WHEREAS by Executive Order No. 9814 of December 23, 1946,(1) there was established the President's Amnesty Board, the functions and duties of which were set out in paragraph 2 of the said Executive order as follows:
"The Board, under such regulations as it may prescribe, shall examine and consider the cases of all persons convicted of violation of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 301 ff.), or of any rule or regulation prescribed under or pursuant to that Act, or convicted of a conspiracy to violate that Act or any rule or regulation prescribed under or pursuant thereto. In any case in which it deems it desirable to do so, the Board shall make a report to the Attorney General which shall include its findings and its recommendations as to whether Executive clemency should be granted or denied, and, in any case in which it recommends that Executive clemency be granted, its recommendations with respect to the form that such clemency should take. The Attorney General shall report the findings and recommendations of the Board to the President, with such further recommendations as he may desire to make."
WHEREAS the Board, after considering all cases coming within the scope of paragraph 2 of the said Executive order, has made a report to the Attorney General, which includes the findings of the Board and its recommendation that Executive clemency be granted in certain of such cases; and
WHEREAS the Attorney General has submitted such report to me with his approval of the recommendation made by the Board with respect to Executive clemency; and
WHEREAS upon consideration of the report and recommendation of the Board and the recommendation of the Attorney General, it appears that certain persons convicted of violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as amended ought to have restored to them the political, civil, and other rights of which they were deprived by reason of such conviction and which may not be restored to them unless they are pardoned:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article II of the Constitution of the United States, do hereby grant a full pardon to those persons convicted of violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as amended whose names are included in the list of names attached hereto and hereby made a part of this proclamation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this 23rd day of December in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-second. [SEAL]
By the President:
Acting Secretary of State.
(1) 3 CFR 1946 Supp.
