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Store Window Display Featuring Book By Charles Thayer

Partial view of an unidentified store window. At the time this photograph was taken, women's dresses and accessories were featured. Visible on the floor of the window is the book "Bears in the Caviar" written by Charles W. Thayer, the first edition published in 1951. The store may be located in England, perhaps London. The store window contains the reflection of four people who are looking at the window display. Mr. Thayer was the author of several books; this one contains information on Charles Thayer's adventures in 1934 as an embassy aide and ambassador to Russia and Afghanistan.

Charles W. Thayer on Safari in Africa

View of diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer beside a recently shot warthog while on safari. Taken while on safari in Africa near Juba, Sudan. Photograph taken as part of a trip author and diplomat Charles Thayer and his wife Cynthia took to Egypt and Sudan in 1961. Photos of the safari in Sudan intended for a possible magazine article. Original 35mm negatives are in the Harry S. Truman Library collection.

President Truman, William Hillman, and Dr. Everett R. Clinchy in Oval Office

President Harry S. Truman autographed a book about himself for the Free University of Berlin. He wrote in the book "Mr. President" by William Hillman, "to the free university of Berlin with best wishes from Harry S. Truman. The White House, Aug. 11th, 1952." The book was brought to the White House by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, President of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. $30,000 has been collected for the Berlin University. Left to right: President Truman, author William Hillman, and Dr. Clinchy.

Charles W. Thayer Posed by Tent in Mongolia

Exterior view with diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer in suit posed with unidentified Mongolian in front of a tent located somewhere in Mongolia. Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum. Thayer states the group travelled through the provinces more than 1000 kilometers by bus and jeep and another 600 kilometers by air.