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Oral History Interviews


The Truman Library has approximately 500 interviews supplementing the written record of Harry S. Truman's life and times. The interviews are available in transcript form and range in length from fewer than 10 to over 1,000 pages, with most being between 20 and 200 pages. Most of the interviews include a name and subject index attached to the transcript. There is a cumulative index for the entire oral history collection available in the research room at the Library.

The list below gives the name of the person interviewed, his or her principal positions, and the number of pages in the transcript. This list does not include information about specific copyright or donor restrictions. This information is included with the individual interview transcripts. Interviews that were conducted by an oral history program other than the Library's are properly accredited. Interviews with friends, neighbors, and personal associates of Harry S. Truman have been conducted by the National Park Service, and transcripts can be found on their website.

DANIEL, E. CLIFTON Chief, Washington D.C. bureau, New York Times, 1973-77 and son-in-law of Harry S. Truman. 77 pages.
DANIELS, JONATHAN. Press Secretary to the President, 1945; Editor, Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer, 1948-70. 201 pages.
DANIELS, PAUL C. Foreign Service officer, 1928-53; Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1945-47; Ambassador to Honduras, 1947; Director, Office of American Republic Affairs, Department of State, 1947-49; ambassador to the Council of the Organization of American States, 1948-50; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1951-53. 40 pages.
DAVIDSON, C. GIRARD. Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1946-50. 225 pages.
DAWSON, DONALD S. Administrative Assistant to the President, 1947-53. 98 pages. Also an interview
DE GRUBEN, HERVE. Director of Political Affairs, Belgium, 1945-53. 27 pages.
DE WELDON, FELIX. Sculptor. 59 pages.
DEIMEL, HENRY L. Special Assistant to the Director for Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State, 1945-49; Counselor for Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India, 1949-52. 113 pages.
DELOZIER, MARY L., LIBERTY L. PRESTON, AND MARY B. HARRIS. Children and grandchild of Henry G. Bennett, first administrative director of the Technical Cooperation Administration, Department of State, 1951. 98 pages.
DENNISON, ROBERT L. Naval Aide to the President, 1948-53. 214 pages.
DICKEY, JOHN S. Chief, World Trade Intelligence Division, Office of Public Affairs, Department of State, 1944-45; public liaison officer, U.S. delegation, U.N. Conference on International Organization, 1945. 112 pages.
DIVERS, WILLIAM K. Chairman, Home Loan Bank Board, 1947-54. 369 pages.
DODSON, JAMES E. Director, Office of Budget and Management, Department of Labor, 1942-52. 127 pages.
DONNELLY, EUGENE, and EDWARD P. MEISBURGER. Members of Battery D, 129th Field Artillery during World War I. Interview conducted by the William Jewell College Oral History Project, 59 pages.
DOTY, DALE E. Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1950-52; Commissioner, Federal Power Commission, 1952-54. 114 pages.
DOXIADIS, CONSTANTINOS A. Minister of Housing and Reconstruction, Greece, 1945-48. 29 pages.
DRAPER, WILLIAM H. Under Secretary of War, 1947; Under Secretary of the Army, 1947-49; U.S. Special Representative in Europe with the rank of Ambassador, 1952-53. 87 pages.
DRYDEN, MILDRED L. Secretary to Senator Harry S. Truman, 1934-45. 112 pages.
DuBOIS, JOSIAH E., JR. Member, Allied Reparations Commission, Moscow, 1945; Member, U.S. delegation, Berlin Conference (Potsdam), 1945; Deputy Chief of Counsel for War Crimes in charge of I.G. Farben case, Nuremberg, Germany, 1947-48. 39 pages.
DURBROW, ELBRIDGE. Foreign Service officer, 1930-68; Chief, Eastern European Division, Department of State, 1944-46; Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1946-48; Minister-Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy, 1952-54. 99 pages.
DUX, MICHAEL J. Economist, Department of State, 1946-55. 49 pages.