Name, Date Convicted and U.S. District Court
1. Aaron, Herbert Huston, October 20, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
2. Abernathy, Wilburn, September 22, 1944, Northern Alabama.
3. Abram, Joel, Jr., April 14, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
4. Ackerman, Paul Roland, December 27, 1940, Oregon.
5. Adamy, Edward N., April 30, 1943, New Jersey.
6. Addington, Norman Wallace, October 9, 1945, Eastern Kentucky.
7. Adolph, James Willard, October 18, 1943, Colorado.
8. Agliam, Paustino Acosta, June 26, 1944, Northern California.
9. Aguirre, Joseph, November 28, 1944, Northern California.
10. Akim, Alfred, May 29, 1942, Hawaii.
11. Akutsu, Hitoshi Gene, October 2, 1944, Idaho.
12. Akutsu, Jim Hajime, October 2, 1944, Idaho.
13. Albrecht, Irving G., August 30, 1943, New Jersey.
14. Alexander, Charles E., July 14, 1944, Northern Illinois.
15. Alexander, Daniel, October 29, 1943, Southern New York.
16. Alexander, David, June 21, 1943, Oregon.
17. Allen, James Kenneth, June 2, 1941, Idaho.
18. Allen, Sam, March 11, 1943, Southern Florida.
19. Allman, Orville Sylmer, November 17, 1943, Northern California.
20. Alston, Wiley, November 1, 1943, Eastern North Carolina
21. Alter, John Payne, December 4, 1940, Connecticut.
22. Amate, Atsushi Archie, October 8, 1945, Colorado.
23. Amato, Jose, June 6, 1946, Western Texas
24. Amburgy, Claud Irvine, March 6, 1944, Eastern Kentucky.
25. Amburgy, Kash Day, March 6, 1944, Eastern Kentucky.
26. Amburgy, Marvin Edward, September 20, 1943, Eastern Kentucky.
27. Amburgy, Wayne Spencer, September 20, 1943, Eastern Kentucky.
28. Anderson, Critchlow, December 14, 1945, Northern Alabama.
29. Anderson, Edward, October 27, 1942, north Dakota.
30. Anderson, James, December 1, 1943, Eastern Missouri.
31. Anderson, Walter, December 11, 1944, Western Washington.
32. Andrews, Bennett Wilbur, April 14, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
33. Angel, Ernest Wilson, November 4, 1942, Middle North Carolina.
34. Aniol, Edward Theodore, May 16, 1945, Northern Illinois.
35. Antes, Castor Gigo, August 18, 1942, Hawaii.
36. Antonitis, George, May 22, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
37. Areguello, Miguel, August 6, 1945, Southern Texas.
38. Asai, Dix Takuro, October 31, 1944, Colorado.
39. Asai, Fred Teruo, October 31, 1944, Colorado.
40. Asay, John Burns, February 26, 1945, Northern Illinois.
41. Asber, George, December 1, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
42. Asher, Silas Albert, July 1, 1946, Eastern Arkansas.
43. Ashford, John Lee, December 10, 1945, Eastern Pennsylvania.
44. Ashley, Albert Royall, June 18, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
45. Atkins, Jerome, July 28, 1943, Eastern New York.
46. Atwell, Perry Brittan, November 18, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
47. Auman, Arthur Berton, April 1, 1942, Southern Indiana.
48. Austin, Jessie, August 31, 1943, Western Texas.
49. Ayotte, Euclid Duke Fred, March 9, 1944, Northern New York.
50. Backer, David M., November 8, 1943, Southern Mississippi.
51. Badgeley, Kenneth Carl, January 28, 1944, Southern Ohio.
52. Baggett, Noal, May 6, 1944, Western Oklahoma.
53. Bailey, Claude Ivan, July 30, 1946, Idaho.
54. Bailey, William George, April 19, 1943, Eastern Arkansas.
55. Baity, Wilsie Gray, May 18, 1943, Middle North Carolina.
56. Baker, Jesse Everett, March 14, 1945, Southern New York.
57. Baker, Paul Wilmer, April 12, 1943, Kansas.
58. Baker, Richard Collins, December 8, 1941, Eastern Pennsylvania.
59. Baker, William Louis, November 13, 1944, Northern Texas.
60. Baldwin, Woodie Odell, July 21, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
61. Ball, James Woodrow, November 30, 1940, Southern Iowa. July 2, 1943, Southern Mississippi.
62. Baltazar, Simeon R., June 4, 1945, Northern California.
63. Balthasar, Joseph John, August 29, 1945, Southern New York.
64. Balzhauser, William, June 16, 1943, Northern California.
65. Banfield, Robert Thomas, Jr., December 15, 1943, Vermont.
66. Bangert, Orlo Tony, June 28, 1943, Northern Ohio.
67. Banks, Clyde Samuel, May 16, 1945, Northern Illinois.
