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  2. HST-FBP_1-22_01 - 1911-07-02

HST-FBP_1-22_01 - 1911-07-02

Transcript Date

Dear Bessie:

Thanks for Keith of the Border. He is the kind of a story I like. I read it straight through without stopping. Haven't got over the headache yet as a result.

I haven't been able to obtain Ashes of a God yet but have sent to the publishers for it. Guess it'll arrive in a few days. Whenever it does I'll send it along or bring it if I am able. I have three of your books now. I am not going to send any of them home until I can bring them myself as you know what luck I once had.

Did you get a letter from me not long ago? Please answer if only to give me fits for being so fresh.



Grandview, Mo.

July 1, 1911

It is so hot the thermometers have stuck out here. When it was so hot last Sunday, Uncle Harrison said "This sure is ___ on the little thermometers." It takes a good big one to do any good now.