson: …

Oral History

Charles J. Greene Oral History Interview

… i believe, was the first national attention that was ever given to harry truman, and he picked up a head of steam with his war investigation operations very promptly after [3] that report came out. hess:  did you, or did you not, feel that walter … or both, the almost total dissolution of the country's military strength in a period between 1945 and the start of the korean war. i don't know whether he could have stopped it. certainly the people were sick of war, and sick of the money it had cost and all that, but the pendulum was so far that when the korean thing broke it was disaster. we had nothing, the military, the world's greatest military machines turned into a …

Oral History

Harry S. Truman Papers Staff Member and Office Files David E. Bell Files

… pomona college, claremont, california 1940   1940 m.a., (economics) harvard university 1941   1941 administrative analyst, war organization section, administrative management division, bureau of the budget 1942-1945   u.s. marine corps reserve 1943 … box 1 arkansas - white - red river basins columbia valley administration farewell radio address: january 15, 1953 korean armistice st. lawrence seaway and power project [ top of the page | administrative information | biographical sketch | …

Finding Aid

Sir Roger Makins (Lord Sherfield) Oral History Interview, August 10, 1970

… the planning fox the occupation, given your experience. how did these relate to what happened in the immediate post-   [2] war period? did they make any difference at all, the occupations in north africa, and... makins: you mean the civil affairs … of the persons whom i've interviewed in europe have said that perhaps the death of the oeec came at the time of the korean war, when the united states and great britain revived this arrangement which had been a wartime arrangement, on the … it was what seemed, from what i gathered, a necessary operation without consideration of the effects. makins: i think the korean war was a crisis, and certain measures were taken to deal with it, and one of them was that the british government …

Oral History

Special Message to the Congress Recommending Extension and Broadening of the Defense Production Act

… the hump" in our defense mobilization program. we hope that will be about two years from now--always assuming that world war is avoided. all our plans must recognize, of course, that while we hope we can influence the actions of aggressors, we … stopping inflation. fortunately, we are now in a relatively good position to prepare for the tough period ahead. after the korean invasion, and again after the chinese intervention, there were speculative buying rushes by businessmen and consumers … help meet the inflationary pressures which will confront us in the coming months. the present law was enacted before the korean outbreak as a last step in the liquidation of the rent controls left over from the war. about 6.7 million housing …

Official Document

Richard M. Bissell Jr. Oral History Interview

… interview with richard m. bissell jr. during the truman administration served as economic adviser to the director of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46, dep. director, 1946; exec. secretary of the president's committee on foreign aid … some two years later when i actually did go back to mit and teach a seminar in the summer of 1950; but at that moment the korean war broke out and no one knew where it was going to lead. you remember, price controls were re-imposed, a whole series … that first of all we were too busy at the start to try to do much of anything about it but that with the outbreak of the korean war, chilling and sharpening of the cold war, a recognition that there was a serious split in europe that was going to …

Oral History

Raphael Green Oral History Interview

… | list of subjects discussed ] appendix a – biographical material on raphael green appendix b – itinerary may 1946 – korean trip   notice this is a transcript of a tape-recorded interview conducted for the harry s. truman library. a draft of … did you teach? green: four years. johnson: just four years. then what did you do? green: i went into the service. world war ii had started while i was still teaching. johnson: this would be about what year? green: i went into the service in … or the top people, the technical assistants, the secretariat, and apparently there were six russian interpreters and five korean interpreters. i think they weren’t necessarily russian, but they were interpreters of russian, and there were five …

Oral History

Address in Detroit at the Celebration of the City's 250th Anniversary

… detroit symbolizes for free men everywhere the productive power which is a foundation stone in world peace. in the last war, detroit proved itself as one of the great production centers of the arsenal of democracy. its tanks and trucks rumbled … normandy to okinawa. from detroit and other great american cities came such an outpouring of the weapons and equipment of war as had never been seen before in all history. that miracle of production was made possible by american industry in … we will never quit in the fight for world peace. the communists have asked for talks looking toward a settlement of the korean conflict. those talks are in progress. we do not yet know whether the communists really desire peace in korea or …

Official Document

Harry S. Truman Papers Staff Member and Office Files: Naval Aide to the President Files

… headquarters during the potsdam conference; state department briefing papers for the president; messages concerning the korean war received from the joint chiefs of staff and the commander in chief of the far east; and correspondence concerning the … the council of foreign ministers; the surrenders of germany and japan; the japanese peace treaty conference of 1951; the korean war; and the united nations. the war department intelligence review file, which is arranged chronologically, contains …

Finding Aid

Radio and Television Report to the American People on the National Emergency

… the free nations. by this act they have shown that they are now willing to push the world to the brink of a general war to get what they want. this is the real meaning of the events that have been taking place in korea. that is why we are in … we shall strive for a settlement that will make korea a united, independent, and democratic country. that is what the korean people want, and that is what the united nations has decided they are entitled to have. meanwhile, our troops in korea … efforts, with other free nations, to build up defenses against aggression in other parts of the world. in dealing with the korean crisis, we are not going to ignore the danger of aggression elsewhere. there is actual warfare in the far east, but …

Official Document

Harry S. Truman Papers Staff Member and Office Files: Psychological Strategy Board Files

… from its founding on april 4, 1951 until the end of the truman administration. the documents are filed according to the war department decimal file system. the two most important series are class 000--general, and class 300--administration. … for the psb's staff and board meetings, 381 national defense, and 387.4 armistice, which includes material about the korean war. about 85% of the volume of the psb files, apart from the indexing and suspense form series, is contained in these … october 15, 1952 676.9 alarm system [at psb offices, map plan of] class 700--medicine, hygiene and sanitation, 1952 710 korean plague epidemic, march 3, 1952 729.2 file #1--psb staff study, "preliminary analysis of the communist bw [brain …

Finding Aid

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, November 5, 1970

… came to washington, d.c., in 1938 where he served as their state department and foreign relations correspondent. he was a war correspondent, attached to the british army in france and belgium, 1940, during invasion of the low countries; evacuated … wars, which he had requested. it was to be read at their national convention in chicago. at the outset [818] of the korean conflict, the president laid down a very firm policy concerning the nationalist chinese government of chiang kai-shek on the island of formosa and concerning red china. in one of his first statements about the korean conflict, a few days after the blair house meeting took place, on that sunday evening when south korea was attacked, …

Oral History

Address at the Dedication of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