68. Barbagallo, Salvatore Dominic, January 19, 1944, Massachusetts.
69. Barber, Robert Watson, July 17, 1942, Northern Illinois.
70. Barker, Floyd Nelson, May 21, 1942, Northern Ohio.
71. Barletta, Harry, May 20, 1942, Southern New York.
72. Barnett, Don Harold, January 19, 1943, Southern Ohio.
73. Bauer, Willis E., January 12, 1942, Northern Ohio.
74. Bauman, Chester Wanner, May 17, 1943, Northern Illinois.
75. Baxter, Ben, October 23, 1943, Arizona.
76. Baxter, Lester Eugene, October 19, 1943, Northern Illinois.
77. Baylor, Michael Lee, July 26, 1946, Southern Alabama.
78. Beard, Donald Roy, January 27, 1944, Eastern Missouri.
79. Beasley, James Elmer, March 18, 1946, Western Virginia.
80. Becker, Leslie Clyde, September 20, 1944, Western Oklahoma.
81. Bee, Howard Gillis, July 6, 1944, Northern West Virginia.
82. Begin, J. Alcide Bertrand, October 9, 1946, Vermont.
83. Bell, Tobias Jethru, May 15, 1944, Southern Mississippi
84. Belton, Paul, December 18, 1944, Eastern South Carolina.
85. Benedict, Donald LaVerne, December 29, 1943, New Jersey; November 14, 1940, Southern New York.
86. Bennett, Paul Edward, November 22, 1943, Eastern Arkansas.
87. Bently, John Henry, January 25, 1944, Southern Florida.
88. Berekoff, John James, May 25 1945, Southern California.
89. Berry, Odell, July 13, 1944, Eastern New York.
90. Berschauer, Arthur Rohland, March 26, 1945, Kansas.
91. Best, Robert, March 9, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
92. Betz, Merle Don, March 10, 1944, Colorado.
93. Bevilacqua, Joseph G., November 14, 1940, Southern New York.
94. Bibbins, Edward M., March 13, 1944, Eastern Pennsylvania.
95. Bible, Reginald Allen, January 11, 1943, Eastern Virginia.
96. Bigelow, William Moody, November 20, 1944, Western New York.
97. Bilan, Frank, October 29, 1942, Middle Pennsylvania.
98. Bishop, Kenneth Russel, December 19, 1945, Oregon.
99. Bitano, Mariano, October 27, 1942, Hawaii.
100. Blackwood, Dr. Jeff Davis, June 30, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
101. Blankenship, Thomas, June 26, 1942, Southern West Virginia.
102. Blanton, John Ellis, May 8, 1946, Florida.
103. Blasiak, David T., March 3, 1944, New Jersey.
104. Bleich, Fred Charles, June 22, 1943, Southern Florida.
105. Bleich, Lesbur, November 22, 1944, Southern Florida.
106. Bohlman, Richard August, May 22, 1945, Minnesota.
107. Bohorchas, Alexander James, May 12, 1942, Northern California.
108. Booker, Clyde, May 27, 1946, Western Louisiana.
109. Boomgaarden, Lloyd Weird, Northern Iowa.
110. Boon, Joe, June 20, 1944. Eastern Arkansas.
111. Boone, James Otis, November 3, 1943, Southern Iowa.
112. Bowen, James Lamar, January 15, 1945, Southern Florida.
113. Bowman, David ?Franklin, February 5, 1944, Southern Indiana.
114. Bowman, Ralph Calvin, June 7, 1944, Western Missouri.
115. Bozman, William Wilson, August 14, 1942, Maryland.
116. Bracken, Ernest, January 24, 1945, Northern Illinois.
117. Branch, Earl Lemnell, February 22, 1943, Southern Florida.
118. Branch, Robert Lee, October 18, 1943, Eastern North Carolina.
119. Brandt, John Charles, October 30, 1942, Northern California.
120. Brenzovich, Frank, Jr., December 13, 1944, Northern Ohio.
121. Brewington, Ervin, September 21, 1945, Eastern North Carolina.
122. Briggs, Carl Maynard, June 14, 1943, Arizona.
123. Bright, Christopher Columbus, Jr., May 28, 1942, Northern Oklahoma.
124. Bristol, James Ellery, October 31, 1941, New Jersey.
125. Britt, James Eason, January 21, 1946, Eastern South Carolina.
126. Brittingham, Littleton Thomas, February 16, 1945, Eastern Pennsylvania.
127. Brodeur, Leon Edward, July 27, 1944, Southern California.
128. Brooke, James Charles, September 27, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
129. Brooks, Arle, December 2, 1942, Southern Mississippi.
130. Brooks, Simon, April 21, 1943, Eastern Louisiana.
131. Brovont, Howard E., March 20, 1944, Western Michigan.
132. Brown, Alfred Junior, December 8, 1943, Northern Oklahoma.
133. Brown, David Wallace, April 6, 1944, Massachusetts.
134. Brown, Frank, September 8, 1944, Middle Georgia.
135. Brown, Harry Edward, September 23, 1943, Southern Florida.
