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Ford, Betty, 1918-2011

Former Presidents and First Ladies at Reagan Library Opening

Former First Lady Bird Johnson, former President Jimmy Carter, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, former President Gerald Ford, former First Lady Betty Ford, former President Richard Nixon, former First Lady Pat Nixon, former President Ronald Reagan, former First Lady Nancy Reagan, former President George H. W. Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush at opening day of the Ronald Reagan Library; all have autographed the photo. They are in the oval office replica.

President Gerald Ford Speaks at Dedication of Harry S. Truman Statue

President Gerald Ford speaks at the dedication of the Harry S. Truman statue in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Independence, Missouri. Behind him, seated in the front row, are (left to right): Senator Hubert Humphrey, Senator Stuart Symington, Harry Jonas, Missouri Governor Christopher Bond, First Lady Betty Ford, Margaret Truman Daniel, and E. Clifton Daniel. Seated behind Senator Symington is Clark Clifford. Seated behind and to the right of Mr. Daniel is Dr. Benedict Zobrist, Director of the Harry S. Truman Library. All others are unidentified.

Harry Jonas Speaks at Dedication of Harry S. Truman Statue

Harry Jonas, at the podium, speaks at the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Statue in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Independence, Missouri. Standing in the front row from left to right are Senator Hubert Humphrey, Senator Stuart Symington, Missouri Governor Christopher Bond, President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, and Margaret Truman. The man standing behind Stuart Symington is Clark Clifford. All others are unidentified.

Dedication of the Harry S. Truman Statue

Harry Jonas stands at the podium at the dedication of the Harry S. Truman statue in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Independence, Missouri. Seated in the front row are (from left to right): Missouri Governor Christopher Bond, President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Margaret Truman, E. Clifton Daniel, four unidentified people, and creator of the statue Gilbert Franklin (far right and standing). All others are unidentified.