… our maternal death rate was very high--more than six mothers died in childbirth for every thousand babies born. in world war i, 141 american soldiers out of every 10,000 were cut down by disease--more than were killed by the enemy bullets. today, … bethesda developed a vaccine against typhus. their vaccine has kept our forces in korea free from typhus, while the north korean and chinese communists have suffered seriously from that disease. the fine record of the public health service … aggravated by the needs of our armed forces. our military medical men are doing a magnificent job in saving lives on the korean front, but we have had to dip deeply into our medical strength over here to accomplish this. in order to supply more …

Official Document

Robert A. Lovett Oral History Interview

… robert a. lovett oral history interview oral history interview with robert a. lovett     special assistant to secretary of war, 1940-41; assistant secretary of war for air, 1941-45; under secretary of state, 1947-49; private law practice with brown … years and talk about your experiences in the department of defense. we're particularly concerned about the effects of the korean war on   [27] american aid programs, because obviously the aid became more in the nature of military assistance than in economic development. of course, nobody could have forecast the korean war, but there must have been some discussion in the department about the effect of the switch from economic …

Oral History

Annual Message to the Congress: The President's Economic Report

… the communist imperialists. the first and equally important evidence came earlier, when the american economy after world war ii, instead of slipping into a depression, moved forward to greater strength. comparing the year 1947 with the year 1950, … prices, rose from about 270 billion dollars to about 300 billion. this growth in our economy accelerated rapidly after the korean outbreak. in the year and a half since then, our annual rate of total output, in terms of 1951 prices, has risen by … effort thus far has been based upon this rounded concept of total national strength for the long pull. since the korean outbreak, the size of our armed forces has more than doubled. deliveries of military goods, including military …

Official Document

Remarks to Members of the National Guard Association

… them better citizens, to make them able to defend their country when it is necessary. i don't believe we would have had a korean incident if some people had not thought that we were too proud to fight. we are not too proud to fight. we will fight … think it is anything disgraceful to be called "brass"--"high brass." you know, we coined that term in the first world war, and it was not intended as an epithet of respect. but it has turned out that it has a respectful connotation. when you …

Official Document

Michael J. Dux Oral History Interview

… ussr. but on the whole i thought that something like that was necessary. mckinzie: did anything happen to you during the war to affect your view of the postwar period? [4] did you have a vision of what reconstruction would be like? did you … on the german side by that time than the japanese, and so i went into the german bureau. mckinzie: what happened when the korean war then broke out? in the interim nato had been founded, and then the korean war came and there was a great push to make nato a physical reality. [33] were you involved at all in any of those …

Oral History

Robert W. Barnett Oral History Interview

… our time. my studies at oxford served that purpose; my graduate work at yale, where i studied chinese, served it too. when war between china and japan became violent and pervasive through the countryside, i was very much tempted to get in the war on the chinese side against the japanese, but nobody was urging me to volunteer. working for the united china relief was … and there was a kind of political-military sensitivity about japan's relations with china, both before and after the korean war. you may think i'm jumping ahead, but as we thought of japan in a world economy we thought that we could hardly do …

Oral History

Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program

… and the possibility that they may carry on their aggressive tactics for many years by measures short of all-out war. that is why the task of the free world now is not only to build defenses urgently in the immediate future, but also to … expect to increase their production of military equipment. in the coming fiscal year, it will be more than double the pre-korean rate. but the most they can do will not be enough to equip their armed forces on the time schedule necessary for the … philippines. finally, the economic aid funds i am requesting for asia include 112.5 million dollars for the united nations korean reconstruction agency. together with 50 million dollars which are likely to remain unexpended from funds available for …

Official Document

O. Edmund Clubb Oral History Interview

… time in china, and a little time in indochina, where however, i operated the office at hanoi only one half day before the war broke out and i was interned by the japanese. and then i served in vladivostok in the soviet far east. it was actually … and, being promised a degree of autonomy by the communists, began to side with the communists. there were also some korean elements that had come in, presumably either from korea or they might have served in earlier days in the russian … . one doesn't know, of course, what might have been, but on june the 23 rd , 1950, you'll recall, there was the north korean aggression. i simply suggest that, in the event that from the time of stilwell on we had carried on a different …

Oral History

Lincoln Gordon Oral History Interview

… gordon oral history interview   oral history interview with lincoln gordon program vice chairman, requirements committee, war production board, 1945; director, bureau of reconversion priorities, civilian production administration, 1945-46; … countries in proportion to the snoy-marjolin formula which had been applied in 1949. that worked for one year. then the korean war came and nato became a major operating enterprise and the rest of the marshall plan got merged into defense … recipients. a lot changed in late '49 and '50, as the cold war got hotter and particularly with the beginning of the korean war. that transformed everything, but then harriman didn't stay in paris; he came back to washington, mckinzie: would …

Oral History

George C. McGhee Oral History Interview

… [william c.] clayton? mcghee: no, not at that time. i first met mr. clayton when i came to washington as a member of the war production board before we were in the war. i worked closely with him at that time when he was head of the reconstruction … it mean anything to you? mcghee: no. defense support came when we shifted impetus to the military effort following the korean invasion, and we determined that we had to strengthen europe militarily or europe would suffer the same fate as korea. … to move directly to whatever i'm supposed to do. mckinzie: you went to ottawa to the nato council meeting just after the korean war started. they were considering the admission of greece and turkey into nato. that, in itself, created a problem …

Oral History

General Jess Larson Oral History Interview

… general jess larson oral history interview oral history interview with general jess larson general counsel to war assets administration, 1946-47; administrator, war assets administration, 1947-49; administrator, general services … asked me, i'm sure scholars looking at the operation of the government in this period, particularly the period of the korean war, will be curious to know why the administrator of the general services administration was also the administrator … procurement   [34] agency -- dmpa. there's an interesting story about how that came about. we had gotten into the korean war, as you know, in the summer of 1950. we went into a semi-mobilization basis and later a fuller mobilization basis, …

Oral History

Leon H. Keyserling Oral History Interview, May 10, 1971

… when clifford became secretary of defense--and here i am not saying whether i agree with him about the vietnam war, that's not the point. i can say a lot about that, but it has nothing to do with the subject. but when he became … these two articles in the new york times on it, but i became more vitally interested in it when we came to the time of the korean war, because there was a furious battle within the truman administration as to how to handle that war, partly under … because he was the greatest publicist that ever lived. but be that as it may, mr. baruch, as of the time of the korean war, wanted to freeze everything. this was his first idea, "freeze everything. we haven't got enough to go around. …

Oral History

Edward W. Barrett Oral History Interview

… section, coordinator of information office, march-june, 1942; chief, overseas news and feature bureau, office of war information, june 1942-september 1943; member and later acting deputy chief, psychological warfare branch, allied forces … areas short-wave can really do a good job. mckinzie: how were you brought into the councils with the outbreak of the korean war? barrett: i was not in the councils with the outbreak of the korean war, because i was out on the pacific coast making three speeches. i was making a speech to, i believe, the motion …

Oral History

Rear Platform Remarks in Indiana and Illinois

… that. it is necessary that you understand just exactly the situation with which we are faced. we have been fighting a cold war. we wanted peace after the second world war was over. we did everything we possibly could to get it. we signed agreements … others do the dirty work.'" i want you to understand that these men did not mean any slur against the valor of our south korean allies who are fighting side by side with them. this article goes on to say that all our men, and i quote--expressed "great admiration for the fighting capabilities of their korean allies .... nevertheless, all of the americans questioned felt that the koreans were not yet ready to assume full …

Official Document

Eben A. Ayers Oral History Interview, August 6, 1968

… in our last interview, you stated that you were in the independence-kansas city area with the president at the time of the korean invasion in june of 1950. what do you recall of the events of that time? ayers: well, that trip started out as simply … meant there were none to be broken. it was a fortunate thing in that respect. acheson came in to see the president and the korean ambassador was in to renew requests for aid and i think admiral [roscoe h.] hillenkoetter, who was then head of the … to carry them out were sent out immediately after that. now that, i think, pretty well covers the start of the korean war. [ notices and restrictions | interview transcript | additional ayers oral history transcripts | list of subjects …

Oral History

John H. Tolan, Jr. Oral History Interview

… senate committee to investigate the national defense program), 1943-45; and special assistant to the director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. san francisco, california march 5, 10, and 17, 1970, and february 8, 1974 by … reservoir of power and prestige came such laws as "renegotiation of war contracts,(65 stat. 7 (this citation is from the korean war version. the original war contract renegotiation law was enacted as part of the national defense appropriation act … there after? tolan: yes, due to run away inflation, the congress created the office of price stabilization during the korean war. john abbott and i remained partners in business until that national emergency arose. i felt positive we would be …

Oral History

Washington Times-Herald Clippings Collection

… harry s.-inauguration, 1949 truman, harry s.-income tax truman, harry s.-interviews with arthur krock truman, harry s.-korean war truman, harry s.-letters truman, harry s.-lewis, john l. truman, harry s.-loyalty program truman, harry s.-marine corps …

Finding Aid

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, July 7, 1970

… recognition of the state of israel. he was a longtime friend of the president's. the president had known him since world war i and, as we all know, the two had briefly been business partners. the president liked jacobson, he respected him, and he … it's pertinent to show why the u.s. government went one route in '47 and went another route in 1950. hess: also on the korean matter, is there any significance to the fact that mr. truman did not try to get legislative approval for the action from congress on the korean matter, such as a senate resolution? was this discussed? elsey: it was discussed from time to time in the first few …

Oral History

Nathan M. Becker Oral History Interview

… when i got my degree. it's hard to realize it, it's the 35th anniversary of that coming up in june. but, well, with the war starting to roll forward, the summer before pearl harbor i had been called to washington on two or three occasions in a … some kind of comment? becker: oh, yes, i would think so. i have facetiously told a couple of classes that as far as this korean experience is concerned, i was fully convinced of the relationship of military to economic policy, but very … united states go? could it go beyond the realm of friendly advice in bringing about some kind of economic reform in the korean government itself? becker: well, i have some mixed feelings about this. i have worked in and lived in a number of …

Oral History

Address at the Syria Mosque in Pittsburgh

… both confidence and patience. this is not a simple fight, like crushing an enemy in battle. to bring on an outright, total war would involve us in disaster. and to give in, or go soft, would mean appeasement of communism. in this struggle, we have … of this country for the aggression of the communists. he has blamed the leaders of this country not only for the korean conflict but for world war ii and for world war i. he has listed our action to save greece and turkey, and the berlin … out of the casualty lists. and, finally, he has let the people think that he knows some undisclosed way to bring the korean fighting to an end. but he does not tell you how. now i challenged him to let us know what this proposal is. i made …

Official Document

Dr. R. Burr Smith Oral History Interview

… dr. r. burr smith oral history interview oral history interview with dr. r. burr smith served on the planning committee, war production board, 1942-43; coordinator of economic research and statistics, supreme commander allied powers, tokyo, 1946; … one or two people from washington, and i had some engineers from korea representing korea as a claimant, who knew what the korean capacities were, their needs for machine tools and such. this was essentially my staff. it was a very small staff. we … the thai were momentarily fearful that the chinese would come across from the north, that they would be involved, the korean war broke out. and when that took place there was temporary panic in bangkok. would the united states react to it? the …

Oral History

E. Allan Lightner, Jr. Oral History Interview

… our being part of the league and working with other nations to try to avoid the international anarchy that preceded world war i. well, on that european trip i visited an uncle of mine who was on a sabbatical in lausanne from stanford. he'd been a … john muccio, our ambassador in korea, they purposely looked for someone without experience in the far east. in 1951 the korean war had been going on for a year and was still going on; the embassy counselor [everette f.] drumright had been … missions could not operate in the capital of seoul, which had been overrun and changed hands about four times during the korean war and was badly devastated. however, the un command headquarters under general van fleet, head of the eighth army …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, February 20, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder has been a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with their service in the u.s. army reserves after world war i. washington, d.c., february 20, 1969 by jerry n. hess [ notices and restrictions | interview transcript | additional … [1133] when he wanted to extend a loan. congress again increased the bank's lending authority in 1951 in the midst of the korean war, this time to four and a half billion dollars, and directed the bank to place importance on the development of …

Oral History

G. Frederick Reinhardt Oral History Interview

… another way of getting at this would be -- when did you as an individual say, if you ever said, "here's where the cold war began." [3] reinhardt: of course, i never thought it had stopped. from my point of view a cold war is inherent in the soviet approach to foreign relations, and it just gets dampened off at one time, and then heated up at … interests in the oeec, as a vehicle for integration, had waned, and that the united states, perhaps because of the korean war, perhaps because of another phenomenon, had shifted its thrust from the oeec to nato as a means of achieving …

Oral History

John D. Hickerson Oral History Interview

… (u.s.- canada) was quite effective. it was quite helpful to the administration and to the canadians. we weren't in the war at that time, and didn't come in for about 15 months after that. incidentally, it has always seemed a little bit curious … itself would be enough to restrain any aggression. indeed, the nato machinery wasn't really set up until after the korean attack, you know. we had the council provided for, but a supreme commander and all that sort of thing that came only … that time a lot of information was in. there was one very interesting thing that i don't think has ever been made public. korean president syngman rhee was absolutely terrified. now, i don't think that it was cowardice or anything like that, he …

Oral History

Williams, Francis W. Papers

… of the flights, including the flight to wake island in october 1950 to meet with general douglas macarthur to discuss the korean war. the primary passengers for the remainder of the trips included cabinet members and other administration officials, …

Finding Aid

Address in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

… to try to blame us for high prices. i am not going to let them get away with it. let me tell you the facts. during world war ii people saved a lot of money, because they couldn't buy such things as automobiles and refrigerators and they were rationed on a lot of other things. so when the war ended, we had a huge volume of pent-up purchasing power. people had war bonds, and savings accounts, and they were making … was the third month after korea before a price control law could be written. then, if you remember, we had a lull in the korean fighting. the north koreans were whipped, and the war seemed about to end. people stopped buying, and the inflationary …

Official Document

Address in Hartford, Connecticut

… in the republican days could go down to zero without anybody in washington caring a hoot about it. then came world war ii, and they said we couldn't possibly fight the japanese and the germans without going bankrupt. but we won the war and came out with a stronger economy than ever before. for the first time in history, my friends, a major war was not … we could to end the fighting? now i want to say to you that he has also stated that he knows a panacea that will cure the korean situation. he and one of his snollygoster foreign state advisers has said that he knows how to do that job. now he has …

Official Document

Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea

… the world. this is an inspiring fact. if the rule of law is not upheld we can look forward only to the horror of another war and ultimate chaos. for our part, we do not intend to let that happen. two months ago communist imperialism turned from … if the history of the 1930's teaches us anything, it is that appeasement of dictators is the sure road to world war. if aggression were allowed to succeed in korea, it would be an open invitation to new acts of aggression elsewhere. the … the flag of the united nations and under the united nations commander, general macarthur. our own men, with their gallant korean comrades, have held the breach. in less than 8 weeks, five divisions of united states troops have moved into combat, …

Official Document

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, February 10, 1964

… the map room but i'll be happy to explain what it was since the map room did exist for, not only all of the roosevelt war years, but through the early months of the truman administration till the end of the war with japan. the white house map … clifford as special counsel to the president in about february 1950. just to wind it all up, you'll recall that the korean war broke out in june of 1950 and w. averell harriman was [8] summoned home by president truman from paris where … mr. harriman and i maintained the exact same offices in the same white house space that we had from the outbreak of the korean war and continued to work closely with all of the presidential staff just as we had before. morrissey: the white house …

Oral History

Clifford C. Matlock Oral History Interview

… the foreign economic administration i participated in the administration of lend-lease during the last two years of world war ii. i was especially involved in lend-lease transfers to the united kingdom and british commonwealth, and to the soviet … aid and defense support. this same thing became an issue in europe after 1949-1950, particularly with the advent of the korean war. since you did deal with the pentagon aspect, i am wondering if you were aware at your level of this dispute about … saying at the time) was simply a figure they thought they could get through   [42] congress and it wasn't until after the korean war started that it was escalated to five billion. then it was for real and it was new production. mckinzie: but there …

Oral History

W. John Kenney Oral History Interview

… 1941. wilson: so many of the people we've interviewed have had this kind of experience with government service during the war. do you look back on it as being extremely important in shaping your views about the role the united states could play?   … kenney: yes, i went through that period. mckinzie: the formation of nato and the tenseness that built up prior to the korean conflict. kenney: yes, that's right. mckinzie: was there any concern in britain that some of the plans that had been … wilson: right. was anything different. it was almost -- well, i shouldn't say almost all military -- but certainly the korean war had wrought some changes, and there was tremendous emphasis on military assistance at that time. did you find a …

Oral History

Jones, Owen T. Papers

… york city 1938-1941   worked for commodity credit corporation, chicago 1941-1946   served in the u.s. navy during world war ii, rising to the rank of captain 1946-1948   associate chief, korean economic mission 1947   member, joint u.s.-u.s.s.r. korean commission 1948   appointed foreign service officer, u.s. department of state 1948-1949   foreign service officer, …

Finding Aid

Edward T. Folliard Oral History Interview

… roosevelt steadily from 1941 until   [2] the autumn of 1944 when the washington post sent me to europe to cover the war. then i came back to washington after the victory in europe. i came back right after v-e day. after a vacation down at … a historian; i would, one of the greatest. he wasn't willing to wait fifty years. i've forgotten, sometime after the korean war, it was during the eisenhower administration, churchill wrote an article and said he thought that mr. truman's handling of the korean war, what he called his celerity, his swiftness, in moving in, his courage throughout that, entitled him to be …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, October 28, 1970

… came to washington, d.c., in 1938 where he served as their state department and foreign relations correspondent. he was a war correspondent, attached to the british army in france and belgium, 1940, during invasion of the low countries; evacuated … he conducted an open feud with acheson, and this was particularly bad for the president because the climax came during the korean war. acheson had made a speech, with the president's approval, in which he drew a line. this line was in the far east. … smart thing for acheson to have done, or for truman to have approved because it was in a sense a green light to the north korean army, trained and equipped by the chinese communist military people as well as by soviet russia. all of its armored …

Oral History

Dr. John Parke Young Oral History Interview

… investigation of the united   [2] states senate. i spent about two years, part of it in europe, studying the post-world war i currency problems, the hyper-inflation in europe and the effect upon the united states. i visited 15 european countries … a trade basis. but the aim should be to end the need for aid. that is what dean had in mind. fuchs: yes. the advent of the korean war, how did that affect your position in the division of international finance? young: well, i don't recall any major changes. our work went on pretty much as before. nor did the korean war have any great effect on the operation of the imf. several years after the war i went out to   [53] korea and …

Oral History

W. Walton Butterworth Oral History Interview

… the department of state to mr. [jesse h.] jones, who was secretary of commerce and head of the rfc. after we got into the war i was asked to go to spain to be in charge of our economic warfare. there was organized a corporation   [2] called united … when you came back to europe, it was in the full flowering of the aid programs -- well, they had been modified by the korean war -- but what did you find?   [64] butterworth: i found the aid program also, and it was going in sweden. shortly … in part participate in this enormous program of aid to western europe, particularly military aid, after the start of the korean war. butterworth: i don't know. these listening posts, i think, are pretty much the bunk. wilson: yes? butterworth: …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, August 25, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder was a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with … of additional revenue be provided by revising and improving the corporation, income, estate, and gift taxes. when the korean crisis occurred, the fiscal year 1950 was drawing to a close with a deficit of more than three billion dollars. the korean situation evolved rapidly and the treasury advised the congressional tax committees that it would not be prudent to …

Oral History

Nash, Philleo Papers

… nash, philleo papers dates: 1925-1998 special assistant, office of war information, 1942-1945; special assistant in the white house office, 1946-1952; administrative assistant to the … mexicans, 1943 nash, jean—correspondence regarding james a. farley and paul reynolds controversy over state of nation and korean war, 1952 box 61 nash, philleo—biographical news articles, may 1947 and 1948 nash, philleo—personal memorabilia … order—fepc in government, july 26, 1948 releases (white house office)—freedom releases (white house office)—korean chronology, 1950-1951 [1 of 2] releases (white house office)—korean chronology, 1950-1951 [2 of 2] releases (white …

Finding Aid

Evan M. Wilson Oral History Interview

… second secretary and vice consul, later first secretary and consul, tehran, iran, march 1947-june 1949; student, national war college, august 1949-50; consul general, 1953-57; assigned to department of state, washington, 1957-61; counselor of … american banks were represented there, and i was in close touch with their people. mckinzie: on a political subject, the korean war broke out in june of 1950 and led to a solidifying   [76] of camps, a further division of the world into communist … is well aware of the attitude of the soviet union and of the communist world. he was ambassador in india at the time the korean war broke out. i'm sure that he worked hard to bring the indians around to a sympathetic point of view. indeed, it is …

Oral History

Address in the Oakland Auditorium

… of 1952, the greatest issue is undoubtedly the foreign policy of the united states. for that may determine whether we have war or peace. the democrats did not place foreign policy in the campaign. the top snollygoster of the republican party did … to explain that i am not referring to the general. i was never in my life more serious about what foreign policy means to war or peace than i am now. i believe this country is facing a great danger--and that the best hope of meeting it is to have … is the conflict in korea. all americans are deeply involved in this matter. the republican candidate is saying that the korean conflict is a blunder and a bungle, and implies that it is something that he could fix up overnight. these statements …

Official Document

Oral History Interviews

… of the ministry of national economy, greece. 23 pages. bernhardt, lois . stenographer to james f. byrnes during world war ii and from july to november, 1945. 112 pages. bernstein, bernard. director, finance division and division of … staff of the far east command, and supreme commander for the allied powers, 1948-50; staff officer and combat officer, korean war, 1950-51. 58 pages. christidis, theodore . general counselor, 1950-53, and deputy head, 1953-55, greek permanent … consultant to the u.s. president to review organization of the government's military-scientific activities incident to the korean war, consultant to director of the budget, 1950-51; member of military procurement task force of the commission on …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, April 30, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder was a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with … the foodstuffs and cloth and things of that sort, while the russians furnished the hardware for the equipping of the north korean army. so, dropping back to your question. (i set a background to answer your question.) it was felt that the united … and his group of advisers, the chiefs of staff, drew up a policy plan for our future action and future plans for the korean operation, and sent it over to general macarthur for his study and comments and suggestions. he did not act on that …

Oral History

Dr. Isador Lubin Oral History Interview

… to name him was the importance of the job to be done and walker had cabinet rank. so i said, "mr. president, [5] there's a war still on, you are commander in chief and i obey your orders." he was very, very grateful; thanked me and asked me to get … list of concerns the work in the economic and social council of the u.n.? of course, this came at a very tense time; the korean war was underway, the united states had its own economic and social programs, the marshall plan was already being … robert e., 7 harriman, w. averell, 3 , 34 hitler, adolf, 32 hopkins, harry l., 2-3 international labor organization, 39 korean war, 22 labor department, 15 , 39 labor statistics, commissioner of, 15 london, england, 23 lubin, dr. isador: …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, July 17, 1969

… administrative assistant to fdr prior to going over to the navy department. most of the administrative assistants in the war years, and this held true into the truman administration, were there for fairly brief periods. there might have been a … council in particular, and the many, many questions pertaining to defense matters that arose with the outbreak of the korean war in january 1950. it was, as a matter of fact, my involvement, my concentration on foreign matters, after the outbreak of the korean war, that led to my transferring from the immediate white house staff to that of averell [216] harriman in december …

Oral History

Philleo Nash Oral History Interview, November 29, 1966

… interview, november 29, 1966 oral history interview with philleo nash special assistant for domestic operations, office of war information, 1942-45, and special consultant to the secretary of war, 1943. special assistant to president for minority … civil service commission in washington; one covered equal treatment and opportunity   [591] in the armed services, and the korean war, plus that order, the effect was to integrate the united states army and all the defense forces. hess: and then … alone, if you start monkeying with it at this point, it will get worse. moreover, by this time we had moved into the korean war. there was quite a bit on everybody's mind. the armed forces were in the process of getting integrated. the …

Oral History

Address at the Ceremonies Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence

… time we are creating a new kind of international organization. we have joined in setting up the united nations to prevent war and to safeguard peace and freedom. we believe in the united nations. we believe it is based on the right ideas, as our … be that they have decided to give up their aggression in korea. if that is true, the road to a peaceful settlement of the korean conflict is open. but we cannot yet be sure that the communist rulers have any such intention. it is still too early … world. the greatest threat to world peace, the tremendous armed power of the soviet union, will still remain, even if the korean fighting stops. the threat of soviet aggression still hangs heavy over many a country--including our own. we must …

Official Document

William P. N. Edwards Oral History Interview

… william p. n. edwards oral history interview   oral history interview with william p. n. edwards during world war ii and during the years of the truman administration, was assistant to chairman of british supply council, ministry of … by theodore a. wilson [1] wilson: you were in washington at some extremely interesting and eventful times both during the war and then after for three years. edwards: yes. wilson: one of the most difficult questions in studying this period is the … absolutely the right thing. the thing i admired him most about, i personally think, was the way he responded to the north korean invasion of south korea. he said, almost without hesitation, that this was aggression and must be stopped. aggression …

