Proclamations are official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the Federal Government.
Proclamations are intended for individuals outside of the government, while executive orders are intended for individuals within the government. Tables that are part of the proclamations are not included in this web site, please see the Code of Federal Regulations for the tables.
Proclamation 2648
To the People of the United States:
It has pleased God in His infinite wisdom to take from us the immortal spirit of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States.
The leader of his people in a great war, he lived to see the…
Proclamation 2649
WHEREAS it is fitting that we acknowledge anew our gratitude, love, and devotion to the mothers of America; and
WHEREAS in this year of the war's greatest intensity we are ever mindful of their splendid courage and steadfast loyalty to the highest…
Proclamation 2650
With the attention of the Nation rightly focused on the welfare of men and women returning from service in the armed forces and the emphasis placed on benefits provided for them through Congressional action, we must not let our interest flag in…
Proclamation 2651
The Allied armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God's help, have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender. The western world has been freed of the evil forces which for five years and longer have imprisoned the bodies and broken…
Proclamation 2652
WHEREAS the Nation recognizes that the skill and labor of its farmers is a vital factor in winning the war, and the production of food one of the most essential means of winning the peace; and
WHEREAS the inevitable decrease in available farm labor this…
Proclamation 2653
WHEREAS, the President, having been duly notified by the National Mediation Board that a dispute between the Colorado & Wyoming Railway Company, a carrier, and certain of its employees represented by the following labor organizations:
Brotherhood of…
Proclamation 2654
It is our custom each year to set aside a day on which to render special honor to our Flag.
We celebrate Flag Day this year with a fresh sense of our strength as a nation. Solemnly, we accept the responsibilities placed upon us by our power.
We honor…
Proclamation 2655
WHEREAS section 4067 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (50 U.S.C. 21) provides:
Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted…
Proclamation 2656
WHEREAS the United States Army Air Forces have demonstrated throughout the world the ability of air power to spearhead the attacks of our Armed Forces against our enemies, and have materially contributed to the successful completion of the war in Europe…
Proclamation 2657
WHEREAS the act of Congress entitled "An Act to facilitate the construction, extension, or completion of interstate petroleum pipe lines related to national defense, and to promote interstate commerce", approved July 30, 1941 (55 Stat. 610), as amended,…
Proclamation 2658
WHEREAS the Secretary of the Interior has adopted and submitted to me the following amendments of the regulations approved by Proclamation No. 2616 of July 27, 1944, as last amended by Proclamation No. 2625 of September 26, 1944, permitting and governing…
Proclamation 2659
WHEREAS certain Government-owned lands now comprising a part of the Santa Rosa Island National Monument, in the State of Florida, are needed by the War Department for military purposes; and
WHEREAS the elimination of such lands from the national…
Proclamation 2660
The war lords of Japan and the Japanese armed forces have surrendered. They have surrendered unconditionally. Three months after victory in Europe victory has come in the East.
The cruel war of aggression which Japan started eight years ago to spread…
Proclamation 2661
WHEREAS uncontrolled fire, even in normal times, takes a heavy toll of our human and physical resources; and
WHEREAS the needless waste of lives and property occasioned each year by preventable fires has attained increasingly grave proportions; and…
Proclamation 2662
WHEREAS section 4067 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (50 U.S.C. 21) makes provision relative to the restraint and removal from the United States of alien enemies in the interest of the public safety;
WHEREAS the Congress by joint…