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  4. Atrocities on Trial

Atrocities on Trial

Lesson Author
Required Time Frame
Two weeks
Grade Level(s)
Lesson Abstract
Students will determine which war crime trials were the most heinous during World War II and use evidence to build a case to convict the guilty.

Students will determine which war crime trials were the most heinous during World War II and use evidence to build a case to convict the guilty.

Rationale (why are you doing this?)
  • Students will evaluate primary source documents and media.
  • Students will write and defend a thesis and develop critical thinking skills.
  • Students will practice public speaking skills.
Lesson Objectives - the student will
  • Examine and evaluate primary sources at the end of World War II.
  • Develop skills to analyze and synthesize primary sources to develop an argument.
District, state, or national performance and knowledge standards/goals/skills met
  • 3aX:  Examine the wars of the 20th century pertinent to US history
  • 6L:  Analyze how the roles of class, ethnic, racial, gender and age groups have changed in society
  • 6N:  Predict the consequences that occur when institutions fail to meet the needs of individuals and groups and fail to carry out personal responsibilities
  • 6O:  Determine the causes, consequences and possible resolutions of cultural conflicts
  • 7A:  Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources
  • 7C:  Distinguish between fact and opinion and analyze sources to recognize bias
Primary sources needed (document, photograph, artifact, diary or letter, audio or visual recording, etc.) needed



Soviet Union

United States

Technology Required


Fully describe the activity or assignment in detail. What will both the teacher and the students do?

Students will be provided four folders of primary documents.  Each folder contains primary source document evidence of atrocities committed in World War II.  Each folder contains evidence from a distinct country.  Students will be told they are on a war tribunal and must determine which of the countries committed the worst atrocities and will be brought to trial before the tribunal.  Students will not be allowed to choose multiple countries; therefore, they must evaluate which of the offenders were the most heinous.

After choosing a country, the students will build a case against that country to argue in trial.  Students will then argue that case in class, time permitting.

Assessment: fully explain the assessment method in detail or create and attach a scoring guide

Tribunal Scoring Guide