Oral History

Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History, November 9, 1972

… st. james square, london, england, in april of 1943. approximately four months later, i received orders to proceed to the war department, washington, d.c., on temporary duty with instructions to report first to the chief of staff of the army, … were effective despite the stultifying inadequacies of the national security act of 1947. but then, it was wartime--the korean war. [177] hess: all right, and during this time, as i have mentioned previously, was the 1948 election. mr. truman’ s … as it was then called.) frank pace then became army secretary. i had asked that he release me as soon as convenient. the korean conflict overtook. when the honorable gordon gray became secretary of the army, he asked me to become his assistant …

Oral History

The President's News Conference

… gen. douglas macarthur to representative joseph w. martin, jr., of massachusetts. it stated, in part, that "if we lose the war to communism in asia the fall of europe is inevitable, win it and europe most probably would avoid war and yet preserve freedom. as you point out, we must win. there is no substitute for victory." the full text of the letter … collapse. "these basic facts being established, there should be no insuperable difficulty arriving at decisions on the korean problem if the issues are resolved on their own merits without being burdened by extraneous matters not directly …

Official Document

Remarks to the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week

… on a way of life that will enable him to play his part in society like a normal human being. in the years since world war ii, we have seen some wonderful services provided for our disabled war veterans. this has been one of the greatest accomplishments of all. at the same time, we have seen a substantial growth … have taken training since the war, and most of them have found useful work to do. the program for disabled veterans of the korean conflict is now getting underway and i have no doubt it will be equally successful. on the civilian side, just in the …

Official Document

Sir Alexander Cairncross Oral History Interview

… i went for six weeks, thinking that would be all; then, in fact, i stayed for the whole year. during the year the war in korea broke out, and at the end of the year there was the crisis over germany which was one of the most important … that oeec should be used to achieve some measure of economic integration, and that then, with the outbreak of the korean war, the united states gave up almost completely this idea and turned to you, particularly in the matter of raw … i’m a bit hazy about what was going on at that time. there were, certainly, immediately after the opening of the korean war, all the   [11] discussions about the position of countries like sweden. the setting up of nato followed this …

Oral History

Halvard M. Lange Oral History Interview

… had never been [2] seen earlier, and which has set a pattern for international cooperation of a new kind in the after-war period. we, of course, had our doubts at the time. you must remember that norway immediately after the war had the idea that we were well placed to play the part of mediator between the soviet union on the one hand, and the … look upon him as one of the great presidents of the united states. brooks: he says himself, and has many times, that the korean decision was the most difficult decision he had to make. mr. minister, in september of 1947, ambassador morgenstierne …

Oral History

William M. Rountree Oral History Interview

… did we get the month and day of your birth? rountree: i was born on march 28, 1917. johnson: just before america declared war on germany. so your father died when you were six years old, and your mother went to atlanta. rountree: actually my … role, of so-called "world policeman," do you think this expanded role really dates from the greek-turkey aid, or from the korean war? rountree: i ad not viewed our role as being the world's policeman, nor do i think president truman did. but i … thing to do. johnson: well, their involvement in helping the united nations forces, and america in particular, in the korean war, probably advanced their cause too, didn't it? rountree: i'm sure it did. johnson: on another question, …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, March 5, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder has been a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning … addressed the delegates. at that time i reminded [1214] them that the united states was then in the midst of the korean war, that our foreign obligations were already heavy, that our resources were naturally limited, and as a result the … however, the formal change, which came in 1951, had been foreshadowed by the development in the previous year when the korean war necessarily required the united states to put far greater emphasis on military preparedness at home, as well as …

Oral History

The President's News Conference at Key West

… the president, no. [3.] q. mr. president, do you care to comment on the killing of the 2,500 american prisoners of war by the north koreans and chinese? the president. i think it is a horrible thing. i have no official facts on the subject … q. does that still go, mr. president? the president. still goes. [7.] q. mr. president, senator taft says that the korean war is a truman war and hasn't done any good. do you think that thing is in politics, or that it should be an issue in the …

Official Document

John F. Melby Oral History Interview, November 21, 1986

… on the cost of stopping it is going to be even greater. i think this accounts for a great deal of his attitude in the korean war, where he certainly was on the side of american involvement in [235] stopping what was believed to be then, and probably was, north korean aggression. this is where he had to live with the consequences, with his -- i forget what the number of the parallel …

Oral History

C. Tyler Wood Oral History Interview

… use to, perhaps, someone other than the people interested in just foreign aid. we'd like for you to go back as far as the war production board if you have any wilson: maybe the first question we might ask is -- why did you enter government … europe. people in europe were beginning to invest and show confidence though still a bit hesitantly. then this (the north korean invasion) happened halfway around the world and that first wave of recovery just collapsed. people in western europe … seen and in some recent memoirs, for example, dean acheson's memoirs -- a suggestion that in this period, 1946 until the korean war, there was almost total concentration upon europe. is that fair to say? wood: yes, i think so. there was of …

Oral History

Special Message to the Congress on the Need for a Military Aid Program

… countries. the principal task of the free nations of western europe in the last four years has been to restore their war-shattered economies. the inherent difficulties of this task have been aggravated by the foreign policy of the soviet … by the communist regime in the northern part of the country. with the advice and assistance of the united states, the korean government has established a small force to protect its internal security and defend itself against outside aggression … has been requested from the united states for minimum army and coast guard forces. it is essential to the survival of the korean republic that this assistance be made available. in addition, it is necessary to continue our program of limited aid …

Official Document

Henri Lucien Bonnet Oral History Interview

… with senator truman, vice president-elect. i was very, very glad for having done that because we spoke about the war, about desecration, for perhaps a quarter of an hour, or twenty minutes. i had had twenty minutes with president … bill through the congress. in my opinion, lend-lease meant that there should be in the future, at the end of the war, an equitable and just division of the losses, that is, financial and economic losses between the allies. that would mean … ago. [38] bonnet: no, i think that one could have done much better, but then that's another question. wilson: yes. did the korean war slow down the american push for a united europe, because of the necessity for rearming? bonnet: no, it did not. i …

Oral History

Eugene Zuckert Oral History Interview

… oral history interview   oral history interview with eugene zuckert special assistant to the assistant secretary of war for air, 1946-47; assistant secretary of the air force, 1947-52; and a member of the atomic energy commission, 1952-54. … of time was when there were great cutbacks as you mentioned in the budget and in   [26] the armed service and when the korean war came we found ourselves under equipped to handle the situation properly. secretary johnson received a good deal of … had any great unpleasantness with him, but i took a trip to europe in june of 1950, because... hess: the same month as the korean invasion. zuckert: this was at the -- this was -- let's see. there had been the berlin airlift and we had the program …

