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Oral History Interviews


The Truman Library has approximately 500 interviews supplementing the written record of Harry S. Truman's life and times. The interviews are available in transcript form and range in length from fewer than 10 to over 1,000 pages, with most being between 20 and 200 pages. Most of the interviews include a name and subject index attached to the transcript. There is a cumulative index for the entire oral history collection available in the research room at the Library.

The list below gives the name of the person interviewed, his or her principal positions, and the number of pages in the transcript. This list does not include information about specific copyright or donor restrictions. This information is included with the individual interview transcripts. Interviews that were conducted by an oral history program other than the Library's are properly accredited. Interviews with friends, neighbors, and personal associates of Harry S. Truman have been conducted by the National Park Service, and transcripts can be found on their website.

MacDONALD, DONALD J. Naval officer; commander of the presidential yacht, USS Williamsburg, 1948-51. 78 pages.
MACY, J. NOEL. Assistant Chief, International Information Division, Department of State, 1945-46; Chief, International Press and Publications Division, Department of State, 1946-48. 59 pages.
MAFFRY, AUGUST. Vice president and economic adviser, Export-Import Bank, 1945-47; consultant, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948-51. 38 pages.
MAKINS, SIR ROGER M. (LORD SHERFIELD). Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, United Kingdom, 1947-48; Deputy Under Secretary of State, United Kingdom, 1948-52; Ambassador to the United States, 1952-56. Two interviews, 70 pages.
MAKTOS, JOHN. Assistant Legal Adviser for International Organization, 1947-51, and Assistant Legal Adviser for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs, Department of State, 1951-52. 48 pages.
MALAGODI, GIOVANNI. Member, Italian delegation, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 1947-53. 39 pages.
MALETZ, HERBERT N. Attorney-Investigator, Special Committee of the Senate to Investigate the National Defense Program (Truman Committee), 1941-42. 59 pages.
MANN, THOMAS C. Foreign Service officer, 1946-67; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1950-51. 99 pages.
MARA, CORNELIUS J. Assistant military aide to the President, 1949-52. 125 pages.
MARJOLIN, ROBERT. Secretary General, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, France, 1948-55. Two interviews, 57 pages.
MARKEZINIS, SPYROS. Minister for Coordination and Economic Planning, Greece, 1949-54. 79 pages.
MARKS, TED. Harry S. Truman's friend and fellow officer in World War I. 83 pages.
MARSHALL, CHARLES BURTON Consultant, Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1946-47; consultant, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1947-50; member of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, 1950-53. 162 pages.
MARTIN, EDWIN McCAMMON Deputy Director, Office of International Trade Policy, 1948-49; Director, Office of European Regional Affairs, 1949-52; Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs, 1952-53. 56 pages.
MARTIN, EDWIN W. Consul, Taipei, Formosa, 1949-50; Second Secretary and consul, U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, Burma, 1950-51; staff member, 1952 and Deputy Director, 1953-54, Office of Chinese Affairs, Department of State. 116 pages.
MASON, EDWARD S. Economic consultant to the Department of State, 1946-47; chief economic adviser, U.S. delegation, Conference of Foreign Ministers (Moscow), 1947; Member, President's Materials Policy Commission, 1951-52. 46 pages.
MASON, LOWELL B. Member, Federal Trade Commission, 1945-56. 82 pages.
MATHEWS, ELBERT G. Assistant Chief, 1947-48, Chief, 1948-49, Division of South Asian Affairs, Department of State; Director, Office of South Asian Affairs, Department of State, 1950-51; consul general, Istanbul, Turkey, 1951-52. 77 pages.
MATLOCK, CLIFFORD C. Political adviser, European Coordinating Committee, London, 1949-50; political officer, U.S. delegation, North Atlantic Council, London, 1949-50; political officer and Director, Plans and Policy Staff, Office of U.S. Special Representative in Europe, 1952-53. 195 pages.
MATSCHECK, WALTER Director, Kansas City Civic Research Institute, 1921-36. 81 pages.
MATTEI, FRANCO. Member, Committee for European Economic Cooperation, Italy. 27 pages.
MATTHEWS, H. FREEMAN. Member, U.S. delegation, Berlin Conference, 1945; political adviser, Council of Foreign Ministers meetings, Moscow, 1945, Paris, 1946, New York, 1946; Ambassador to Sweden, 1947-50; Deputy Under Secretary of State, 1950-53. 35 pages.
McCOLM, GEORGE L. Lieutenant, US Navy, 1944; Chief of Agriculture, Joint Army-Navy Planning and Training Staffs, The Presidio, Monterey, California, 1945, War Department; in charge of Military Government, Ponape Island, 1945-46; Soil Conservation Officer, Navajo Reservation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1946-52; Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs Nursery, 1952-57. 151 pages.