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President Truman's News Conference, February 14, 1952

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Recording Date(s)
February 14, 1952
Accession Number

President Truman's 294th news conference, held in the Indian Treaty Room (Room 474) in the Executive Office Building at 10:35 am on Thursday, February 14, 1952. Topics discussed include: the appointment of Newbold Morris as Special Assistant to the Attorney General to investigate corruption in the Internal Revenue Service; Truman's plans for the upcoming Presidential campaign; security issues relating to the release of aerial maps of military installations; the appointment of judges in Illinois and North Carolina; Senator Joseph McCarthy; Stuart Symington's possible run for the Senate; questions regarding Truman's support of Eisenhower as a presidential candidate; Senator Robert Taft's chances for receiving the Republican nomination for President; the Korean War; the vacancy in the Labor Relations Board; statement of appreciation by Truman for an article which appeared in a New York newspaper about an African American soldier who received the Congressional Medal of Honor; the make up of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the issue of statehood for Alaska and Puerto Rico. Others mentioned include Raymond P. Brandt, and Strom Thurmond.

HST Keywords
Alaska; Puerto Rico
Original Format(s)