Oral History

Special Message to the Congress: The President's Midyear Economic Report

… speeds us forward to even greater achievement. the facts about the strength and progress of the american economy since the korean outbreak should be made clear to all. these facts can provide the clearest guide to the actions we should take. the … strength in previous reports, i have reviewed the economic progress of the united states since the period before world war ii. comparing 1939 with the annual rate for the first half of 1952, our total output has increased by almost 90 percent. … a fast-growing population, we can during this decade register even larger annual gains in production than those of pre-korean years. the worker of today, with better training, better tools, and higher morale, is producing more per hour than …

Official Document

O.J. McDiarmid Oral History Interview

… tech, which is now carnegie-mellon university. i knew some people in the government, and they were [2] setting up a joint war production committee between the united states and canada. the idea was to use canadian facilities for subcontracting … further along in some arms fields than u.s. manufacturers. this committee was set up for the purpose of coordinating war production activities between the united states and canada. through our contacts at the university of toronto, i knew a … subsequently, it somewhat undervalued the japanese currency, so it gave them a very favorable export position. then, the korean war came along and that gave a great boost to japanese exports. so their position improved quite rapidly, although it …

Oral History

Address at the Sesquicentennial Convocation of the United States Military Academy

… states at that time was relatively small and weak, and surrounded by dangers. we had just fought a limited and undeclared war with france to protect the freedom of our commerce and shipping. we were engaged in fighting another limited and undeclared war with the barbary pirates for the same purpose. jefferson, like washington and hamilton and other leaders of our young … alben w. barkley, former senator from kentucky, vice adm. charles turner joy, senior united nations delegate at the korean armistice negotiations, and gen. mark clark, commander in chief for the far east. see also item 130. …

Official Document

Paul H. Nitze Oral History Interviews, August 5 and August 6, 1975

… director, foreign procurement and development branch, foreign economic administration; and, as special consultant to the war department. he served during the truman administration as vice-chairman, u.s. strategic bombing survey, 1944-46; deputy … of point iv program; truman doctrine; trieste question; nsc-68; joint strategic survey committee; nuclear war strategy; korean war; dismissal of general macarthur; north atlantic treaty organization; german rearmament; french indo-china; middle … of serious issues on this whole question of the effectiveness of nuclear weapons which we discussed in connection with the korean war. i believe that it was inherent in general macarthur's position that the alternative was expanding the korean war …

Oral History

The President's News Conference

… united states toward china had not changed, and that the united states government still hoped to be able to negotiate a korean peace settlement with the communist regime in peiping. [8.] q. mr. president, have you any thoughts on the situation … and both the domestic and the foreign policy are policies which we hope will cause world peace and prevent a third world war, which would in effect, i believe, destroy freedom and everything else in the world. we would probably go back to the dark ages if we have another world war. i don't want to have it. that's all i have worked for for 6 years, is peace in the world. q. would there be any …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… mcmahon's speech the other day, and your own statements, do you think that russia has lost the initiative in the cold war? 3 the president. that's a question i can't answer. we will have to wait for results to find out whether that is true or … fight for. q. the other fellow has to use the force first? the president. i didn't say that. that is what brought on the korean thing. [5.] q. mr. president, do you consider the proposals made by senator mcmahon either practical or desirable? the … 165 [8]. [12.] q. mr. president, in 1947 the united states sponsored a united nations resolution for the extradition of war criminals. recently there was discovered in california a nazi war criminal named artukovic, and jewish organizations …

Official Document

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, June 18, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder was a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with their service in the u.s. army reserves after world war i. washington, d.c., june 18, 1969 by jerry n. hess [ notices and restrictions | interview transcript | additional snyder … could be summarized in three time periods: from april the 12th, 1945 to june 30, 1946; from july the 1st, 1946, until the korean conflict in 1950; and beginning with the fiscal year in 1951 until the end of the administration, matters revolved …

Oral History

Stephen J. Spingarn Oral History Interviews

… elman, philip, 223-225 elsey, george, 67 , 97 , 102 , 141-144 espionage. see internal security espionage, in italy, world war ii, 683-701 , 961-962 , 981-984 , 991-992 ethics in government, 265-279 , 1029-1033 also see lobbyists, and influence … , 880-883 , 897-899 , 900-905 , 1064 , 1077-1078 "knock on every door" campaign tactic, 228-256 , 556-560 , 606 , 662-663 korean war, 161-162 and u.s. intervention, 365-366 krug, julius, 82-83 l landry, robert, 158 larue, paul, 902 lawton, fred, 99 …

Oral History

Philleo Nash Oral History Interviews

… nash papers finding aid oral history interviews with philleo nash special assistant for domestic operations, office of war information, 1942-45, and special consultant to the secretary of war, 1943. special assistant to president for minority problems, 1946-52, and an administrative assistant to the president, … , 341 , 430 , 662 , 758 kirwan, michael j., 427-428 klamath indians, 26 , 27 , 31 , 36 , 708-709 knoxville, tennessee, 36 korean war, 71 , 117 , 240 , 591 , 595 , 677 , 678 , 730 , 759 , 760 krock, arthur, 591 ; 592-593 , 594 kroll, jack, 732 , …

Oral History

Joseph L. Rauh, Jr. Oral History Interview

… seat in january of '39. i was his law clerk for a few months, and then i went back to the new deal and was there until the war. johnson: were you involved in drafting any of the arguments, as in 1937, to defend the new deal legislation? rauh: no. i … did lose seats. it was an off-year election. rauh: [william] benton lost in a victory for joe mccarthy. johnson: the korean war had started by this time. yes, i think that's when biemiller was defeated, and millard [73] tydings, i believe, … presidential commissions, desegregation of the armed forces did start. desegregation was accelerated apparently during the korean war. [74] rauh: oh, and you got the executive order by truman on the armed forces. [eo 9981, july 26, 1948, …

Oral History

Dr. Wallace H. Graham Oral History Interview, January 10, 1976

… first armoured then in rijmegen, holland. the first time that i knew, actually, what was taking place was after the war was finished in germany. we were sent down to stuttgart, germany where i was awaiting plans to materialize to go to … me up, but that was it. we found out that he won, and then we came back to the muehlebach in kansas city. now, about the korean affair, there seems to be so much time differentials that i read about, where he made decisions of one thing or … floyd, 63 bradley, omar n., 54 brandenburg gate, berlin, germany, 9 brannan, charles, 47 china, participation of in korean war, 52-54 churchill, winston, 17 clifford, clark m., 22 , 38 connelly, matthew j., 41-42 d-day, world war ii, 1-2 …

