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Women soldiers

Army Nurses Attend War Crimes Trial in Japan

Army nurses attend the War Crimes Trial in Japan as spectators. From left to right: Captain Edna Lura of Roland, Iowa; Major Grace Alt of Baltimore, Maryland; Lieutenant Colonel Mary Philips of Freesburg, Wisconsin; and Colonel Florence Blanchfield of Washington D.C. They were seated in the distinguished spectators gallery in the War Ministry Building in Tokyo, Japan at the trial of twenty seven leading Japanese war criminals.

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands With Wounded Veterans

President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with wounded veterans from the Washington area during a garden party at the White House. Over 800 veterans attended the event. President Truman is shaking hands with Army Nurse Lieutenant Joan Cruchacz. Standing in the receiving line from left to right: unidentified woman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, unidentified woman (partly obscured), President Truman, General Harry Vaughan, and Captain Clark Clifford. All others are unidentified.