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Personal Papers and Organizational Records


The Truman Library has accumulated approximately 600 collections of President Truman's relatives, friends and associates.

The online finding aids are intended to provide information to researchers intending to make a research visit to the library, not as a means of selecting materials for mail order photocopying. The folder titles are typically not specific enough for that purpose.

  • Baade, Paul W. Papers- Major General, U.S. Army, and Commanding Officer, 35th Division, 1943-1946 The papers of Paul W. Baade consist of correspondence, maps, newspaper clippings, photos, publications, and certificates relating to General Baade's military career, and…
  • Baldridge, Holmes Papers- Assistant Attorney General in Charge of the Civil Division, Department of Justice, 1951-1953 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Size: 29 linear feet. Access: Open. Copyright: The donor gave to the…
  • Balducchi, David E. Papers- Historian and Official with the U.S. Department of Labor The papers of David E. Balducchi include letters and articles he received from William L. Batt, Jr. concerning Batt's involvement with the Lend-Lease program, his military service during…
  • Ball, Max W. Papers- Director, Oil and Gas Division, Department of the Interior, 1946-1948 The papers of Max W. Ball include diaries, printed materials, correspondence, speech transcripts, and other items concerning Ball's life and his career as a government official…
  • Barkley, Alben W. Papers- Vice President of the United States, 1945-1953 The Alben W. Barkley Papers consist of transcripts of interviews conducted with Alben Barkley by Sidney Shalett. The interviews include recollections of Barkley's personal life and political career,…
  • Barnard, Harry Papers- Biographer and Journalist The papers of Harry Barnard include correspondence of Harry Barnard and his family as well as selected correspondence of Steven A. Mitchell, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Materials from and relating to…
  • Barnes, Irston R. Papers- Director, Economic Bureau, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1944-1945; Economic Adviser to the Civil Aeronautics Board, 1945-1948; Economist, Federal Trade Commission, 1945-1952   [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE…
  • Barriere, John E. Papers- Staff member, Research Division, Democratic National Committee, 1948 The papers of John E. Barriere consist mainly of materials produced by the Research Division of the Democratic National Committee for President Harry S. Truman's 1948 campaign.…
  • Bartley, Ernest R. Papers- Navigator, United States Army Air Forces, World War II. The papers of Ernest R. Bartley mostly consist of military orders, maps and books pertaining to Bartley’s service as a navigator in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II. Some orders…
  • Batt, William L. Papers- Vice-Chairman, War Production Board, 1941-1945; Chief of Economic Cooperation Administration Mission in Great Britain, 1950-1952 The papers of William L. Batt include correspondence, press clippings, reports, diaries, a significant number of…
  • Battle, Lucius D. Papers- State Department Official 1946-1955, 1964-1968, including Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, 1949-1953 The papers of Lucius D. Battle contain most importantly forty-three letters from Dean Acheson, written between 1952 and 1963 and in…
  • Beale, Wilson T.M., Jr. Papers- Penfield Fellow, London School of Economics, 1933-1935; Foreign Service Officer, 1946-1969; Economist, Department of State, 1946-1947; Professor, National War College, 1948-1949 [Administrative Information | Folder Title List] ADMINISTRATIVE…
  • Bean, Louis H. Papers- Economist, research staff of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1923-33; Economic Adviser, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1933-39; Counselor, Office of the Chief of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1939-41; Assistant to the…
  • Beckman, Richard Papers- Agent, Criminal Investigation Division, U.S. Army; Assigned to Protect President Harry S. Truman at the Potsdam Conference in Germany The Richard Beckman Papers include correspondence, a personal memoir, memorabilia, photographs, newspaper…
  • Bell, David E. Papers- Budget Examiner, Bureau of the Budget, 1945-1947; Special Assistant in the White House, 1947-1948, 1949-1951; Assistant to the Chief, Fiscal Division, Bureau of the Budget, 1948-1949; Administrative Assistant to the President, 1951-1953 The…
  • Bell, Roscoe E. Papers- Industrial Analyst, Bonneville Power Administration, and Coordinator, Western Phosphate Program, Department of the Interior, 1945-1948; Assistant Director, Bureau of Land Management, 1948; Associate Director, Bureau of Land Management, 1948-1951;…
  • Bellows, Everett H. Papers- Director, Productivity and Technical Assistance Division, Office of U.S. Special Representative in Europe, Mutual Security Agency, 1951-1953 The papers of Everett H. Bellows consist of correspondence, reports, news clippings, photographs and…
  • Belsley, G. Lyle Papers- Executive Secretary, War Production Board, 1942-1945 The papers of G. Lyle Belsley consist of bound reports on U.S. defense production and other economic aspects of World War II, and printed materials that are also related to the war. […
  • Belton (Missouri) Lodge No. 450, A.F. & A.M. Records- These records include photocopies of the minutes of meetings from 1909 to 1916 of the Masonic Lodge in Belton, Missouri. Also included is a photocopy of the Petition for Initiation of Harry S. Truman, dated December 21, 1908. [Administrative…
  • Bennett, Henry G. Papers- President, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1928-1951; Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration, 1950-1951 The Papers of Henry G. Bennett consist of correspondence, handwritten notes, financial records, memorandums,…
  • Bentley, Nancy Papers- Friend of Mary Martha Truman and Margaret Ellen Truman Noland The papers of Nancy Bentley consist of correspondence sent to Bentley by Mary Martha Truman and Margaret Ellen Truman Noland from 1882 to 1891. The correspondence documents personal…
  • Bergheim, Myrtle Papers- Secretary to Charles Ross, Press Secretary to the President, 1945-1950 The papers of Myrtle Bergheim consist of printed materials, correspondence, invitations, certificates, train schedules, and other items relating to her