136. Brown, Irvin Walter, January 12, 1945, Western Texas.
137. Brown, James, August 14, 1942, Southern Florida.
138. Brown, John, March 26, 1943, Southern Florida.
139. Brown, Leonard W., October 30, 1943, Eastern Missouri.
140. Brown, Robert Grady, May 20, 1943, Northern Indiana.
141. Brown, Walter, February 22, 1945, Southern Mississippi.
142. Browning, Delbert Romane, June 29, 1942, Western Missouri
143. Broze, Zenon Richard, May 18, 1944, Northern Ohio.
144. Bubriak, Charles, July 19, 1943, New Jersey.
145. Buchnoff, Jim William, April 24, 1943, Southern California.
146. Buck, George D., December 22, 1942, Northern California.
147. Buelow, Merle Robert, March 13, 1946, Northern Ohio.
148. Buenrostro, Santan, December 14, 1944, Southern Texas
149. Bumphrey, Floyd Ossian, June 5, 1944, Southern California.
150. Bumstead, Max Francis, November 6, 1944, Southern California.
151. Burchard, Lloyd August, October 1, 1943, Colorado.
152. Burgess, James, October 5, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
153. Burgh, John Stanley, February 4, 1944, Northern California.
154. Burkett, Billie Joe, February 1, 1945, Western Texas.
155. Burnett, Frank Hester, January 24, 1945, Northern Alabama.
156. Burton, Clifford, December 7, 1943, Southern New York.
157. Bury, Daniel, October 22, 1942, Northern Ohio.
158. Butcher, George McFarland, Jr., January 15, 1945, Connecticut.
159. Buti, Mario, June 1, 1944, Eastern New York
160. Buzzelli, Joseph Anthony, March 5, 1943, Southern New York.
161. Byrd, Frank, June 9, 1943, Western Louisiana.
162. Byrd, Robert Percell, January 12, 1943, Eastern Virginia.
163. Cahoon, Ralph Henry, Jr., March 1, 1945, Southern Texas.
164. Calhoun, David Brannon, September 25, 1942, Connecticut.
165. Calibuzo, Francisco Nuevo, May 18, 1944
"The Board, under such regulations as it may prescribe, shall examine and consider the cases of all persons convicted of violation of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 301 ff.), or of any rule or regulation prescribed under or pursuant to that Act, or convicted of a conspiracy to violate that Act or any rule or regulation prescribed under or pursuant thereto. In any case in which it deems it desirable to do so, the Board shall make a report to the Attorney General which shall include its findings and its recommendations as to whether Executive clemency should be granted or denied, and, in any case in which it recommends that Executive clemency be granted, its recommendations with respect to the form that such clemency should take. The Attorney General shall report the findings and recommendations of the Board to the President, with such further recommendations as he may desire to make."
WHEREAS the Board, after considering all cases coming within the scope of paragraph 2 of the said Executive order, has made a report to the Attorney General, which includes the findings of the Board and its recommendation that Executive clemency be granted in certain of such cases; and
WHEREAS the Attorney General has submitted such report to me with his approval of the recommendation made by the Board with respect to Executive clemency; and
WHEREAS upon consideration of the report and recommendation of the Board and the recommendation of the Attorney General, it appears that certain persons convicted of violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as amended ought to have restored to them the political, civil, and other rights of which they were deprived by reason of such conviction and which may not be restored to them unless they are pardoned:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article II of the Constitution of the United States, do hereby grant a full pardon to those persons convicted of violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as amended whose names are included in the list of names attached hereto and hereby made a part of this proclamation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this 23rd day of December in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-second. [SEAL]
By the President:
Acting Secretary of State.
(1) 3 CFR 1946 Supp.
