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MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Former president Harry S. Truman speaks about General Douglas MacArthur, acknowledging his skill as a general until he overstepped the bounds of his authority. He explained that in Korea, probably because of his popularity, MacArthur forgot that as a soldier he was answerable to the civilian president, who is ultimately the commander-in-chief.

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

President Harry S. Truman's former Special Assistant, Averell Harriman, discusses aspects of the Korean War and his role as liaison between the president and General Douglas MacArthur. 


Because this is an interview with someone other than Mr. Truman, the copyright to this segment is unclear.