Oral History

Oscar R. Ewing Oral History

… 336 kingsley letter, 127-128 kingston, new york, 238 , 240 , 242 kirchwey, freda, 283 , 288 , 292 klots, allen, 69-70 , 72 korean war, 341-344 krock, arthur, 140 kruger, ivar, 37-41 , 47 , 51 kruger and toll, 38 l labor, department of, 209 , 258 ladies … 181 lovett, robert a., 288 , 291 lowenthal, max, 276 , 297 lynch, walter, 346 , 347 m mac arthur, douglas and the korean war, 342-344 mccarthy, joseph, 236 mcclellan, george b., 2 , 3 mcclellan) jane, 2 mccormick, john, 138 mcdonald., …

Oral History

Frank Pace Jr. Oral History Interview, January 22, 1972

… of our meeting on monday afternoon we were discussing, the reduction that took place in the armed services between world war ii and the korean conflict. how significant in that matter of reducing the budget and reducing the armed forces was mr. truman' s desire … was also having dinner that evening at the same place. and dean rusk was called and advised that evening about the north korean invasion of south korea and he advised me and he went to the state department and i went to the pentagon and i was …

Oral History

H. Graham Morison Oral History Interview, August 1, 1972

… history interview, august 1, 1972 oral history interview with h. graham morison assistant to the general counsel of the war production board, 1941-43; captain, united states marine corps, 1943-45; special assistant to the attorney general of the … assignment of organizing and preparing for the establishment of the office of economic stabilization at the start of the korean war. when i accomplished this the president requested and the attorney general appointed me assistant attorney general … united states, president truman asked me to establish the office of economic stabilization -- this was at the start of the korean war. he knew of my service with the war production board and believed i was best qualified to undertake this difficult …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, January 15, 1969

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder has been a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with their service in the u.s. army reserves after world war i. washington, d.c., january 15, 1969 by jerry n. hess [ notices and restrictions | interview transcript | additional … of course. that this devaluation was needed and beneficial cannot be doubted. from 1949 until the middle of 1950 when the korean war broke out, world trade showed promise of stabilizing itself and devaluation must get a share of the credit. yet, …

Oral History

Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Iowa and Illinois

… the campaign. next tuesday, the voters are to participate in the most important election, in my opinion, since the civil war. they are to decide whether the progressive programs of the new and the fair deals are to continue to bring the country … direct benefit to the farmers and to the workingmen; and you can't count on them to keep us out of the danger of a general war. we are in a fight to stay out of world war iii, but if we follow the old guard republicans as they vote in congress, we … francisco or wichita--or cedar rapids. but our tasks are far from completed. we are still in danger. we have to bring this korean conflict to an end without appeasement, and without bringing on a general war. i believe we are going to do just that. …

Official Document

Matthews, Francis P. Papers

… na navy league of the u.s. - frank hecht, president ni no o' o'sullivan, congressman eugene d. oa op pa pe pf philippine war damage commission portrait, secretary of the navy pr box 29 q ra rea ren ril roe ros ru sa sch sci box 30 sel shi sk sn … f., before the naval order of the united states, december 14, 1950 hume, maj. general e. e., "u.n. medical service in the korean conflict," june 17, 1951 international chamber of commerce, u.s. council, statement, "business and international … [2 of 2] 1950, august, boston speech - "preventive war" controversy 1950, november, philippines trip box 53 1950-1951, korean conflict 1951, macarthur dismissal 1951 macarthur hearings 1951, secretary of the navy - miscellaneous 1951-1952, …

Finding Aid

David C. Bell Oral History Interview

… to harvard for graduate work in economics, completed the m. a. in june of 1941 and had started to work on a ph.d. when the war started, and my draft deferment was cancelled, as it should have been. for a few months in early 1942 1 worked as a … -- well, now, wait a second. maybe i can recall something that bears on this. it seems to me that in the early days of the korean war, one of the questions that arose was what the tax policy should be, whether taxes should be raised in order to … tax increases in order to limit the degree of inflation that would follow from larger government expenditures during the korean war, so that this was, in fact, a direct application of modern economics. so that's a piece of [18] evidence, i guess, …

Oral History

John H. Ohly Oral History Interview

… h. ohly oral history interview   oral history interview with john h. ohly attorney in the office of assistant secretary of war, 1940-46, later specializing in labor relations, manpower and related matters in the office of the under secretary of war … important history-shaping events occurred in the years following the period when the initial reactions to the korean invasion took place and that there were   [41] various unrelated powerful, but poorly-understood, forces operating in … sociological effects, and the defection of tito. so many things happened in the world during the ten years following the korean invasion that it is hard to say, given the situation existing at the time, that the united states overreacted. there …

Oral History

The Truman White House Oral History Interview

… sent out -- might have been somewhat more than was true [5] because steelman at that time was taking down the office of war reconversion or reconstruction -- webb: mobilization and reconversion. stowe: so he was wearing two hats, and he had a … on nsc 68, i was the person who took it down to mr. truman in key west. it was finished about three weeks before the korean invasion. syd souers came over to my office one saturday morning and he said, 'now we've really got serious trouble, … the president. the first was to take him this paper, which formed the basis for the [65] quick decisions we made after the korean invasion; the second was to ask him to bring john foster dulles into the government because the republican pressure …

Oral History

Arthur S. Flemming Oral History Interview

… colleagues on the commission asked me to accept responsibility for the commission's role in the defense program, later the war program. not long after that, the president established by executive order the war manpower commission, which was chaired by paul mcnutt, former governor of indiana. the president asked me to serve on … in '49 the soviet union did explode their first a-bomb, and then we went to h-bombs. so they did have the bomb when the korean war started, the soviets. flemming: well, let me say this. during the truman administration, i was not involved to any …

Oral History

Clark M. Clifford Oral History Interview, April 19, 1971

… had the feeling at the time that it would be of tremendous aid to this country in facing any other danger, and possible war, to have a backlog of trained men. we have gone through very difficult times in world war ii, training an army quickly after we became involved following pearl harbor in 1941. [108] i recall president truman … them very often? as i have read, he met infrequently with the national security council, at least up until the time of the korean invasion. clifford: again, it's been so long ago that i do not [127] have a very clear recollection of it. i am …

Oral History