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Personal Papers and Organizational Records


The Truman Library has accumulated approximately 600 collections of President Truman's relatives, friends and associates.

The online finding aids are intended to provide information to researchers intending to make a research visit to the library, not as a means of selecting materials for mail order photocopying. The folder titles are typically not specific enough for that purpose.

  • Gallen, Patrick H. Papers- Friend of Harry S. Truman This collection contains copies of correspondence between Patrick H. Gallen, Harry S. Truman, and members of the White House staff, and copies of a few other items [Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch |…
  • Gallu, Samuel Papers- Writer, producer, and director; author of Give ‘em Hell, Harry! (1975). The papers of Samuel Gallu consist of drafts of his one-man play about President Harry S. Truman, Give ‘em Hell, Harry! [Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch |…
  • Galvin, Michael J. Papers- Under Secretary of Labor, 1949-1953 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 10 linear feet, 11 linear inches. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in…
  • Gardiner, Arthur Z. Papers- Special Assistant, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs, Department of State, 1945-1954; Economic Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Vietnam, 1958-1962; Director, International Cooperation Administration Missions, Vietnam, 1958-1962;…
  • Gardner, Warner W. Papers- Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1946-1947. See also Warner W. Gardner oral history. [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 2 linear feet. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.…
  • Garner, Robert L. Papers- Vice-President, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1947-1956 The papers of Robert L. Garner consist mostly of materials written by Garner, including speeches, a diary, an article, and an autobiography. The papers also include…
  • Garwood, Ellen Clayton Papers- Daughter of Will Clayton. Author of Will Clayton: A Short Biography (1958) The papers of Ellen Clayton Garwood consist primarily of correspondence from Will Clayton to his daughter Ellen regarding various personal and political matters, typed…
  • Gates, George Porterfield Papers- Grandfather of Bess Wallace Truman The George Porterfield Gates papers contain correspondence, bills, receipts, financial records and other materials relating to his life, family and business career. George Porterfield Gates was the grandfather…
  • Geaney, Victoria Papers- Hostess-Manager at Blair House, 1942-1961 The Victoria Geaney papers contain letters written to her by Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and others during her years as the official Hostess-Manager at Blair House. Also included is an assortment of…
  • Gertz, Elmer Papers- Attorney, Collector, Professor, and Author The papers of Elmer Gertz include correspondence, brochures, newsletters, programs, booklets, speeches, studies, press releases, and book-length publications relating to Gertz, President Truman, and the…
  • Gibson, John W. Papers- Assistant Secretary of Labor, 1946-1950; Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission, 1950-1952 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 22 linear feet, 4 linear inches. Access: Open. Copyright: The…
  • Gillette, Edward C. Papers- Attorney, collector of historic documents The Edward C. Gillette Papers contain correspondence, legal documents, and other items signed by Harry S. Truman, as well as printed materials, photographs, and artifacts related to Truman, and a letter…
  • Gilmore, Robert M. Papers- Assistant Vice President, Southern Pacific Company The Papers of Robert M. Gilmore consist of seventeen letters from Harry S. Truman to Robert M. Gilmore and two letters from Bess W. Truman to Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore. Also included in the collection…
  • Ginsburg, Arthur Papers- Collector of Political Memorabilia The papers of Arthur Ginsburg consist of correspondence, printed campaign materials, political propaganda, and other items. [Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series…
  • Ginsburgh, A. Robert Papers- Member of the staff of the Secretary of Defense, 1949-1953 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 6 linear feet. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in…
  • Girton, Dorothy Papers- Editor of the Democratic Digest The papers of Dorothy Girton consist of copies of pages from her scrapbook featuring newspaper clippings, official invitations from the White House, and programs from political and social events during the…
  • Gladieux, Bernard L. Papers- Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce, 1945-1950 The papers of Bernard L. Gladieux consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes and other items related to the work of the Department of Commerce. [Administrative Information |…
  • Gleason, S. Everett Papers- Historian, Council on Foreign Relations, 1946-1950; Deputy Executive Secretary, National Security Council, 1950-1959; Cultural Attaché, U.S. Embassy, London, England, 1959-1961; Historian, U.S. Department of State, 1962-1972 The papers of S.…
  • Glick, Edward M. Papers- Public Affairs Officer, Department of State, 1951-1953; Speechwriter, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1953-1957 The papers of Edward M. Glick consist of speeches he drafted during his government service as a speechwriter at the…
  • Glick, Philip Papers- Deputy Director, War Relocation Authority, 1945-1946; General Counsel, Federal Public Housing Authority and Public Housing Administration, 1946-1948 The papers of Philip Glick consist of reports, books, newspaper clippings, speeches, and personal…
  • Golden, William T. Papers- Science Advisor to the President, 1950-1951 The papers of William T. Golden consist of correspondence, memoranda, and printed material concerning Golden’s work as Science Advisor to the President and the early years of the President’s Science…
  • Golding, Robert N. Papers- General Counsel, Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation, 1948-1950; Consultant and Special Assistant for East-West Trade Affairs, Economic Cooperation Administration and Mutual Security Agency,