Name, Date Convicted and U.S. District Court
1. Aaron, Herbert Huston, October 20, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
2. Abernathy, Wilburn, September 22, 1944, Northern Alabama.
3. Abram, Joel, Jr., April 14, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
4. Ackerman, Paul Roland, December 27, 1940, Oregon.
5. Adamy, Edward N., April 30, 1943, New Jersey.
6. Addington, Norman Wallace, October 9, 1945, Eastern Kentucky.
7. Adolph, James Willard, October 18, 1943, Colorado.
8. Agliam, Paustino Acosta, June 26, 1944, Northern California.
9. Aguirre, Joseph, November 28, 1944, Northern California.
10. Akim, Alfred, May 29, 1942, Hawaii.
11. Akutsu, Hitoshi Gene, October 2, 1944, Idaho.
12. Akutsu, Jim Hajime, October 2, 1944, Idaho.
13. Albrecht, Irving G., August 30, 1943, New Jersey.
14. Alexander, Charles E., July 14, 1944, Northern Illinois.
15. Alexander, Daniel, October 29, 1943, Southern New York.
16. Alexander, David, June 21, 1943, Oregon.
17. Allen, James Kenneth, June 2, 1941, Idaho.
18. Allen, Sam, March 11, 1943, Southern Florida.
19. Allman, Orville Sylmer, November 17, 1943, Northern California.
20. Alston, Wiley, November 1, 1943, Eastern North Carolina
21. Alter, John Payne, December 4, 1940, Connecticut.
22. Amate, Atsushi Archie, October 8, 1945, Colorado.
23. Amato, Jose, June 6, 1946, Western Texas
24. Amburgy, Claud Irvine, March 6, 1944, Eastern Kentucky.
25. Amburgy, Kash Day, March 6, 1944, Eastern Kentucky.
26. Amburgy, Marvin Edward, September 20, 1943, Eastern Kentucky.
27. Amburgy, Wayne Spencer, September 20, 1943, Eastern Kentucky.
28. Anderson, Critchlow, December 14, 1945, Northern Alabama.
29. Anderson, Edward, October 27, 1942, north Dakota.
30. Anderson, James, December 1, 1943, Eastern Missouri.
31. Anderson, Walter, December 11, 1944, Western Washington.
32. Andrews, Bennett Wilbur, April 14, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
33. Angel, Ernest Wilson, November 4, 1942, Middle North Carolina.
34. Aniol, Edward Theodore, May 16, 1945, Northern Illinois.
35. Antes, Castor Gigo, August 18, 1942, Hawaii.
36. Antonitis, George, May 22, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
37. Areguello, Miguel, August 6, 1945, Southern Texas.
38. Asai, Dix Takuro, October 31, 1944, Colorado.
39. Asai, Fred Teruo, October 31, 1944, Colorado.
40. Asay, John Burns, February 26, 1945, Northern Illinois.
41. Asber, George, December 1, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
42. Asher, Silas Albert, July 1, 1946, Eastern Arkansas.
43. Ashford, John Lee, December 10, 1945, Eastern Pennsylvania.
44. Ashley, Albert Royall, June 18, 1942, Eastern Pennsylvania.
45. Atkins, Jerome, July 28, 1943, Eastern New York.
46. Atwell, Perry Brittan, November 18, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
47. Auman, Arthur Berton, April 1, 1942, Southern Indiana.
48. Austin, Jessie, August 31, 1943, Western Texas.
49. Ayotte, Euclid Duke Fred, March 9, 1944, Northern New York.
50. Backer, David M., November 8, 1943, Southern Mississippi.
51. Badgeley, Kenneth Carl, January 28, 1944, Southern Ohio.
52. Baggett, Noal, May 6, 1944, Western Oklahoma.
53. Bailey, Claude Ivan, July 30, 1946, Idaho.
54. Bailey, William George, April 19, 1943, Eastern Arkansas.
55. Baity, Wilsie Gray, May 18, 1943, Middle North Carolina.
56. Baker, Jesse Everett, March 14, 1945, Southern New York.
57. Baker, Paul Wilmer, April 12, 1943, Kansas.
58. Baker, Richard Collins, December 8, 1941, Eastern Pennsylvania.
59. Baker, William Louis, November 13, 1944, Northern Texas.
60. Baldwin, Woodie Odell, July 21, 1943, Southern West Virginia.
61. Ball, James Woodrow, November 30, 1940, Southern Iowa. July 2, 1943, Southern Mississippi.
62. Baltazar, Simeon R., June 4, 1945, Northern California.
63. Balthasar, Joseph John, August 29, 1945, Southern New York.
64. Balzhauser, William, June 16, 1943, Northern California.
65. Banfield, Robert Thomas, Jr., December 15, 1943, Vermont.
66. Bangert, Orlo Tony, June 28, 1943, Northern Ohio.
67. Banks, Clyde Samuel, May 16, 1945, Northern Illinois.
68. Barbagallo, Salvatore Dominic, January 19, 1944, Massachusetts.
69. Barber, Robert Watson, July 17, 1942, Northern Illinois.
70. Barker, Floyd Nelson, May 21, 1942, Northern Ohio.
71. Barletta, Harry, May 20, 1942, Southern New York.
72. Barnett, Don Harold, January 19, 1943, Southern Ohio.
73. Bauer, Willis E., January 12, 1942, Northern Ohio.
74. Bauman, Chester Wanner, May 17, 1943, Northern Illinois.
75. Baxter, Ben, October 23, 1943, Arizona.
76. Baxter, Lester Eugene, October 19, 1943, Northern Illinois.
77. Baylor, Michael Lee, July 26, 1946, Southern Alabama.
78. Beard, Donald Roy, January 27, 1944, Eastern Missouri.
79. Beasley, James Elmer, March 18, 1946, Western Virginia.
80. Becker, Leslie Clyde, September 20, 1944, Western Oklahoma.
81. Bee, Howard Gillis, July 6, 1944, Northern West Virginia.
82. Begin, J. Alcide Bertrand, October 9, 1946, Vermont.
83. Bell, Tobias Jethru, May 15, 1944, Southern Mississippi
84. Belton, Paul, December 18, 1944, Eastern South Carolina.
85. Benedict, Donald LaVerne, December 29, 1943, New Jersey; November 14, 1940, Southern New York.
86. Bennett, Paul Edward, November 22, 1943, Eastern Arkansas.
87. Bently, John Henry, January 25, 1944, Southern Florida.
88. Berekoff, John James, May 25 1945, Southern California.
89. Berry, Odell, July 13, 1944, Eastern New York.
90. Berschauer, Arthur Rohland, March 26, 1945, Kansas.
91. Best, Robert, March 9, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
92. Betz, Merle Don, March 10, 1944, Colorado.
93. Bevilacqua, Joseph G., November 14, 1940, Southern New York.
94. Bibbins, Edward M., March 13, 1944, Eastern Pennsylvania.
95. Bible, Reginald Allen, January 11, 1943, Eastern Virginia.
96. Bigelow, William Moody, November 20, 1944, Western New York.
97. Bilan, Frank, October 29, 1942, Middle Pennsylvania.
98. Bishop, Kenneth Russel, December 19, 1945, Oregon.
99. Bitano, Mariano, October 27, 1942, Hawaii.
100. Blackwood, Dr. Jeff Davis, June 30, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
101. Blankenship, Thomas, June 26, 1942, Southern West Virginia.
102. Blanton, John Ellis, May 8, 1946, Florida.
103. Blasiak, David T., March 3, 1944, New Jersey.
104. Bleich, Fred Charles, June 22, 1943, Southern Florida.
105. Bleich, Lesbur, November 22, 1944, Southern Florida.
106. Bohlman, Richard August, May 22, 1945, Minnesota.
107. Bohorchas, Alexander James, May 12, 1942, Northern California.
108. Booker, Clyde, May 27, 1946, Western Louisiana.
109. Boomgaarden, Lloyd Weird, Northern Iowa.
110. Boon, Joe, June 20, 1944. Eastern Arkansas.
