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Memorial Service for Crew Members of USS Essex

Rear Admiral Lewis S. Parks (center) attends a memorial service in Valparaiso, Chile for American navy crew members that died during the Battle of Valparaiso in 1814 from the USS Essex. From left to right: Mayor of Valparaiso, Santiago Diaz Buzeta; Commander of National Police of Valparaiso; Rear Admiral Parks; United States Ambassador to Chile, Cecil Lyon; and Rear Admiral Jorge Escobedo of the Chilean Navy. All others are unidentified.

Memorial Ceremony at World War I Monument in Bathelemont, France

A group of men, women, and children are shown standing during a ceremony at a World War I monument located in Bathelemont, France. The monument was erected by the French as a memorial to the first three American soldiers to die in World War I: Thomas Enright, James Gresham, and Merle Hay of the 16th Infantry, Company F, 1st Division of the American Expeditionary Force. It is believed that this event was held during the American Legion gathering in Paris at this time.