Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 8, Side B. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: 1940 Senatorial campaign; Interstate Commerce Commission; Mr. Truman's mother; extensive discussion of the Korean War and the need for a TV program to give the facts about it; General Douglas MacArthur including the meeting at Wake Island; civilian control of the military; stories of the Mexican War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War; prisoners of war; the United Nations; and the term "police action."
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Search Results: 18 sound recordings
Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 5. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: Korean War; United Nations; world government; brainwashing; Japan; Mark Twain.
Merle Miller interview with Harry S. Truman, William Hillman, and David Noyes is a duplicate of SR94-6. See separate finding aid for detailed description of these tapes. Duplicates Tape 4, Side A, which itself duplicates Tape 3. Three brief portions have been omitted, apparently inadvertently.
Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 4, Side B. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: Father Tiernan (chaplain for Battery D); New York City; witch hunting and hysteria in the United States; Mormons; Ku Klux Klan in Jackson County, Missouri. Much of this tape duplicates Tape 1, Side A.
Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 7, Side A. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording includes such subjects as: William Jennings Bryan; optimists; courtesy; personal grudges; Roman Emperors; military leaders; the presidents and the press and the development of press conferences; reflections on being in the U.S. Senate; and the Truman Committee.