111. Boone, James Otis, November 3, 1943, Southern Iowa.
112. Bowen, James Lamar, January 15, 1945, Southern Florida.
113. Bowman, David ?Franklin, February 5, 1944, Southern Indiana.
114. Bowman, Ralph Calvin, June 7, 1944, Western Missouri.
115. Bozman, William Wilson, August 14, 1942, Maryland.
116. Bracken, Ernest, January 24, 1945, Northern Illinois.
117. Branch, Earl Lemnell, February 22, 1943, Southern Florida.
118. Branch, Robert Lee, October 18, 1943, Eastern North Carolina.
119. Brandt, John Charles, October 30, 1942, Northern California.
120. Brenzovich, Frank, Jr., December 13, 1944, Northern Ohio.
121. Brewington, Ervin, September 21, 1945, Eastern North Carolina.
122. Briggs, Carl Maynard, June 14, 1943, Arizona.
123. Bright, Christopher Columbus, Jr., May 28, 1942, Northern Oklahoma.
124. Bristol, James Ellery, October 31, 1941, New Jersey.
125. Britt, James Eason, January 21, 1946, Eastern South Carolina.
126. Brittingham, Littleton Thomas, February 16, 1945, Eastern Pennsylvania.
127. Brodeur, Leon Edward, July 27, 1944, Southern California.
128. Brooke, James Charles, September 27, 1943, Eastern Pennsylvania.
129. Brooks, Arle, December 2, 1942, Southern Mississippi.
130. Brooks, Simon, April 21, 1943, Eastern Louisiana.
131. Brovont, Howard E., March 20, 1944, Western Michigan.
132. Brown, Alfred Junior, December 8, 1943, Northern Oklahoma.
133. Brown, David Wallace, April 6, 1944, Massachusetts.
134. Brown, Frank, September 8, 1944, Middle Georgia.
135. Brown, Harry Edward, September 23, 1943, Southern Florida.
136. Brown, Irvin Walter, January 12, 1945, Western Texas.
137. Brown, James, August 14, 1942, Southern Florida.
138. Brown, John, March 26, 1943, Southern Florida.
139. Brown, Leonard W., October 30, 1943, Eastern Missouri.
140. Brown, Robert Grady, May 20, 1943, Northern Indiana.
141. Brown, Walter, February 22, 1945, Southern Mississippi.
142. Browning, Delbert Romane, June 29, 1942, Western Missouri
143. Broze, Zenon Richard, May 18, 1944, Northern Ohio.
144. Bubriak, Charles, July 19, 1943, New Jersey.
145. Buchnoff, Jim William, April 24, 1943, Southern California.
146. Buck, George D., December 22, 1942, Northern California.
147. Buelow, Merle Robert, March 13, 1946, Northern Ohio.
148. Buenrostro, Santan, December 14, 1944, Southern Texas
149. Bumphrey, Floyd Ossian, June 5, 1944, Southern California.
150. Bumstead, Max Francis, November 6, 1944, Southern California.
151. Burchard, Lloyd August, October 1, 1943, Colorado.
152. Burgess, James, October 5, 1942, Eastern Arkansas.
153. Burgh, John Stanley, February 4, 1944, Northern California.
154. Burkett, Billie Joe, February 1, 1945, Western Texas.
155. Burnett, Frank Hester, January 24, 1945, Northern Alabama.
156. Burton, Clifford, December 7, 1943, Southern New York.
157. Bury, Daniel, October 22, 1942, Northern Ohio.
158. Butcher, George McFarland, Jr., January 15, 1945, Connecticut.
159. Buti, Mario, June 1, 1944, Eastern New York
160. Buzzelli, Joseph Anthony, March 5, 1943, Southern New York.
161. Byrd, Frank, June 9, 1943, Western Louisiana.
162. Byrd, Robert Percell, January 12, 1943, Eastern Virginia.
163. Cahoon, Ralph Henry, Jr., March 1, 1945, Southern Texas.
164. Calhoun, David Brannon, September 25, 1942, Connecticut.
165. Calibuzo, Francisco Nuevo, May 18, 1944