Personal Papers and Organizational Records
The Truman Library has accumulated approximately 600 collections of President Truman's relatives, friends and associates.
The online finding aids are intended to provide information to researchers intending to make a research visit to the library, not as a means of selecting materials for mail order photocopying. The folder titles are typically not specific enough for that purpose.
- Hackman, Larry J. Papers- Director, Harry S. Truman Library, 1995-2000 The papers of Larry J. Hackman include correspondence, financial records, handwritten notes, printed materials, and other items concerning his activities as Director of the Harry S. Truman Library; his…
- Hafstad, Lawrence R. Papers- Executive Secretary, Research and Development Board, Department of Defense, 1947-1949; Director of Reactor Development, Atomic Energy Commission, 1949-1955 The papers of Lawrence R. Hafstad mostly relate to his work as the Executive Secretary of…
- Hahn, August C. Papers- Deputy Assistant Postmaster General, 1950-1967 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 5 linear feet. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in…
- Hahn, Peter L. Papers- Historian and Interviewer of George McGhee The papers of Peter L. Hahn include correspondence, notes, and a speech transcript related to Hahn's research into the career of George McGhee, an Assistant Secretary of State assigned to the Middle East…
- Halsey, Edwin A. Papers- Secretary of the U.S. Senate, 1933-1945 The Papers of Edwin A. Halsey mainly consist of correspondence between Halsey and Harry S. Truman, as well as correspondence with other individuals. [Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch |…
- Halvorson, H.H. Papers- Kansas City, Missouri realtor and business associate of Harry S. Truman in the Community Savings and Loan Association The papers of H. H. Halvorson primarily relate to his career as vice-president and director of the Community Savings and Loan…
- Hamby, Alonzo L. Papers- Professor of History, Ohio University The papers of Alonzo L. Hamby include correspondence, interview notes, newspaper clippings, and other items relating primarily to the author's research for his biography Man of the People: A Life of…
- Hamrick, David E. Papers- Private First Class Company D, 110th Ammunition train, 35th Division, American Expeditionary Force The David E. Hamrick Papers contain letters from Hamrick to his future wife, Allie Carson written while he was deployed in France during World War…
- Hannegan, Robert E. Papers- Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1943-45; Postmaster General of the United States, 1945-47; Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, 1944-47The collection primarily documents Hannegan's career in the above mentioned positions and is likely…
- Hardy, Benjamin H. Papers- Chief Public Affairs Officer, Technical Cooperation Administration, 1950-1951 The papers of Benjamin H. Hardy relate primarily to the “Point Four” program. Hardy helped originate the idea for this program, which was formally proposed by President…
- Harkins, Claude and Harkins, Inez Papers- Collectors of Historical Memorabilia The papers of Claude and Inez Harkins consist of photographs, correspondence, printed materials, and architectural drawings reflecting their interest in collecting memorabilia related to the White House and…
- Harl, Maple T. Papers- Member, Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1945-1957; Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1945-1953 The papers of Maple T. Harl primarily relate to his service in the military during World War I and his…
- Harper, Roy W. Papers- Chairman, State Offices, Harry S. Truman for U.S. Senator Renomination and Election Committee, 1940; Chairman, Missouri State Democratic Committee, 1946-1947; U.S. District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, 1947-1991 The…
- Harry S. Truman Centennial Records- [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 6 linear feet, 7 linear inches. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material…
- Harry S. Truman Collection- The Harry S. Truman Collection contains materials relating to the life and times of President Harry S. Truman that were given to Mr. Truman or to the Truman Library by various persons or organizations. The collection includes correspondence,…
- Harry S. Truman Democratic Club Records- The records document the proceedings of the Harry S. Truman Democratic Club of Danville, Ill., from the organization's founding in 1969, until its dissolution in 1989. The Club's stated mission was "to advocate and promote the political philosophy…
- Harry S. Truman Library Institute Records- [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 14 linear feet, 10 linear inches. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material…
- Harry S. Truman Library, Inc. Records- [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 35 linear feet. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S…
- Harry S. Truman Political Campaigns Collection- The Harry S. Truman Political Campaigns Collection consists of various types of documents pertaining to Harry S. Truman's elections to such political offices as Jackson County Judge, United States Senator, Vice President, and President of the…
- Harry S. Truman Statue Committee Records- The records of the Harry S. Truman Statue Committee consist of balance sheets, bank statements, correspondence, minutes of meetings, paid receipts, lists of contributors, newspaper clippings and other documents related to fundraising for and…
- Hartwig, Lawrence E. Papers- Member, 1945-1951, and Chairman, 1948-1951, Appeal Board, Office of Contract Settlement; Member, 1951-1973, and Chairman, 1961-1971, Renegotiation Board [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 6…
- Haukenberry, Helen Ardis Papers- Cousin of Harry