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Short, Dewey Jackson, 1898-1979

Truman Signing National Security Amendments Bill

President Harry S. Truman, seated behind his desk, distributes pens he used to sign the National Security Act Amendments bill to assembled on-lookers. From left to right: Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, unidentified, Congressman Dewey Short, Congressman Carl Vinson, Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray, unidentified, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, Under Secretary of Defense Stephen Early, and Secretary of the Navy Francis Matthews.

Truman Signing National Security Act Amendments

President Harry S. Truman at his desk in the Oval Office, signing the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 which converted the National Military Establishment into a new Department of Defense and made other changes in the national security system. Standing, from left to right: unidentified Army officer, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (leaning on desk) General Omar Bradley (mostly obscured by Johnson), unidentified Army officer, Congressman Dewey Short, Congressman Carl Vinson, Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray, unidentified, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington.

Former President Harry S. Truman, Lt. Col. Robert Adams, and Dewey Short at a Reserve Officers Association Banquet

Former President Harry S. Truman (left) chats with Dewey Short (right), Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Reserves, while Lt. Col. Robert E. Adams (center) looks on. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet at an unknown location. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Former President Harry S. Truman with Lt. Col. Harvey and Dewey Short at a Reserve Officers Association dinner

Former President Harry S. Truman in a three-way handshake with Lt. Col. Raymond Harvey (center), winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Dewey Short (right), Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Reserves. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet. The location is unknown. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman with Lt. Col. Harvey and Dewey Short at a Reserve Officers Association dinner

Former President Harry S. Truman in a three-way handshake with Lt. Col. Raymond Harvey (center), winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Dewey Short (right), Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Reserves. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet. The location is unknown. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman with Lt. Col. Harvey and Dewey Short at a Reserve Officers Association dinner

Former President Harry S. Truman in a three-way handshake with Lt. Col. Raymond Harvey (center), Congressional Medal of Honor winner, and Dewey Short (right) Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Reserves. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet. The location is unknown. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

General James Van Fleet with Chairman Dewy Short of the House Armed Services Committee

General James A. Van Fleet, 60-year-old former 8th Army commander, told Congressmen this morning that the Korea deadlock is a sit-down of our own choice. Van Fleet, appearing before the House Armed Services Committee, also suggested the draft term be lengthened from its present two years "to 30 or 36 months." In this double photograph, on the right, Committee Chairman Dewey Short (R-MO) greets Van Fleet upon arrival at the hearing, and left is Van Fleet as he testified. From: Beth Gore.