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Patsy Webb at dinner party

Patsy Webb, wife of James E. Webb, at a dinner given for Sperry Rand Corporation Board of Directors members while visiting Japan. James Webb served on the Board of Directors after his retirement from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Part of a series of 38 photos.

Dinner at Schloss Kronberg

Dinner at Schloss Kronberg for the Sperry Rand Corporation Board of Directors and their wives. James E. Webb is third from the right. All others are unidentified. Photo taken during the Sperry Rand Corporation Board of Directors Meeting and trip to Great Britain, France and Germany. Part of an album of 27 photos.

Dinner at Schloss Kronberg

Dinner at Schloss Kronberg for the Sperry Rand Corporation Board of Directors and their wives. James E. Webb is third from the right. All others are unidentified. Photo taken during the Sperry Rand Corporation Board of Directors Meeting and trip to Great Britain, France and Germany. Part of an album of 27 photos.