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White, Wallace Humphrey, Jr., 1877-1952

Stereograph of group of Senators at a Dinner Table

Stereograph of a group of men at a dinner table. Printed on back of card: Ed Johnson tried to sell a bill of goods, Jim Meade is skeptical, Carl Hatch and Bob La Follette listen to the President Pro-Tempore. That's Wallace White watching Joe Martin take of drink of water. From: Lowell Mason's Stereographic Library, Annual Baseball Outing, Volumes I and II. Photographs are of Baseball, Clam and Chowder Club of the United States Senate, of which Harry S. Truman was a member.

Truman Addresses Joint Session of Congress

President Harry S. Truman speaks to a joint session of Congress regarding wage and price controls. Seated front row, left to right: Senator Elmer Thomas; Senator Claude Pepper; Senator George Aiken; Senator Elbert Thomas; Senator Homer Capehart; Senator Bourke Hickenlooper; Senator Homer Ferguson; Senator Clyde Reed; Senator Kenneth Wherry; Senator Robert Taft; Senator Alben Barkley; Senator Wallace White; Secretary of State George Marshall; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Attorney General Tom Clark; Postmaster General Robert E.

President Truman meets for the first time with both party leaders of the congress

President Harry S. Truman, seated, gives a double handshake to Republican leaders during their first conference with him at the White House. Leaders are left to right: Rep. Sam Rayburn, House Minority Leader; Rep. Charles A. Halleck, House Majority Leader; Senate President Pro-Tempore Arthur H. Vandenberg; Speaker of the House Joseph W. Martin, Jr.; Sen Wallace White, Senate Majority Leader and Sen. Alben Barkley, Senate Minority Leader. This is an 11 x 14 photo nearly the same as 69-72, but much better quality.