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U.S. Air Force

Pen President Truman Used to Sign Senate Bill 1267

Mounted pen used by President Harry S. Truman to sign Senate Bill 1267. The bill authorized a unitary plan for construction of transonic and supersonic wind tunnel facilities and the establishment of an Air Engineering Development Center. This is from an album of images detailing the accomplishments of the first 20 years of the Arnold Engineering Development Center, sent to former president Truman by General Jessup D. Lowe.

President Truman at the Dedication of Arnold Engineering Development Center

President Harry S. Truman and Eleanor Pool Arnold share smiles next to a plaque during the dedication of Arnold Engineering Development Center near Tullahoma, TN. The AEDC was named for General Henry "Hap" Arnold, the first General of the Air Force, and is a facility with wind tunnels dedicated to testing air and space technology. This photo is from an album of images detailing the accomplishments of the first 20 years of the AEDC, sent to former president Truman by General Jessup D. Lowe.

Stuart Symington shown taking the oath of office as Secretary of the Air Force

W. Stuart Symington, former Assistant Secretary of War for Air (1946-47) is shown taking the oath of office as Secretary of the Air Force from Chief Justice Fred Vinson. Left to right are: Mr. Symington, Secretary of the Army Kenneth C. Royall; Secretary of Defense James N. Forrestal; Chief Justice Fred Vinson; and Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan.