Oral History Interviews
The Truman Library has approximately 500 interviews supplementing the written record of Harry S. Truman's life and times. The interviews are available in transcript form and range in length from fewer than 10 to over 1,000 pages, with most being between 20 and 200 pages. Most of the interviews include a name and subject index attached to the transcript. There is a cumulative index for the entire oral history collection available in the research room at the Library.
The list below gives the name of the person interviewed, his or her principal positions, and the number of pages in the transcript. This list does not include information about specific copyright or donor restrictions. This information is included with the individual interview transcripts. Interviews that were conducted by an oral history program other than the Library's are properly accredited. Interviews with friends, neighbors, and personal associates of Harry S. Truman have been conducted by the National Park Service, and transcripts can be found on their website.
CABOT, JOHN M. | Consul general, Shanghai, China, 1948-49; Minister to Finland, 1950-52; Ambassador to Pakistan, 1952-53. 103 pages. |
CABOT, THOMAS D. | Director of International Security Affairs, Department of State, 1951. 48 pages. |
CADY, JOHN F. | Chief, South Asian Branch, Division of Research for the Near East and Africa, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State, 1945-49. 66 pages. |
CAIRNCROSS, SIR ALEXANDER. | Economic adviser to the Board of Trade, United Kingdom, 1946-49; economic adviser, 1949-50 and director, Economic Division, 1950, Organization for European Economic Cooperation. 29 pages. |
CALDWELL, ALAN | Seaman First Class, U.S.S. Missouri during President Truman's trip to Rio de Janeiro, 1947. 43 pages. |
CAMPBELL, JOHN C. | Officer in Charge of Balkan Affairs, Office of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State, 1949-55. 210 pages. |
CARDOZO, MICHAEL H. | Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, 1945-52; Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic Affairs, Department of State, 1950-52. 83 pages. |
CARSON, JOHN J. | Commissoner, Federal Trade Commission, 1949-1953. 123 pages. |
CARTER, JOHN FRANKLIN | Journalist (pen name, Jay Franklin). 67 pages. |
CARTER, OLIVER J. | Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee of California, 1948-51; U.S. District Judge, Northern District of California, 1950-76. 145 pages. |
CASS, MILLARD. | Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Labor, 1946-47 and to the Under Secretary of Labor, 1947-50; Special Assistant to the Secretary of Labor, 1950-55. 53 pages. |
CATUDAL, HONORE M. | Official, Trade Agreements Division, Department of State, 1934-62. 73 pages. |
CHAPMAN, OSCAR L. | Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1933-46; Under Secretary of the Interior, 1946-48; Secretary of the Interior, 1949-53. 973 pages. |
CHILES, HENRY P. | Friend of the Truman family. 91 pages. |
CHILES, JOHN H. | Secretary, General Staff of the Far East Command, and Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, 1948-50; staff officer and combat officer, Korean war, 1950-51. 58 pages. |
CHRISTIDIS, THEODORE | General counselor, 1950-53, and deputy head, 1953-55, Greek Permanent Delegation, Organization for European Economic Cooperation. 38 pages. |
CLAGUE, EWAN. | Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, 1946-54. 125 pages. |
CLARK, TOM C. | Attorney General of the United States, 1945-49; Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1949-67. Two interviews, 230 pages. Also an |
CLARKE, BRUCE C. | U.S. Army officer, commander of racially integrated units. 212 pages. |
CLARKE, SIR ASHLEY | Minister, British Embassy in Paris, France, 1946-49; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Great Britain, 1950-53. 37 pages. |
CLAY, LUCIUS D. | Commander in chief, U.S. Forces in Europe and Military Governor, U.S. Zone, Germany, 1947-49. 52 pages. |
CLEGG, CUTHBERT | Member, Anglo-American Council on Productivity, 1948-52. 35 pages. |
CLIFFORD, CLARK M. | Special Counsel to the President, 1946-50. 483 pages. |
CLUBB, O. EDMUND. | Foreign Service officer, 1928-52; consul general, Vladivostok, U.S.S.R., 1944-46, Shenyong, Manchuria, 1946, Harbin, Manchuria, 1946, Changchun, Manchuria, 1946-47, and Beiping, China, 1947-50; Director, Office of Chinese Affairs, Department of State, 1950-51. 95 pages. |
COHEN, EDGAR. | Official, British Board of Trade, 1932-53. 77 pages. |
COLE, DAVID L. | Director, Federal Mediation and Con |